
美 [dʒɑɡ]英 [dʒɒɡ]
  • v.慢跑;轻碰
  • n.慢跑(尤指锻炼);轻推;轻碰;轻击
  • 网络点动(jogging);手动;漫步

过去式:jogged 第三人称单数:jogs 现在分词:jogging

jog memory
jog track


v. n.

1.[i]慢跑,慢步长跑(尤指锻炼)to run slowly and steadily for a long time, especially for exercise

2.[t]~ sth/sb(偶然地)轻击,轻撞,轻碰to hit sth lightly and by accident


jog sbs memory

唤起某人的记忆;提醒某人to say or do sth that makes sb remember sth


人体部位名称 ... walk on tiptoe 蹑足而行 jog 慢跑 dash 猛冲 ...


首先根据点动JOG)移动,写入其位置的位置数据。 移动第1 轴(X 轴),往位置No.1里写入数据。


  在手动(jog)状态下,让刀具靠近毛坯并主轴打开正转。进给速率减慢, +X方向退刀。


巧妙记英语单词——形近词趣味串记汇总_百度文库 ... 串记:工作( job) 漫步( jog) 真喜悦( joy) ...


《Friends》词汇表A ... adopt vt. 采用, 收养 jog n. 轻推, 轻撞, 漫步v.轻推, (使)蹒跚行进, (使)慢跑 chases n. 追赶, 追击 ...


《Friends》词汇表A ... adopt vt. 采用, 收养 jog n. 轻推, 轻撞, 漫步v.轻推, (使)蹒跚行进, (使)慢跑 chases n. 追赶, 追击 ...


健美操的基本步伐分为几大类?_百度知道 ... 漫步 mambo 跑步 jog 侧并步 step touch ...


_2011年考研英语高频词汇下载1030词 - 豆丁网 ... jerk 猛拉,颠簸而行 615. jog 轻摇,缓缓行进 junction 连接,会合,交叉点 6…

Middle-aged folks work out in gyms and jog down the street, trying to delay the effects of age. 而中年人则在体育馆里锻炼,在马路上慢跑,尽量不让岁月过早地留下痕迹。
Just a few weeks ago, Barack Obama's re-election bid was beginning to look like an easy downhill jog. 就在几周前,巴拉克•奥巴马(BarackObama)的竞选连任之路刚开始呈现出顺风顺水的态势。
If it happens to be Bruno, I let him in without a word and then jog back to bed, the roar of the invisible crowd ringing in my ears. 如果来人是布鲁诺,我会无声地让他进来后自己慢走回床上,而在我的耳中就会响起那些隐形的人们群情激动的欢呼声。
Then jog for a minute to recover and run for 30 seconds again, this time trying to increase the count by one. 然后,慢跑恢复一分钟,再跑30秒,这一次设法增加一次着地。
the morning person like to jog on the sands and I found a woman rided this kind of bicycle. 早起来的人们在沙滩上跑步,我发现一个女人骑着这样的自行车。
As if to forestall any more questions, he began to jog through the sand. 象是为了免得对方再多问似的,他索性在沙滩上小跑起来。
To start with, he walked in the park for a while every morning, and then a month later he began to jog. 起初,他每天早晨在公园散散步,过了一个月他开始做慢跑运动。
Instead of stopping at the end of the lope, I decided to see if I could just jog to the end of the street. 我决定不在斜坡尽头停下来,瞅瞅能否继续慢跑至街的尽头。
Adonis had them all do some stretching followed by a light jog around the pitch. While they were gone he walked over to me. 这些姑娘就站成一排,在路灯下踢球绕着操场走了一圈,随后就绕道我身旁,过去了。
He joked that he would not like to take Jacobson's challenge to reporters earlier in the day to a six-mile jog around the airport. 他和记者开玩笑说他不能接受Jacobson的挑战清晨绕着机场慢跑6千米。
Indeed, it's as futile as trying to counter a daily Big Mac diet and a pack-a-day smoking habit with a daily jog, scientists say. 科学家表示,实际上,这就好比每天慢跑无法抵消每天吃一个巨无霸汉堡包(BigMac)和抽一包烟的习惯带来的害处一样。
He's still got a bit of a limp. But he was out on the training ground last week walking around and went for a little jog. 他现在还有点瘸,但是他上周开始在训练场周围进行一些散步了。
Many times a simple review like this will help "jog" your memory, and all those previously-memorized facts will come flooding back to you. 像这种简单的回顾,常常可以缓和你的记忆,而且所有之前记住的东西都会涌到你的脑海里来。
Those without a dog spend an average of just 1 hour and 20 minutes a week exercising by going to the gym or heading out for a stroll or jog. 而没有养狗的人平均每周去健身房或外出跑步的锻炼时间只有1小时20分钟。
Next time you're getting ready to jog but don't feel 100 percent eager to do it, why not go out for a skip instead? 下次你准备去慢跑时,不要觉得非这项锻炼不可,为什么不改在室外跳绳呢?
An old couple walk in the jog, and the sun makes their hair as red as fire burning. They look like very enjoy such a peaceful life. 一对老夫妻漫步于河边,夕阳也使他们的头发看上去如火般红艳,他们似乎很享受这平静的生活。
It might be more accurate to say that money is leaving Spanish banks at more of a jog than anything close to a sprint. 更准确的说法兴许是,资金从西班牙银行外流的速度更接近于慢跑,离冲刺还差得远。
And now, Suzanne is dead as well, strangled on her late night jog while vacationing with Craig at a vegetarian health resort. 现在,苏珊已经死了的好,她深夜勒死慢跑,而与克雷格素食度假疗养胜地。
You'd better make it a rule to go out for a jog every morning. 你最好把每天早晨出去慢跑作为一种习惯。
Lift weights, swim, or jog. Play racquetball , tennis, or basketball. And there just as much to do off campus. 举重、游泳或跑步,还有打网拍墙球、网球和篮球,业余时间可做的运动实在太多啦。
From fresh air became smelly smoke, do you think you still got mood to jog? Do not tell me park not considered as a non-smoking area. 拜讬﹐原本新鲜的空气顿时成了臭气﹐你说还有心情继续跑下去吗?不好跟我说公园不是禁烟区。
There isn't much time to jog up to the bend in the driveway, out of sight of the road, and reassemble the spectacle. 已经没有太多的时间去浪费在车道上了,道路已在视线之外,重新安装的景象。
You know, take a long bath, have an afternoon off, enjoy a long weekend's vacation, go for an hour-long jog, etc. 就像,深呼吸,休息半天,享受整个周末,进行一个小时的慢跑等。
Studies confirm that this jog-stretch-jog combination can significantly improve the flexibility of muscles and connective tissues. 研究证实慢跑-拉伸-慢跑的组合可以在很大程度上改善肌肉柔韧性以及韧带牢固。
It may be easier to take Prozac than to take a jog, but as the study suggests, it may not always be as effective. 它可能更容易解决问题,而不是慢慢解决,但研究表明,这种方法可能不总是有效。
These days I got up early and jog to Qingdao University, planning to do that for a long term at least to keep fit. 早起了几个早晨去青大跑跑步,打算以后可以长期坚持,最起码保持身体健康。
Five minutes with your feet over your head. followed by a three-mile jog, then a quick swim. It's better than coffee and aspirin. Wanna try? 五分钟的倒立…,…接着是三英里慢跑,然后再来场速泳比喝咖啡吃阿斯匹林有用多了想试试吗?。
He was long famed as a gourmand and heavy smoker and drinker. In 1980, his chef noted he would jog up and down stairs to shed the pounds. 长期以来,他一直以嗜好美食和烟酒闻名。1980年,他的厨师曾表示,为了减肥,金正日计划爬楼梯。
Many of us jog or swim or hit the gym in an attempt to keep fit, and to help ward off ailments like heart disease and diabetes. 很多人都选择通过慢跑、游泳或是到健身房健身来保持健康,不受诸如心脏病啊,糖尿病啊之类的疾病困扰。
Sometimes the name of a book or an author isn't enough to jog someone's memory and you need to describe the story. 有时候,仅仅是书名或是作者的名字还不能勾起别人对一本书的回忆。你需要去描述一下书中的故事。