
美 [dʒɔ]英 [dʒɔː]
  • n.下巴;颌;下颌;钳口
  • v.唠唠叨叨;喋喋不休
  • 网络颚;颌骨;下颚

复数:jaws 现在分词:jawing 过去式:jawed

jaw fracture


n. v.

1.[c]颌either of the two bones at the bottom of the face that contain the teeth and move when you talk or eat

2.[sing]下巴;下颌the lower part of the face; the lower jaw

3.[pl]口部;嘴the mouth and teeth of a person or an animal

4.[pl](工具或机器的)钳夹部分,钳口the parts of a tool or machine that are used to hold things tightly


sbs jaw dropped/fell/sagged

(突然吃惊或失望得)张口结舌,目瞪口呆,垂头丧气used to say that sb suddenly looked surprised, shocked or disappointed

the jaws of death, defeat, etc.

鬼门关;失败的险境used to describe an unpleasant situation that almost happens

the jaws of a tunnel, etc.

(隧道等处尤指看起来危险的)狭窄入口the narrow entrance to a tunnel, etc., especially one that looks dangerous

lanfiler的博客 - lanfiler - 网易博客 ... [Chain] 链 [Jaw] [Eye] 眼睛 ...

有个J开头的单词_百度知道 ... jar n. 罐子,坛子,广口瓶 jaw n. ,颚 jazz n. 爵士音乐,爵士舞曲 ...


高中英语新课程标准词汇表 ... jar n. 罐子; 坛子 jaw n. 下巴 jazz n. 爵士音乐,爵士舞曲 ...


看电影学英语_新浪博客 ... 7. Chin = 下巴 8. Jaw = 下颌 2. Teeth / Tooth = 牙齿 ...


电工专业英语词汇(J-M) ... master/slave discrimination 主从鉴别;主副鉴别 jaw 钳口 jet orifice separator 喷嘴分离器 ...


运动医学词汇(4)_专业词汇_专业英语_食品伙伴网 ... 鞍状关节 saddle joint 颌骨 jaw 鲁克斯 Roux,Pierre ...


三一口语一级词汇_百度文库 ... back 背 ☆ jaw 下颚 ☆ ankle 脚踝 ...

电梯专业英语词汇(三) ... jamming 夹住,阻塞 jaw jerk 跳动,颠簸 ...

Takeru "Tsunami" Kobayashi said he can only open his mouth to make a gap the size of a fingertip after being diagnosed with jaw arthritis. 日本大胃王表示呢,现在他的下巴被诊断患有严重的关节炎,现在嘴只能打开指尖那么大。
You could see its whole jaw wrap around the thing which turned out to be a person. 你能看到它的整个颚部紧裹着那个东西——后来被证明是一个人。
At least once a week, Suzie would set her jaw firmly and say, "I've got to learn all about this investing thing. " Suize至少每周都会咬牙切齿的说一次:“我一定要学会所有投资赚钱的方法。”
It's just how much energy and cash they've saved that's jaw-dropping. 真正让人吃惊的是他们所节约的能源和现金之巨。
The vice jaw on the flat hook at the front end of the hand handle bends inwards matching the relative flat hook. 在手柄前端的平钩上的钳口向里弯曲,形成与其相对的平钩相互吻合。
jaw dropped when I see how much the meal have cost. 看到那顿饭要花这么多钱,我大吃一惊。
Edward was lying in bed on his back, with a handkerchief bound round his jaw to hold it up, his hands crossed. 爱德华仰躺在床上,有一条手帕绑着他的下巴颏,使其不致落下;他的双手交叉着。
The general stared at me with his expressionless blue eyes and his thick-set jaw got even thicker. 将军用他毫无表情的蓝眼睛盯着我,他厚实的下巴显得更加厚实了。
On and on he went. My jaw dropped, and after I recovered, I said, "I want the kind that used to be the only kind. " 我的下巴差点掉下来。等我缓过神来,我问,“我要的是那种曾经是唯一一种的样式。”
But she, thinking that he had raised his hand to slap her face, she gave him a sound crack in the jaw with that big peasant hand of hers. 说完他想拍拍她的脸蛋,她却以为菲尔莫举起手来是要扇她耳光,便用她那只乡巴佬的大手朝他下颚上响亮地抽了一记。
The fully open jaw size is always made larger than it needs to be in order to allow fine adjustments to exactly fit the ball grid. 完全开着的颚大小总是被做比它需要的更大是为了要让好的调整完全地适合球格子。
His jaw dropped when he saw how much the meal cost. 看到那顿饭要花这么多钱,他大吃一惊。
"After that, we will repair his chin and lower jaw and mend the lost part of his face with bones and skin from his own body, " said He. 陈医生还说:“在这之后,将对他的下颚何和下颌进行修复并用他自身的骨头和皮肤修复他脸部的其他缺失部分。”
A couple of days later near the same spot, fossil hunter Alemayehu Asfaw found a piece of a child's jaw with a first molar tooth. 几天以后,在该目击地的附近,化石猎手阿勒迈耶胡·阿斯范(AlemayehuAsfaw)有又发现了一片带有第一臼齿的儿童颌骨化石。
Apparently she told him there had been complications and bandaged his head and jaw to stop him opening his mouth. 显然,女牙医为了避免他张开嘴发现牙齿被拔光,告诉他由于出现并发症,需要用绷带包住头部和下颚。
The tusks stuck out above and below the jaw like a modern warthog, said Larsson. "This has never been seen before on any crocodile. " 长牙象现代的野猪一样从上下颌伸出,Larsson说“这种特征以前从未在鳄鱼身上发现。”
The father found the girl in bed with a heavily bandaged jaw and a swollen face, barely able to speak. 这位父亲发现躺在病床上,下巴绑着厚厚的绷带,脸肿肿的女儿几乎不能说话。
His face was scarred, and something that might have been a burn marred his jaw and left cheek. 他的脸上满是让人畏惧的表情,火烧的伤痕占据了他的下巴和左脸颊。
The jaw of one of the best horn players in the world dropped as he listened to a student exhale a rich tone from his French horn. 当世界最好的圆号演奏家听到一名学生从法国号中吹出丰富悦耳的音调时,他惊诧得张口结舌。
He looked away from Jack's jaw, bruised blue from the hard punch Ennis had thrown him on the last day. 他的眼神从杰克的下巴移开,那里在最后一天被他一记重拳打得乌青。
Moreover, the bones in the front part of a baleen whale's lower jaw, or mandible, aren't fused as they are in other mammals. 另外,须鲸下颚前部的骨骼,也就是所说的下颌骨,并不像其他哺乳动物一样是愈合在一起的。
Needless to say, a certain part of the brain lights up when the jaw is so engaged, but what that proves is hard to tell. 不用说,下巴如此繁忙肯定会让大脑某个部分警觉起来,可是很难说明那证明了什么。
I rubbed at my jaw. "You think I should have gone four-color? " “哦,”我摸着下巴说。“你觉得我本该用彩色字?”
Cut marks on an antelope jaw indicate its tongue was sliced out with a sharp stone flake. 羚羊下巴上面平整的切痕,显示它的舌头是被非常锋利的片状器具切割的。
A symmetrical face is a health cue, as are a good head of hair and masculine features such a strong jaw and a deep voice. 匀称的脸型是一种健康暗示,不错的发型及挺拔的下巴和低沉的声音这些男性气质亦是健康暗示。
So when fossils with these jaw structures have turned up, it had been assumed that the creatures were eating tough foods too. 因此,当有这些(强壮)颌骨的化石出土时,人们便认为这些生物也是吃较硬的食物。
Then on her daily walk, she felt a pain in her jaw and experienced short periods of breathlessness . 有天散步时,她感到下颚痛,并有段时间曾喘不上气。
This 3-foot-long croc was a plant- and grub-eater with a pair of buckteeth in the lower jaw it used to dig for food. 这种3英尺长的鳄鱼以植物和幼虫为食,它下颚上长着一对龅牙用来挖掘食物。
Gracie, as the horse is called, was left with a dislocated jaw and a few cuts and scrapes from her ordeal. 最后,格雷西只是颌骨脱臼和一些擦伤。
I watched Kim as she spoke to the head trader, clenching my jaw as I held the phone tightly to my ear. My floor broker was at the ready. 我盯着金姆和Keefe的首席交易员商量,话筒紧紧贴着耳边,下巴咬得死死的,我的市场经纪人在随时待命。