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  • 网络幼年特发性关节炎(juvenile idiopathic arthritis);行动中的快乐(Joy In Action)



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幼年特发性关节炎(juvenile idiopathic arthritis)

幼年特发性关节炎 (JIA) 是一种慢性疾病,以持续的关节炎为特征,典型的关节炎的表现是疼痛、肿胀和活动受限。“特发性”的 …

行动中的快乐(Joy In Action)

...愿服务之后,Sunny成员们还将与来自野营帐篷团体JIA(Joy In Action)的云南大学学生一起到中国云南开展帮助昆明地区少数 …

One advantage of travelling with Wei Jia was that he often came up with the questions that I was too stunned to ask. 与魏佳一块出去的好处就是,他总能提出一些让我目瞪口呆难以回答的问题。
Han Jia, it occurs to me that there seems to be a national model worker in Tianjin. 韩佳,我突然想起来,天津港好像有一个全国劳动模范吧。
McDonald's, Jia Wan super shopping plaza in close proximity, is all business, travelers staying in the best places. 麦当劳、万佳超级购物广场近在咫尺,是各界商务、旅游人士下榻的最佳场所。
Jia hoped that both sides will continue efforts to become a fine example of regional cooperation between the two countries. 希望双方继续努力,开创中乌地方合作的典范。
Hu Jia is nothing but a flunkey of the West. 胡佳只不过是西方养的一条赖皮狗。
Recognizing Jia Tang Xia in her blog, like to listen to Jia Tang Xia songs, so let me be an online friend of Jia Tang Xia. 相识贾堂霞于博客,爱听贾堂霞歌曲,让我成为贾堂霞的网上好友。
The true intention of making Bao-Jia involved in the autonomy, was to consolidate country power. In fact, the autonomy was just a fig leaf . “寓保甲于自治之中”的真正意图照旧是为了强化国家的权力,自治只不过是它的一块遮丑布而已。
At the preliminaries of men's sabre, during the first hour, a fistfight broke out three rows ahead of where Wei Jia and I were sitting. 前4个小时是进行男子佩剑预赛时。比赛进行当中,在我和魏佳坐位的前三排,突然发生一场扭打。
When Jia Zhen, a play boy by nature, was tired of his wife, his eyes fell on the beautiful Third Sister. 当贾折嗯,由自然发挥的男孩,是他的妻子累了,他的目光落在美丽的三姐。
I'm sorry. Miss Jia. I got another teacher. But I think you can teach me in the company. 对不起,贾小姐。我又有了一个汉语老师,但我觉得你可以在公司教我。
Cao Xueqin might have woven his own life experiences into Jia Baoyubut no one except the scholar would have noticed. 曹雪芹或许把自己的生活经验加诸在贾宝玉身上,但是只有红学专家才会看穿这点。
Although jia was $home cooking oil brings "fire, with the flowers, " jin, but she was the royal palace claustrophobic in deep. 元妃虽给贾家带来了“烈火烹油,鲜花著锦之盛”,但她却被幽闭在皇家深宫内。
Han Jia, how much land can the canal irrigate? 韩佳,这红旗渠现在能灌溉多少田地啊?
My good friend Jia Xu M. is a lively and lovely little girl. she had a black hair. a pair of eyes like two stones. Shuihonghong. cute love. 我的好朋友许佳男。是一个活泼。可爱的小女孩。她有一头乌黑的头发。一双眼睛就像两颗宝石。水汪汪的。人见人爱。
On the day of the Lantern Festival, Jia Zheng's mother led all members of her clan to wait by the main entrance to the garden. 关于元宵节当天,贾政的母亲带领她的家族的所有成员等待由主入口的花园。
The opposition said the air strikes is to address the airport and an opposition stronghold Bulei Jia. 反对派称,空袭应该是针对卜雷加机场和一个反对派据点。
Jia said the Chinese government pursues the foreign policy of "being a good neighbor and partner" with its neighboring countries. 贾庆林说,中国政府奉行“与邻为善,以邻为伴”的周边外交政策。
Han Jia, I heard that of China's 56 ethnic groups, the Jino was the last designated. 韩佳,我听说中国五十六个民族当中,基诺族是最后一个被确定下来的。
As the screenshot below attests, the same Jia Jingxue has apparently also been a correspondent for the official China National Radio. 下面的截屏显示,“贾静雪”这个名字同样还作为中国中央广播电台的通讯员出现过。
The tram was so much fun ! I wish I had more time for that . And perhaps Han Jia's patrol is also about to come to an end . 这个有轨电车可太好玩了!我还有点儿没坐够呢。韩佳的巡逻工作时间也是不是差不多该结束了。
S. Mr. Jia is dressed in black and wearing sunglasses indoors, which I chalk up to his status as a star director. 他一袭黑色衣服,在屋里戴着墨镜,我想他这身装扮是因为他是位有名的导演。
Hey, Han Jia, I found I wasn't the only one pretending to be the owner of this stall. 哎,韩佳,我发现冒充店铺老板的不止我一个啊。
Han Jia said she'd show me around the mall, but in the end, she has bought so many clothes that I have to carry some for her. 这个韩佳,说是带我逛商场,她倒是买了这么多衣服,我还得帮她拿着。
It was from Han Jia that I learned Jinzhou barbecues are very delicious. So I decided to come here to have a taste. 我是听韩佳说锦州的烧烤特别好吃,所以我决定自己一定要来尝尝。
Han Jia, don't you think these mountains are a bit low? 韩佳,你不觉得这里的山矮吗?
"He was very smart and shrewd . If the empire had not fallen there is a high chance he would have become powerful, " Jia added. “他很聪明精干。如果那个君主没退位的话,他极有可能变得很有权势,”贾补充说。
Chinese director Jia Zhangke has earned a reputation for making films about potentially controversial issues with a strong point of view. 国导演贾樟柯喜欢拍摄着眼于可能存在争议性问题的观点鲜明的影片,并因此为自己赢得了国际性声誉。
College student Meng Jia and several of her classmates are working on a study of foreigners in Guangzhou. 大学生孟佳(音)和几位同学正在从事一项有关在广州的外国人的调查。
Jia would probably face some kind of investigation if he were to ultimately required to return to China, Yang told AIT. 如果他最终须返回中国,贾甲可能会遭到某种形式的调查。
The opposition's goal is to win Bolei Jia, Agence France-Presse said the armed opposition, the city has regained control of the periphery. 反对派的目标是夺取卜雷加,法新社称反对派武装人员已经重新控制了该城的外围。