
美 [tɑr]英 [tɑː(r)]
  • n.焦油;焦油沥青;柏油;(烟草点燃后产生的)焦油
  • v.用沥青涂抹;用柏油铺
  • adj.涂有柏油的
  • 网络西藏自治区(Tibet Autonomous Region);西藏自治区(Tibetan Autonomous Region);磁带归档

过去式:tarred 第三人称单数:tars 现在分词:tarring



n. v.

2.(烟草点燃后产生的)焦油a substance similar to tar that is formed by burning tobacco


焦油 ( Tar ):放下一滩持续45秒的 焦油 ,降低 焦油 10码之内敌对目标的移动速度, 焦油 可以被点燃45秒。瞬发,15秒冷却。


柏字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 柏 bǎi 柏油〖 asphaltum;pitch;tar〗 柏拉图〖 plato〗 ...

西藏自治区(Tibet Autonomous Region)

Tibet Autonomous Region (TAR) chairman Pema Choling, reporting on the achievements of 2010, said: “With the focus on ope…


英语发音_百度文库 ... balm 止痛油 tar 沥青,焦油 tart 酸 ...


英语六级词汇(新大纲) ... tangle/ 5tANgl/vt. 使缠结,使纠缠 tar/ ta:/n. 柏油,焦油 tease/ ti:z/vt. 逗乐,戏弄;强求 ...

西藏自治区(Tibetan Autonomous Region)

西藏自治区TAR )的组成面积,只有不到历史上西藏面积的一半,由中国在1965年因行政原因建立。但必须注意的是,中国 …


TA:Temperature Ambient_英文缩写 ... TAR 节流阀角速率 TAR 磁带归档 TAFE 技术与职业教育 ...

With a posse of followers, he burst into a lecture hall, poured hot tar on the professor and then decorated him with feathers. 他带着一帮地方武装分子,闯进了大学报告厅,把滚烫的柏油倾倒在教授身上,然后把羽毛沾在上面。
The dark, brooding 2001 Sperss displays great character with its complex nose of tar, licorice, underbrush and new oak. 颜色深暗的思波斯果园2001展现出焦油,甘草,灌木丛和新橡木等复杂的香气。
Just as I was about to pop another piece of black tar tofu into my mouth an old lady called out to me from behind. 正当我要把另外一块黑焦油豆腐放进嘴里的时候,一位老夫人在后面让我从人群中出来。
He smelled the tar and oakum of the deck as he slept and he smelled the smell of Africa that the land breeze brought at morning. 睡着的时候,他闻到甲板上柏油和填絮的味道,还闻到早晨陆地上风送来的非洲气息。
Therefore it was decided to treat the surface using a coal tar mixture that would penetrate the pavement and bind the pavement together. 因此决定使用这种具有渗透性和能重新粘结道路的煤焦油混合剂来处理整个表面。
We worked in Bushwick, Brooklyn, far from the train, in an office whose tiny reception area had a door that opened onto a poured tar roof. 我们在布鲁克林的布什威客工作,离火车很远的一间办公室,接待区很小,门开在涂满沥青的屋顶上。
Here might always be seen the British tar and the foreign tar, as incontinently drunk as these noble mariners could desire to be. 在这里经常可以见到那些贵族海员们可望不可及的毫无节制开怀畅饮的英国或其他国家水手。
Put to a Canadian, such talk may elicit reminders of that country's pivotal influence as a potash, tar sands and uranium producer. 把这番话说给加拿大人听,也许会引发对方提醒,加拿大作为出产钾肥、油砂和铀的国家,拥有关键影响力。
A pure sweet night, and finally we got out on a real narrow tar country road and headed up toward the mountains for sure. 一个清秋酷毙的晚上,我们最终在一条非常狭窄的郊野柏油路上熄了火,确定无疑地赶紧朝山脉前进。
An idea that tantalized global financial markets came out of the weekend and immediately sank into the tar pit of European decision making. 一个令全球金融市场翘首以待的想法上周末出炉了,但马上就沉入了欧洲的决策泥沼中。
some principles to be emphasized point out in consideration of a selected construction project for coal-tar processing. 指出了今后选择建设焦油加工项目时,应着重注意的几项原则。
Goes back to Michael Jordan, jumper from out on the left! The Tar Heels are going to win the national championship! 回到迈克尔·乔丹,他在左边起跳了!他要赢得全国冠军!
I spent the next half hour with an ice cube and a plastic knife, scraping tar off the bottom of my shoes. 接下来我花了半个小时用一块近似立方体的冰块和一把塑料刀把柏油从我的鞋底擦去。
Several days after Alex made landfall, tar balls started turning up in Lake Pontchartrain, which flanks the northern side of New Orleans. 阿莱克斯登陆几天后,位于新奥尔良北侧的庞恰特雷息湖开始出现焦油团。
Relates how his priestess mother launched him as a baby in a basket (sealed with tar) into the flow of the Euphrates. 述说他的母亲祭司推出他是一个婴儿,在一篮子货币(密封与焦油)进入流通幼发拉底河。
Some of the most straightforward methods for storing the information can be a tar, cpio, or other archive file type. 使用tar、cpio或其他的存档文件类型,可能是最直接的信息存储方式。
One of the draft energy bills floating around the Senate this year even proposed removing the ban on government purchases of tar-sands oil. 今年在参议院众多能源议案的草案中,盛传有一项能源草案甚至建议政府废除购买焦油沙的禁令。
Our house was just a block aw ay from ar sailor ad underpass, which then was m ade of rough tar-co gated timbers. 我家离铁路地下通道仅一个街区。那时的地下通道是用涂了柏油的粗糙木材建起来的。
Even radioactivity can expose the source as synthetic or natural. Synthetic vanillin is prepared from coal tar, which has no radioactivity. 通过放射能可以揭露产品的来源是天然的还是人造合成的。
In Estonia three types of shale tar have been used as alternatives to anthracene oil or carbolineum. 在爱沙尼亚,已有三种页岩焦油用作蒽油或氯化蒽油的替换物。
Although reclamation of the land, a legal obligation, has not kept up with the disturbance of the tar sands, it was "achievable" . 虽然土地垦拓(是一项法律义务)没有像油砂业那样受到干扰,报告还是认定其“可行”。
The king's servants who had thrown them into the furnace did not stop kindling the fire with oil, tar, tow and vine shoots. 那些将三青年投入火窑中的君王的仆役,仍不断用石油、沥青、麻屑和碎柴增加火势。
When the download completes, all you need to do is decompress the . zip or . tar. gz file, and then you're ready to start the server. 下载完成的时候,所需要做的只是解压.zip或.tar.gz文件,然后就可以启动服务器了。
However, rather than copy files and a directory structure to a tape, you can also use tar to copy into a file. 然而,除了可以将文件和目录结构复制到磁带,您还可以使用tar将它们复制到一个文件。
It was the hydrogen-accepting function of the coal tar pitch that the quality of the coal tar pitch road binder was improved. 橡胶在改质过程中作为供氢媒介参与筑路油的热解反应,正是煤沥青的受氢作用改善了筑路油的质量。
Each package is in its own tarball and is maintained by separate independent developers, or teams of developers. 每个包都位于各自的tar压缩包中,并由不同的独立开发人员或开发小组维护。
Coal tar inorganic paints were used for corrosion protection of flood gates, Pretreatment and painting procedures were introduced. 采用焦油无机涂料对挡潮闸进行防腐处理。
Meanwhile, the thin tar created during the coal gas production can be fully used to avoid the environmental pollution. 同时,生产煤气时产生的废料稀焦油又得到了充分利用,变废为宝,避免了环境污染。
Some tar variants include support to strip off the leading forward slash, enabling you to extract the files anywhere. 有些tar变种可以去掉开头的正斜杠,这使得您可以将文件提取到任何位置。
so he smeared the bottom of the measure with tar, that some of whatever was put into it might stick there and remain. 于是他在斗底上涂了一点焦油,好使它能粘住一点它所量过的东西。