
美 [dʒʌmp]英 [dʒʌmp]
  • v.跳;跳跃;跨越;激增
  • n.跳;跳跃;激增;猛涨
  • adj.(爵士音乐中)急拍子的
  • 网络跳转;跳出去;转移

第三人称单数:jumps 现在分词:jumping 过去式:jumped

jump queue,jump ship,jump fence


v. n.

跳move off/to ground

1.[i]跳;跃;跳跃to move quickly off the ground or away from a surface by pushing yourself with your legs and feet

跨跃pass over sth

2.[t]跳过;跃过;跨越to pass over sth by jumping

快速移动move quickly

3.[i]+ adv./prep.突然快速移动to move quickly and suddenly

4.[i](因吃惊、害怕或激动而)猛地一动,突然一跳to make a sudden movement because of surprise, fear or excitement


5.[i]突升;猛涨;激增to rise suddenly by a large amount

突然改变change suddenly

6.[i]~ (about) (from sth to sth)突然改变,突然转换(话题、题目)to change suddenly from one subject to another

略去leave out

7.[t]~ sth略去;略过;跳过to leave out sth and pass to a further point or stage

机器;器具of machine/device

8.[i](+ adv./prep.)突然跳出正常位置;意外地离开正常位置to move suddenly and unexpectedly, especially out of the correct position


9.[t][i](informal)~ (on) sb突然袭击(某人);猛地扑向(某人)to attack sb suddenly


10.[t]~ sth跳上(车辆等)to get on a vehicle very quickly

活泼be lively

11.欢跃;雀跃to be very lively


be jumping up and down

暴跳如雷;欢欣雀跃to be very angry or excited about sth

jump down sbs throat

愤怒地反驳;猛烈回击某人to react very angrily to sb

jump the gun

抢跑;过早行动to do sth too soon, before the right time

jump the lights

闯红灯to fail to stop at a red traffic light

jump out of your skin

大吃一惊;吓一大跳to move violently because of a sudden shock

jump the queue

插队;加塞儿;不按次序排队to go to the front of a line of people without waiting for your turn

jump the rails

出轨;脱轨to leave the rails suddenly

jump ship

擅自弃职离船to leave the ship on which you are serving, without permission

jump through hoops

(为达到目的而)经受磨难to do sth difficult or complicated in order to achieve sth

jump to it

赶快;加油;快点干used to tell sb to hurry and do something quickly

人教版小学英语三年级下册单词表 ... jeep 吉普车 jump kangaroo 袋鼠 ...


东东不死传说_百度百科 ... CH:COUNTER HIT, 在对手攻击进行中击中对手 J:JUMP, 跳跃 C:CANCLE, 取消硬直 ...


跳转jump):和目标类似,不过它指定的不是一个具体的动作,而是另一个链,表示要跳转到那个链上。 规则(rule):一 …


蓝光原盘高清(BD)_馆档网 ... 基督再临/ Legion 跳出去 [原版国 粤语 繁 简中字]/ JUMP 法国贩毒网II/ French Connection II ...


未分类 - - Nicolas’ Blog - Upholstery ... joystick 控制杆 jump 转移 justify 对齐 ...


穿将门(jump)的瓜皮鞋会不会被笑是仿adidas的??? [ 足球 ] 艾迪达鞋子(专卖店) [ 服装饰品 ] 关於˙艾迪达 [ 服装饰品 ] 我最近想 …


新目标八年级下册英语单词表 - 豆丁网 ... climb v. 攀登,上升,爬 147 jump n. 跳跃,跳动,上涨; shout n. 呼喊,突发的大笑; ...

To test support, jump "up and down in the changing room and assess how much movement occurs. " 为了测试支撑力,在更衣室内上下跳动,然后评估发生了多少次活动。
Jump out of airplane in a few meters from the ground, namely jump right into the sea. . . and annual leave already starting! 跳转从地面一,数米内的飞机,即直接进入大海…和年假已经开始!
Even as I spoke on these grave subjects, my eyes would take a glad bit of a run over the prospects, and my heart jump with pride. 甚至当我说着这些严重的问题时,我的眼睛会快活地望着这些景色,我的心因为得意而跳跃着。
Depressed with all the attention her sister is receiving, Nuru decides to jump on a plane and visit her son in London. 与所有的注意力她的妹妹正在接受抑郁,努如决定跳上飞机,在伦敦探望她的儿子。
He was the first to jump on shore; and had he dared, he would, like Lucius Brutus, have "kissed his mother earth. " 他第一个跳上岸,要是他胆敢冒险的话,他一定会象布鲁特斯那样“和大地接一个吻。”
And often when Ira and I hug or tussle, I find myself waiting for her to jump in to join us. 每当我和Ira拥抱或者扭在一起的时候,我发现自己总是在希望跳到我们在中间来。
Although the long jump, triple jump to the "distant" from the word, but more importantly, the need for higher capacity bouncing (height). 虽然跳远、三级跳要的是“远”字距离,但更需要有更高的弹跳能力(高度)。
How far can I swim? How long can I hold my breath? How much can I lift? How high can I jump? 我能游多远?我能屏息呆多长时间?我能举起多重的东西?我能跳多高?
At any point, you can jump to the end, step out, of the current procedure, and out of it to the line following the original procedure call. 在任何点上,都可以直接跳到当前过程的末尾(即跳出过程),跳出到原始过程调用的下一行。
'I can jump up and down and scream all day long about how much I don't like it. But it's their business decision, ' Mr. Norris says. 诺里斯说,我可以抓狂吼叫一整天来表达我对此有多么不爽,但这是他们的业务决策。
It has always been a big mystery to me why anyone would want to jump out of a plane and put their trust in a parachute. 为什么会有人想跳出飞机而去信任一把降落伞,这对我一直是一个很大的谜。
He is never going to be able to run and jump and play with you like the other puppies. 它永远也不可以跳着跑着,像其他的小狗一样陪你玩。
German officials said the jump was the result of an increase in exports - due, in part, to a recovery in global demand. 德国官员说,经济增长是出口增加的结果,而出口增加的部分原因是由于全球需求的恢复。
In regular binaries, indirect jumps are often used for multi-way branches, candidate targets are reserved in a jump table. 在通常的应用程序中,间接跳转指令经常用来实现多目标分支语义,分支目标存放在跳转表中。
Maicon said he couldn't jump that high, but I asked him to at least try! 麦孔说他不可能跳那么高,但我要他至少尝试一下!
He might jump in and handle a few tickets here and there, but his main responsibility was to step back and improve the department. 他也许可以投入到客服工作中,解决一些客户问题。但他的主要职责是退出前线、改进整个部门的工作。
Finally, the child jump tired, father on the steps the child go to bed, the child is still tightly at a father's shirt. 最后,孩子跳累了,父亲踩着舞步把孩子抱上床时,孩子还依然紧紧地拽着父亲的衬衣。
This was another part of my long term plan- I absolutely needed at least 6 months worth of my "salary" in the bank before I would jump ship. 这是我长期计划的一部分:我下海之前至少得有相当与6个月工资的存款。
Now the main purpose was to share with the webmaster, site and rate of advertising unit price jump out of the relationship. 现在主要是想同站长们分享一下,站点跳出率与广告单价的关系。
He also anticipated that the price swing may last for two or three months, saying such a period often follows a big price jump. 他预料,铜价的摇摆可能会持续两三个月,在这段期间过后,价格通常会大幅度上扬。
Road there is usually water, naughty children see, then in the water and a jump, the chaos of splash splashing around to split open and. 路面通常都会有积水,调皮的孩子看见后,便在水中乱蹦,那溅起的水花便向四处绽开。
When he allowed me time off the unspoken agreement was that I would not jump ship on my return. 当他准许我休假时,彼此心照不宣的是我不会一回来就跳槽。
We note that as you rise up in consciousness there has been a sudden jump in the number of people discovering they have psychic abilities. 我们注意到你们意识的提高产生了一种突然的跳跃性,在一定数量的人群中发掘出了自己的精神能力。
A tail does not forecast the extent of a move, but the first jump usually lasts a few days, offering a trading opportunity. 一条尾巴不能预测波动的程度,但是最初的波动会持续几天,提供了交易机会。
No wonder people feel stressed out to make it huge before they're 30 and will jump at any opportunity that looks like this might be it. 所以难怪人们会感觉到要30岁前出人头地的压力,而且一有似乎不错的机会就立刻跳槽。
Most people sort of tune off, or immediately jump to one of the two extremes, as it were. 大多数人采取了漠不关心,或者直接走向了这两个极端的一端。
Small squirrels and bears in the giant pandas still camera happily, there is a river fish E, and a frog ready to jump in the water . `小松鼠和熊还有大熊猫在快乐地照相,河里有一个鄂鱼,还有一只青蛙准备往水里跳。
Mega Man has always been a popular gaming franchise and it appears his jump onto the PSP platform does nothing to dispel this theory. 百万男人已经总是一个流行的赌胜负特权,而且它出现在PSP月台之上的他跳跃什么也不做驱散这一个理论。
If he just did the little things like not hold the ball so long or not settle for jump shots, then we'll be great with him in the lineup. 如果他能做到像不要持球太长,或者不要用跳投解决,那么有他在的阵容会很伟大。
To flea jumped out to a very easy to knock about the cup or heating click bottom of the cup, it will quickly jump out. 要想跳蚤跳出来很容易,敲一下杯子或加热一下杯底,它就会很快跳出来。