
美 [ˈtenʃ(ə)n]英 ['tenʃ(ə)n]
  • n.张力;拉伸;矛盾;紧张局势(或关系、状况)
  • v.绷紧
  • 网络拉力;压力;拉紧


relieve tension,reduce tension,release tension,ease tension,resolve tension
great tension,acute tension,dangerous tension


n. v.

1.[u][c][usupl]~ (between A and B)紧张局势(或关系、状况)a situation in which people do not trust each other, or feel unfriendly towards each other, and which may cause them to attack each other

2.[c][u]~ (between A and B)矛盾;对立a situation in which the fact that there are different needs or interests causes difficulties

3.[u](情绪上的)紧张,烦躁a feeling of anxiety and stress that makes it impossible to relax

4.[u](作家或电影导演制造的)紧张气氛the feeling of fear and excitement that is created by a writer or a film/movie director

5.[u]拉伸;张力;拉紧状态;绷紧程度the state of being stretched tight; the extent to which sth is stretched tight


张字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 张口结舌〖 withopenmouth;beatalossforwords〗 张力tension〗 张罗〖 takecareof〗 ...


英语词根词缀记忆大全 ... distend v 扩张,膨胀 tension n 紧张;张力 tensible a 可延展的 ...


岩土力学与工程 5 - 大观园的日志 - 网易博客 ... tensiometer 张力计 tension 张力;拉力 tension crack 张裂,张力裂缝 ...


普通英汉小词典_翻译家(Fanyijia.com) ... tense 拉紧;时态 tension 压力 tent 帐篷 ...


冶金词汇英语翻译(O-T) ... tensile testing machine 拉伸试验机 tension 拉紧 tension device 张紧装置 ...


国际贸易>风电词汇中英文对照表 ... tenon 凸榫,雄榫,榫舌 tension 压力, 张力, 牵力, 电压 terminal point 端子 ...


hotvocabulary ... tendencyn. 趋向,趋势 tension n. 紧张局势;情绪紧张;不安状态 tentaclen. (动物)触角 ...


学位英语成人三级考点词汇 - 豆丁网 ... T tend v. 趋向,往往是;照料,看护 tension n. 张力,拉力;紧张 therefore ad. 因此, …

Since the two modes of thinking have their own insuperable limitations, a tension should be kept between them. 由于二者都具有自身难以克服的局限性,所以应使二者之间保持必要的张力。
You're trained to talk, talk, talk it out when there's tension in the air because you want a resolution. 在气氛紧张时,你被训练成说、说、说出来,因为你要一个解答。
The bottom half of the road experiences tension, meaning that it elongates like a spring pulled apart. 路的下端也受到张力,这意味着它像一个伸长的弹簧一样拉长。
Wettability depends on one specific property of the surface: Surface energy, often referred to as surface tension. 润湿性依赖于某一特定财产的表面:表面能量,通常称为表面张力。
Tension headaches can be stress-related or due to problems with the muscles in the neck and face, but there is often no obvious cause. 它们的诱发原因,可能和压力有关,也可能由颈部或脸部的肌肉出现问题引起,但原因往往不明显。
Superior survival, the inefficient ones made it out of the ever-changing face of the loss of things is often psychological tension. 优者生存,劣者淘汰使得人们面对不断变迁的事物时常出现不知所措的紧张心理。
America and China, too, could easily fall into a cycle of escalating tension that would be hard to break. 中美也很可能落入一个升级的紧张关系中无法自拔。
He says the civilians are trying to break the embargo to bring relief to people in Gaza and he hopes there will not be any tension. 他说,平民试图打破封锁,以减轻加沙人民,他希望不会再有任何的紧张局势。
In the beginning we thought that on the wrong car, and like clockwork, like the heart of the tension. 一开始我们以为上错车了,心像发条一样绷紧了。
The tension is always loop-shaped and cannot be separated from its return to the erogenous zone. 这个敏感的地带是个回旋的形状,无法跟它的的回转地带区隔开来。
The RTTS Safety Joint is held inoperative by a tension sleeve located on the bottom of the mandrel to help prevent premature release. RTTS的安全接头通过位于芯轴底部的张力套保持原有状态来防止过早解封
For there is an unnerving tension at the core of "That Used to Be Us, " a discordant emotional counterpoint. 《那曾经是我们》(ThatUsedtoBeUs)一书的精要部分存在一种令人失去信心的矛盾,一种不一致的情感对位。
The main bag is only single stitched which over time will not be able to withstand the constant tension and weight of groceries. 主袋是单线缝合的,时间一长,这种购物袋将无法承受食品杂货的重量和张力。
Since the surface of a liquid acts like an elastic skin, the surface is in a state of tension. 因为液体的表面行动象有弹性皮肤,表面在紧张状态。
Just as well my personality is kind of outgoing and mischievous, so I could release and ease my tension and emotions in different ways. . . 还好我的个性一向来都较外向和有一点搞怪,所以会用不同方式发泄或纾解压力与情绪…
Anyone suggesting there was an ethnic basis to riots was "trying to instigate tension between different ethnic groups" . 任何人认为暴乱活动涉及民族因素,都是在“企图在不同民族之间挑起紧张”。
Slowing down your talking plus adding a small pause between thoughts or sentences creates a bit of tension and anticipation. 减慢你说话的速度,在观点或者句子之间加上稍微的停顿使之造成引人入胜的气氛和留给听众一些自我猜想的空间。
I am sometimes asked rather probing questions by giggly friends. "What about sexual tension? Isn't it a bit weird? " 有时朋友笑着问我比较尖锐的问题,“会不会有两性之间的吸引?是不是会感到有些奇怪?”
And ease the tension in the form of many, why not bring serious harm to the body of a factor to alleviate it? 而且缓解紧张情绪的形式很多,为什么非要拿一个严重危害身体的因素来缓解呢?
Do not use the equipment where tension lines are present. The distance from these must be at least of 5m. 不要在有高压线的地方使用此设备。与高压线的距离不能小于5米。
Objective To evaluate emulsifiability of emulsifying agent by method of comparative isotherm of the surface(interfacial) tension. 目的采用表(界)面张力等温曲线比较法评价泊洛沙姆等乳化剂的乳化能力。
He worked with a woman quite a few years his senior and his manager, and there was, by his account, serious tension. 与他共事的一个女人比他大好几岁,还是他的经理。照他自己的说法,两人都绷着一根弦,相当紧张。
The labor stoppage, commonly known as the strike , is a natural result of tension between labor and management. 劳动停工,俗称罢工,是劳资之间紧张局势的必然结果。
But not too long; the longer he took, the greater the tension and expectation, and the better his answer had to be. 但时间并不长;他拖延的时间越长,紧张和期盼则越大,他的答复效果就会越好。
Tit for Tat Getting Out of Hand Shots fired across the DMZ at a time of such tension is a potential disaster waiting to happen. 针锋相对的紧张局势失控等燃煤手射门跨越时间在非军事区是一个潜在的灾难的发生。
a substance capable of reducing the surface tension of a liquid in which it is dissolved. 能减少溶解它的液体的表面张力的物。
A bit of tension was added to the atmosphere when a person accepting an award for the Korean movie "Enlightenment Film" stepped on stage. 只不过韩片「启蒙电影」代领人,上台领奖时,讲了这句话,让现场气氛顿时凝结。
It was the sort of nightmare diplomatic scenario that has the potential to become increasingly common as tension hots up around the globe. 随着全球热点地区紧张局势升级,这种噩梦般的外交场面可能会变得越来越常见。
On the morning of the thirteenth, the atmosphere around the White House was alive with excitement as well as tension. 13日早晨,白宫周围的气氛活力十足,既兴奋又紧张。
I've never seen any sign of tension between them, and if it keeps going the way it's going, they'll be together for life. 我从来没有看到他们之间有过一丁点儿的紧张气氛,如果这样的情况保持下去,他们会白头偕老的。