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jiang):古邑名,为晋国都城,今山东西绛县。③ 蕞(zui):小貌,多指地区。

I originally bought dumplings to give you, and made a short message to you, but the thieves got your phone, dear, we jump with Jiang Zemin! 我原来是买了粽子要送你的,并且发了短消息给你,但小偷拿了你的手机,亲爱的,我们一起跳江吧
Jiang Zemin s legal ethics thought and legal ethics thought of Marx, Engels, Mao Zedong and Deng Xiaoping come down in a continuous line. 江泽民法律伦理思想与马克思、恩格斯、毛泽东和邓小平法律伦理思想是一脉相承的。
Conclusion The air of the major teaching and living environment is quite clean in Jiang - an campus, except for a few sites. 结论四川大学江安新校区除极少数环境需要加强管理外,主要学生活动场所的空气非常清洁。
Jiang Li once again go on a diet, but the weight down, legs still do not see a fine. 姜丽再度节食,但体重下来了,双腿仍不见细。
As I said in my press conference with President Jiang, we have an ongoing quest ourselves to live up to those ideals. 正如我在和江主席举行的记者招待会上所说,我们美国人民正在不断寻求实现这些理想。
With a financial guarantee, "it's easy to hire the best engineers around the country, as people mobilize much freely nowadays, " Jiang said. 只要有财务保障,就可以轻松聘请到全国最出色的工程师,现在人员流动更加自由了。
Wu Shishen was jailed for life for leaking a copy of a speech by Pres. Jiang Zemin, and his wife, Ma Tao, got a 6-year sentence. 因洩露中国领导人江泽民的一份讲话稿,吴士深被判终生监禁,他的妻子马涛被判刑六年。
Of all the spokespersons, Jiang lan is the only one who has no other administrative duties. 姜澜是所有发言人中,唯一没有其他行政职务的人。
Ms. Jiang views the problem as generational, recalling how the embroidery lessons that were standard in her schooldays have been eliminated. 蒋琼耳认为这是时代的问题,她想起当年自己读书时常规的刺绣课程现在已经被取消了。
Jiang Taigong fish fishing is not their intention, and are waiting for, this realm than the average number of high I do not know. 姜太公钓鱼其意不在鱼,而在等待,这种境界比一般的钓者不知高了多少。
i wanted to mean to say: "you are to say, the grave that the old man's woman had an old man, so would the jiang corpse come out homicide? " 我想了想说:“你是说,是老汉的女人占了老汉的阴宅,所以僵尸才会出来杀人?”
Jiang held friendly talks with Rafsanjani, and exchanged views with him on bilateral relations and international issues of common concern. 江泽民和拉夫桑贾尼进行了友好交谈,就双边关系和共同关心的国际问题交换了看法。
This time, not hesitate to tear up the old agreement with the Group of Hao Jiang, is certainly what has been a significant change. 这次,老大不惜撕毁跟豪强集团的协议,一定是有了什么重大的变化。
Jiang Yi-huah, Minister of the Interior, argued that this sort of legislation may be unconstitutional. 内政部长江宜桦反驳说,此种立法其实有可能是有违宪法的。
you in 2006 luck are a bad luck year. Jiang Ziya sells the bread flour, is not the wind blows then is the rain hits. 你在2006年的运气是倒霉的一年。姜子牙卖面,不是风吹便是雨打。
Mr. Jiang made his global ambitions clear, though he said the drive would proceed 'carefully and cautiously' over a long period. 姜建清虽表明工商银行有志在全球范围“施展拳脚”,不过他说将在长期内“小心、谨慎”地推进这种努力。
Hangzhou, between QianTang Jiang River and the Grand Canal, is in the heart of Zhejiang province with a quite typical Chinese taste. 杭州位于浙江省中部,钱塘江北岸,大运河的南端,是中国古老的风景名域
Some will be difficult but most will be very good if, as I said to President Jiang, we stay on the right side of history. 虽然会有一些困难,但正如我对江主席说的那样,只要我们顺应历史,总体上应该是好的。
Zhan Jiang, a professor of media at the Beijing Foreign Studies University, said the public anger showed how expectations had risen. 北京外国语大学新闻系教授展江说,公众的愤怒表反映了人们期望值的增高。
When the inauguration was just over, Jiang left the embarrassed vice president standing lonely there without saying anything and went away. 仪式刚结束,蒋介石就连个招呼也不打,抛下尴尬的副总统一个人孤零零地站在那里,扬长而去。
Village resident Mu Jiang seems to epitomise the new kind of citizen Chengdu is trying to create - he is neither urban nor rural. 村民穆江似乎代表了成都创造的新市民——他既不是城市人,也不是农村人。
'Our development is peaceful and poses no threat to any other country, ' said Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Jiang Yu on Thursday. 外交部发言人姜瑜周四说,中国走和平发展的道路,不对任何国家构成威胁。
"My parents are still in the countryside, but I wanted my son to live with me, " said Mr. Jiang, bowing his head and weeping. 我父母还在乡下住着,但我想把孩子带在自己身边。
Some said the road's still there. At this time, a kind person offered to drove me to Jiang Zhen by his motor. 此时已经有好心人说可以回家开摩托车出来送我一程了。
To get out of it, she hired a new coach, no easy decision since her previous one was also her husband, Jiang Shan. 为走出低谷,她聘请了一位新教练,由于她的前教练姜山同时也是她的丈夫,做出换帅的决定并不容易。
Jiang's already-married friends gave him some tips, which helped the young couple save a good deal of money on wedding cars. 江城已经结婚的朋友给他一些小建议,帮他节省了很多婚车的费用。
Soon after the activity began, Jiang met his trouble. He wanted to go to the toilet, but as he did not know English, he could not find it. 队伍刚撒出去不久,姜浩就出事了——由于内急,又不懂英文,找不到公厕,他居然在街角随地小便,被当地市民送到了警察局。
Jiang Zemin, China's outgoing president, has been trying to rewrite party rules to let them in, against stiff resistance from conservatives. 中国即将离任的国家主席江泽民顶着保守派严格的抵抗,一直在尝试修改党章来允许他们入党。
Jiang asked the teacher what the student said. The teacher told him that the student asked him whether he felt uncomfortable. 姜浩问老师,他说了什么,老师委婉地说,他问你是不是哪里不舒服。
Door-god Jiang has his hands behind his back, a bulging belly and a forbidding countenance as if he might show his bad temper at any time. 只见这个流氓恶棍,双手背在身后,蛮横地腆着肚皮,一副霸悍相,随时随地都可能向人施发狂暴。