
美 [ˈmɒnədər]英 [ˈmɒnitə]
  • v.监控;监视;监听;检查
  • n.班长;监测仪;屏幕;显示屏
  • 网络监视器;显示器;监督

复数:monitors 现在分词:monitoring 过去式:monitored

monitor system,monitor performance,monitor progress,monitor process,monitor activity
closely monitor,carefully monitor
video monitor


n. v.

1.显示屏;监视器;(计算机)显示器a television screen used to show particular kinds of information; a screen that shows information from a computer

2.监控器;监测器a piece of equipment used to check or record sth

4.(尤指派往国外的)监督员,核查员a person whose job is to check that sth is done fairly and honestly, especially in a foreign country


电脑常用英语单词 ... CD-ROM 光盘驱动器(光驱) monitor 监视器 keyboard 键盘 ...


显示器(Monitor)是计算机的主要输出设备,没有它,我们和计算机打交道的时候,将变成睁眼瞎。也许您的工作每天都需要面 …


八年级上册英语单词 ... end 结束、结尾 monitor 班长 Chicago 芝加哥 ...




监听其他乐手、歌手、合音....的声音:因为声音如果没有监听(Monitor),会听不到某些乐器或人声。简单说如果有吉他手站在 …


水利工程专业英语 - 河林的日志 - 网易博客 ... maintenance, 维护 monitor监测 protection of instrumentation, 仪器保护 ...


M:监督Monitor):观察缺勤管理方案的实施效果,并不断地改进方案,同时评估新的方案带来的收益。事实上,ALIEDIM …

Since this has never been used or may never be used by MS we will adopt a wait and see approach and continue to monitor for its usage. 因为这从未使用过或可能永远不会使用的MS,我们将采取等待和观望的做法,并继续监测其使用情况。
PLUGE pattern is a test pattern used to calibrate the black level on a display monitor to that of a DVD player, a VCR, or some other source. PLUGE图案可以对接入显示器的DVD播放机、盒式磁带录像机(VCR)或其它视频输入设备进行暗电平校正。
Counter in System Monitor to determine how much memory is allocated by the instance of SQL Server running in AWE mode. 计数器可以确定在AWE模式下运行的SQLServer实例分配的内存量。
Once the dynamic cache service is enabled and the dynamic cache monitor application is installed, it is ready to use with your application. 启用动态缓存服务并安装动态缓存监控器应用程序之后,即可使用您的应用程序了。
You can monitor your resting heart rate over time, writing down the heart rate each morning for a few weeks. 您可以在一段时间内监测您的静态心律,记录一二周每天清晨的静态心率。
As you can see from Figure 3, MultiTail divides the available height of your terminal window between all the files that you want to monitor. 如图3所示,MultiTail把可用的终端窗口高度分配给要监视的所有文件。
The WH_MOUSE_LL hook enables you to monitor mouse input events about to be posted in a thread input queue. LL钩子监视在线程输入队列中,即将被传递的鼠标输入事件。
You simply set the rate of your electricity cost and plug your appliance into the device, and a monitor calculates its energy cost. 你简单的设置一下电费的单价并把仪器安装到家用电器上,它就可以计算出消耗的电费。
Miniaturization and portability has always been an important field for study and development since ECG monitor came into being. 自从心电监护仪问世以来,小型和便携化一直是其研究与发展的重要方向之一。
Thus, ICS ought to monitor all economically relevant and accountable behavior of any and all participants in an organization. 因此,内控系统应该监控所有组织参与者所做之与经济相关且可担负责任的行为。
The developed signature will then be transformed into a cryptographic hash and stored on disk to be compared later during the monitor phase. 然后,开发的签名将被转换为密码散列并存储到磁盘中,以供稍后在监视阶段中进行比较。
When fleshed out on Sims's color monitor, the equation painted what seems to be two sheets of icicles backlit by an arctic sunset. 当时,辛姆斯的彩色屏幕上出现了栩栩如生的画面,方程画出了看起来像两片由北极落日从背面照射着的垂冰。
The next item is to set up the trigger monitor to run as a service. 第二个任务是设置触发器监控器,以便它作为一个服务运行。
Some neighbouring countries were not able to monitor the manoeuvres (Lithuania, with a handful of observers in Belarus, was an exception). 有些邻国根本没有机会去观瞻这次演习(立陶宛是一个例外,他们在白俄罗斯有观察员)。
Another device is the Electric monitor, which is fitted to the electricity meter and calculates the cost of your power as you consume it. 另外一个设备是电监视器,它可以安装到电表上并计算出你消费的电量的费用是多少。
The name and status of every primary server and secondary server that uses this server instance as its monitor server. 将此服务器实例用作其监视服务器的每台主服务器和辅助服务器的名称和状态。
Likewise, if you write down your pass phrase and stick it on a post-it note on your monitor you might as well not use encryption at all. 此外,如果您喜欢把密码写在便笺上,然后把它粘贴到您的显示器上,那么您还是干脆不要加密的好。
The system can be custom configured to monitor a variety of conditions, including VOCs, dew point, oxygen and a number of other gases. 该系统可定制,根据需要监控的各种条件而特定配置,这些条件包括挥发性有机物,露点,氧气和其他很多很多气体。
Through a video monitor, I watch the tungsten wires beginning to glow, then brightening to a vivid orange. 通过一个视频监视器,我看到反应堆中的钨制网格开始发光,然后又变成了鲜艳的亮黄色。
However, Dr Cerf said he hoped that it would be possible at a later stage to monitor people without invasive surgery. 不过,塞尔夫博士表示,他希望在随后的阶段中可以做到不用开刀手术就能监测人的大脑活动。
The methods of this report should be generalizable to monitor movement of any molecule relative to any nucleic acid. 这一方法的报告应推广监测运动的任何分子相对任何核酸。
Personal Stock Monitor GOLD makes it easy to manage your entire family's investments with one easy program. 个人股票监视器金可以很容易地用一个简单的方案管理您的整个家庭的投资。
Metric: The piece of data in a monitored instance that you want to analyze is called a metric in Monitor. 度量:希望对其进行分析的受监视实例中的一段数据在Monitor中称为一个度量(metric)。
Equipped with electrical eyes to monitor the machine and stop it in case it runs out of paper cores or any other unforeseen problems. 配备光电开关,随时检测机器运行情况,如若出现原纸运行完毕,无纸芯或者其它意外情况,可自动停机。
Some computers allow you to plug in two or more video cards, each connected to its own monitor. 一些计算机允许您插入两个或多个视频卡,每个卡都连接到它自己的监视器。
The key question of this research is half the width of the band, the center wavelength stability and thickness of the monitor. 解决的关键问题是通带的半宽度,制备工艺的稳定性和膜厚监控的准确性。
One of the tools provided to help you analyze the results of your load tests is the graph pane in the Load Test Monitor and Analyzer. 提供了各种工具来帮助您分析负载测试的结果,负载测试监视器和分析器中的关系图窗格就是其中之一。
Hotel security services routinely monitor Craigslist to see how much of the erotic trade they are attracting. 酒店保安部门会定期监测Craigslist,以掌握它为酒店赢来多少色情交易。
Additionally , your eye doctor may advise you to help monitor progress of your macular disease by an Amsler chart . 你的眼科医生也可能指导你利用阿姆斯特方格表,协助监察病情变化。
If they are unable to speak, trying to clear their throat, or coughing weakly, stay with them and carefully monitor their breathing. 如果他们不能说话且尝试清理喉咙,或微弱的咳嗽,则需陪护并细心监管他们的呼吸。