joint venture

  • n.合营企业;合资企业
  • 网络合资经营;合资公司;共同投资

复数:joint ventures

joint venturejoint venture

joint venture



项目管理术语英汉对照表 - MBA智库百科 ... Job Satisfaction 工作满意度 Joint Venture 合资企业 Judgment 判断判决 ...


海关上的常用英语_百度知道 ... 70.inspect 检查,检验 73.joint venture 合营企业,联合企业 74.label 标签 ...


会计英语 ... joint stock company 股份公司 joint venture 合资经营 journal 日记账 ...


*合资公司Joint Venture):是指由两家或多家公司合作的合资企业L-1签证种类: *L-1a签证是签发给担任经理(Manager) …


职场英语:庆功宴致辞... ... industry leader 业界领导者 joint venture 共同投资;合资 couldn't have asked for (对……)不能多 …


常用会计词汇英译汉 ... joint 共同 joint venture 短期合营 joint venture account 短期合营帐 ...


会计英语-财务财经词条 ... 2203 joint tenant 财产共同所有人 2204 joint venture 联营,合资经营 2205 journal 日记账 ...

Danone said it had discovered that Zong Qinghou, the Wahaha chief, had set up a string of factories that supplied only the joint venture. 达能表示,它发现娃哈哈董事长兼总经理宗庆后建立了一些工厂,专门向合资企业供应产品。
With its eye on growth, the company recently launched a massive joint venture in Qatar and an offshore well in eastern Russia. 在利润增长的同时,公司最近又在卡塔尔发起了一家大型合资公司,在俄罗斯东部金海岸开采了一个油井。
Let me put your mind at ease. The way I see it, a joint venture means, primary, less taxation and more benefits for the investors. 让我来解除你的顾虑吧。依我看,搞合资企业,对于投资者来说,首先可以少上税,多收益。
Groupon once even considered an Amazon joint venture and investment, say people familiar with the matter. 据另外的知情人士透露,Groupon曾考虑过与亚马逊共同设立合资公司,或是请亚马逊向Groupon投资。
His overall guidance to everyone on the board is always to "put the requirements of the joint venture first" . 他对每个管理委员会委员的总体要求是,永远“把合资企业的需求放在第一位”。
machinery and equipment, spare parts and components, and other goods imported with funds out of the total investment of a joint venture. 合营企业以投资总额以内的资金进口的机器设备、零部件和其他物料。
A month later, it had announced a joint venture with a leading Indian pharmaceutical firm to launch Gendicine in India. 一个月后,宣布与印度首席药物公司建立一家合资企业,将“今又生”投入印度市场。
at the beginning I would love to embark on this joint venture business at a moderate rate and a safe scale. 合资企业起步的时候,我希望有一个稳妥地速度和规模
The Walkie-Talkie building, work on which started in January and is due to be completed in 2014, is a joint venture with Canary Wharf Group. 一月开工、定于2014年完工的“步话机”大厦就是与金丝雀码头集团(CanaryWharfGroup)的合作项目。
Deciding what to call the company in the long run could be tricky, too, especially if it still is a joint venture after five years. 确定合资企业的长期发展方向也是一个棘手的问题,如果五年后该公司仍然为合资公司的话更是如此。
How much is the foreign enterprise investing in our joint venture? 在我们合资企业里外商准备投资多少?
He used to run a trading company, Altai Trading Co. , which had among its interests a gold-mining joint venture. 他曾经运营过一家贸易公司AltaiTradingCo.。该公司的权益中就包括一家黄金开采合资企业。
You may even be able to get your employer to invest in your startup, or allow you to hold equity in a joint venture. 你甚至可以让你的老板在你的生意上投资,或者允许你在合资公司中持有股份。
And perhaps Cuba wants to be one of the partners in a four-way joint venture. How would we write the treaty to do that? 也许古巴想要成为四边合作的一员我们怎么来起草协议呢?
There is not enough evidence available to determine whether or not the rate of joint venture formation is increasing. 目前还没有足够的资料证明合资企业的形成趋势是在增长还是下降。
To be frank, we are going to set up a moderate scale joint venture with you. 说实话.我们希望与贵公司建立一家中型合资企业。
The general manager of the cooperative joint venture shall be engaged and dismissed by the board of directors or joint management committee. 合作企业的总经理由董事会或者联合管理委员会聘任、解聘。
We've come here to do discuss with you the question of a joint venture this time. 我们这次来想和你方谈谈合资经营的问题。
"My expectation is they [Philips] will not be likely to get a lot of value out of [the joint venture], " he said. “我预期,他们(飞利浦)不太可能从(合营企业)获得太大价值,”他说道。
The bank said it expected final approval would be given within a year if the joint venture meets regulatory requirements. 汇丰银行表示,如果符合监管规定,预计合资公司将在一年内通过最后的审批。
The integration of a joint venture in Latin America helped Reebok post its first overall revenue increase in more than a year. 锐步整合合并了一家在拉美的合资公司,帮助锐步品牌一年多以来首次实现总收入增长。
The board used to act like that of a (particularly testy) joint venture, continually having to seek Franco-German entente. 董事会过去扮演着类似联合企业(极难搞定)的角色,还要继续寻求法德间的相互谅解。
Routine duties of the Joint Venture Company are to be discharged by the general manager appointed by the Board of Directors . 合资企业的日常工作由董事会指定的总经理执行。
Consider the case of BP (BP), which thought its partnership with a group of Russian billionaires, TNK-BP, was a textbook joint venture. 考虑到英国石油的案子,它以为它和由一群俄罗斯亿万富翁组成的秋明石油集团的合作关系是经典的教科书式的合资企业。
It was an unprecedented decision for a joint venture investment project that had received its final central government approvals. 对于一个已获得中央政府最终批准的合资项目而言,这是个史无前例的决定。
One of his priorities is to seal a joint venture with a Chinese securities firm so that the U. S. bank can work on domestic share sales. 他的主要任务之一是与一家中国证券公司成立合资企业,以便让摩根大通能够从事国内股票发行。
If the Group is only be able to exercise significant influence over the joint venture, such joint venture is accounted for as an associate. 倘本集团只能对合营企业行使重大影响力,则该合营企业会列为联营公司。
At the beginning, I think this joint venture should be of a moderate size. The total investment would be US$10 millon. 开始阶段,我想这样一个合资企业规模不要太大,总投资额为1000万美元。
Earlier this year, the company entered into a joint venture with Bright to help GNC sell its products in the fast-growing Chinese market. 今年初,该公司与光明食品建立了一家合资企业,帮助健安喜在快速增长的中国市场销售其产品。
Shareholders, the existence of a conflict of interest is bound to affect the healthy development of joint-venture railway companies. 股东利益冲突的存在势必会影响到合资铁路公司的健康发展。