
美 [pəˈreɪd]英 [pə'reɪd]
  • n.阅兵;游行;炫耀;检阅
  • v.游行;展览;游行庆祝;游行示威
  • 网络巡游;列队行进;夸耀

复数:parades 现在分词:parading 过去式:paraded

military parade,endless parade


n. v.

公共庆典public celebration

1.[c]游行a public celebration of a special day or event, usually with bands in the streets and decorated vehicles

士兵of soldiers

2.[c][u]检阅;阅兵a formal occasion when soldiers march or stand in lines so that they can be examined by their officers or other important people


3.[c]一系列(人或事)a series of things or people

一排商店row of shops

5.[c]有一排小商店的街道a street with a row of small shops


高一英语单词表 - 豆丁网 ... dress up 盛装;打扮;装饰 parade n 游行;行进 △ Ramadan n 斋月 △ ...


英语必修三单词表_百度文库 ... Easter (耶稣)复活节 parade 游行;阅兵;检阅 day and night 日夜;昼夜;整天 ...


英语必修三单词表_百度文库 ... Easter (耶稣)复活节 parade 游行;阅兵;检阅 day and night 日夜;昼夜;整天 ...


雷丁比女王公园巡游(Parade)者也罢不到哪儿去在今年"两会"期间,不少政协委员关注气象灾害问题,建议加大完善防御机制的 …


PETS3_资料内容_资料下载_学习资料共享网 ... paper 纸;报纸;文件;文章 parade 游行 v.(使)列队行进 paragraph 段,节; …


教育天地_新浪网 ... □in the world: 到底,究竟 □parade: 炫耀 □perspective: 观点,视角 ...


考研英语大纲词汇表_百度文库 ... P paper 掩饰 parade 夸耀 bathe 笼罩 ...


满园春色精品月季园 ... 藤本月季--光普( Spectra) 大游行Parade) 藤本月季--西方大地( Westerland) ...

Members of the public looked on in horror today as an army horse died on parade during a freak accident in London's Hyde Park. 伦敦海德公园进行阅兵,发生了悲剧,一匹战马在震惊的公众面前被人道毁灭。
When the war was over, there was a tumultuous parade in London. 战争结束时,伦敦举行了喧闹的游行。
Nightly, a parade of 4WDs trundled out to meet the sea, saluting the sun as though upon the eve of battle. 在暮色中,一队越野车驶向海边去追寻落日,似乎是在一场战争的前夜。
All was as gaudy and blaring as a circus parade should be in a small town on a normal summer day. 一切依然华丽夺目,鼓号宣天,和平常马戏团夏天在小镇游行的情景一样。
like most elementary schools , it was typical to have a parade of students in and out of the health clinic throughout the day. 和别的那些小学一样,这是个典型的学校,每天都会有许多学生在卫生所进进出出。
By 5. 30am, when I arrived at the media centre for the National Day parade, the skies had cleared sufficiently to be able to see a star. 早上5点30分,当我抵达国庆阅兵的媒体中央时,天空已经清楚得足以看见星星。
These revellers spend up to a year before the parade 'pasting' their costumes in Junkanoo 'shacks' and practising their theme songs. 为了这一盛大节日的来临,他们通常要花上一年的时间待在“佳卡努之家”来糊制服饰和练习主题曲。
Listen out as the celestial music begins that you may be ready to participate in the first dance of this your ascension parade. 仔细倾听来自天宇的音乐,当它开始的时候你们会准备好参与到那第一场扬升欢庆的舞蹈中。
The little man craned his neck, trying to get a glimpse of the parade over the heads of the crowd. 那个矮小的男人伸长了脖子,试图从人们的头上看一眼游行队伍。
I really have not the hard-heart enough to pick up the lotus flower bringing home as a parade of occupation. 又不忍心真的去摘荷花,带回去,作为霸占的炫耀。
And passing them in review with a glance of a Frederick II. at a Potsdam parade, he said to the three "chimney-builders" 接着,他以弗雷德里克二世在波茨坦检阅部队的神气,挨个儿对那三个“通烟囱的”说
"I'm goin' to buy a green tie to wear for the parade, " he said. "I'll be back in a few minutes. " 我想去买一条绿色的领带,在阅兵的时候戴,我一会就回来。
Now the parade is the main event of the day, with novelty cars and trucks, floats of every kind, bikes and horseback riders. 现在,游行仍是当天的主要大事,而游行的行列中则可见样式新颖的车子及卡车、各种不同类型的花车、脚踏车及马背上的骑士。
Greenwich Village Halloween Parade is an annual holiday parade and street pageant presented the night of every Halloween in New York City. 纽约市每年会在万圣节晚上举行盛大的节日巡游,欢迎市民到场参观热闹的万圣节嘉年华。
Chamberlain, go to the weavers and see how the cloth is processing. the parade is only a week way. 虽然如此,他还织是觉得先派一个人去看看比较妥当。
As the audience wave the wands, the display screen shows a sea of lights dancing crazily in the dark, like a candlelight parade gone punk. 观众挥舞纸棒时,在黑暗中疯狂跳动的光的海洋在显示屏上显现,好似过去蓬克迷游行时的烛光。
But since the birth mother has never been to a parade grandmother Laoye heart, has always been a tame disobedient Cute thoughtful girls. 但是妈妈自出生以来就从来没有让姥姥姥爷操过心,一直都是一个温顺听话,乖巧懂事的女孩儿。
Many of the best sushi-ya have no menus; the meal is closer to a degustation parade of what's best on the day -- so sit back and enjoy. 很多顶级的寿司屋是没有菜单的,因为上桌的食物更像是一列承载着当日最佳食材的味觉大游行的队伍——所以只管坐回去好好享受吧。
In the lantern parade, dragon-lantern dancing, also known as the dragon-dance, is usually the most eye-catching. 在迎灯的队伍里,最引人注目的往往是舞龙灯,又称为龙舞。
With a start she awoke to find that she was in fashion's crowd, on parade in a show place -- and such a show place! 她蓦地一惊,发现自己正置身于时髦的人群中,在这个炫耀的地方展示自己,而且是如此壮观的地方!
The sunrise walk was just the beginning of a full day of games, concerts and a parade of old cars. 日出之行只是庆祝活动的序幕,随之而来的是一整天的游戏、音乐会和古董车游行。
Of course, not like the Mid-Autumn Lantern Festival that large parade, play lamp in the family, but mainly between the children. 当然,中秋没有像元宵节那样的大型灯会,玩灯主要只是在家庭、儿童之间进行的。
A party spokesman, Andras Kiraly, resigned after pictures of him at a Gay Pride parade in Toronto appeared on the internet. 该党发言人基拉利安德拉斯在被网络曝光了其在多伦多参加同志游行的图片后辞职。
The next day, he and his father took centre stage at a huge military parade through the city that was broadcast live to the nation. 就在第二天,他又随金正日出席了平壤市的盛大阅兵式,并和父亲一道位列主席团中央。媒体对大阅兵做了现场直播。
I was sort of disappointed that Isabel had rained on our parade, but I had to admit she was right. 我有点失望,伊丽莎白浇灭了我们的想象,但我不得不承认她是对的。
On a nearby parade ground, preparations are underway for a graduation ceremony that will take place in a few days. 在不远处的一个操场上,几天后一个毕业典礼的准备工作正在进行中。
A year and a half later, just as officers were despairing of every hearing of him again, he reappeared on parade. 一年半以后,当军官们已经对找到他不报有任何希望的时候,他又大摇大摆地回来了。
The parade was one of several around the country marking the 30th anniversary of the start of the Iran-Iraq war. 这次军队检阅是伊朗各地纪念两伊战争爆发30周年举行的几个阅兵活动中的一个。
A few of the thousands of performers wept (as had a couple of female paratroopers as they passed the balcony during the earlier parade). 数千名表演者中,有一些流泪了(在早些时候的检阅中,一些女伞兵也在经过观礼台时落泪了)。
The official news agency said the parade showed "the will and might of Songun Korea to wipe out the enemy. " 它的官方通讯社称,那次阅兵显示了“实行先军政治的朝鲜消灭敌人的勇气与力量”。