just for fun

  • 网络空心大少爷;只是为了好玩;就是闹着玩的

just for funjust for fun

just for fun


张嘉年_百度百科 ... 1982 《A计划》 Project A 1983 《空心大少爷Just for Fun 1983 《人吓人》 The Dead and the Deadly ...


疯狂英语口... ... 32.I want to be a lawyer. 我想成为律师。 33.Just for fun. 只是为了好玩。 34.I’m just lucky. 我只是运气好。 ...


世纪环球在线—公映影片 ... 新天生一对 Perfect Two 就是闹着玩的 JUST FOR FUN 爱情真可怕 Shotgun Love ...


这款游戏的游戏类型共有三种:娱乐just for fun)、职业(career)以及通过局域网或者互联网的多人游戏模式。而各种类型 …


工业/产... ... Red dot design yearbook 红点国际设计年鉴2005/2006 Just For Fun 就是好玩 Milan Design Week 2007 米兰设计 …


[转载]中考必背短语H-O_香洲英语群芳_新浪博客 ... 7.做吧! Just do it! 8.只是想玩玩 just for fun 9.只是开玩笑的 just joking ...

The trip was just for fun, and I went with my family, (so there was) no pressure, no makeup and no work. 这次旅行是只是为了好玩,我又和我的家人有),没有压力,没有化妆和没有工作。
have fun, just for fun or make fun of. The children are having so much fun. I do not want to call them inside. 孩子们正玩的开心呢,我不想叫他们进来。
While a few seemed to play just for fun, most folks were focused on the game as if their life depended on winning the round. 有些人看着只是打着玩的,大多数人却全神贯注于牌局中,仿佛每一场输赢都生死攸关。
Just for fun, here's one fan's concept of what a Wizarding Muggle Studies textbook might be like. . . 仅供娱乐,这是一个爱好者猜想中巫师们《麻瓜研究》这一课程教科书的内容……
Just for fun, take an hour this week and check your backup to see if it actually works. 好笑的是,要每周花一个小时来检查你的备份是否可以真正的可用。
If I wanted to make a GM Event at random just for fun, I'd have to write up a notice and clear it with my superiors first. 如果我想让随机只是为了好玩,通用汽车事件,我不得不写了一个通知,明确了我的上司刚开始。
Divers, who stay under water just for fun or to hunt for souvenirs, are disturbing the natural cycles of marine life. 潜水员,他们留在水下只为好玩或追缉的工艺品,令人感到不安的自然周期的海洋生物。
If I need a day off for an appointment or just for fun, I take it. No need to get a manager's approval. 哪天我想休假赴约或就是休息休息,我大可以不接稿,根本不需要向什么经理请示。
You can read this mythological story just for fun or hold it as one of your career practical handbooks for experience sharing. 您可以消遣的来看看这本纯属虚构的小说,也可以把它当经验分享之类的职场实用手册来使用。
And that's why the Na'vi only have one language all over the planet, with regional dialects of course, just for fun. 这就是为什么整个星球只有单一的语言,当然也有区域方言,那只是为了好玩。
Soon, people stopped going to the ocean for the salt water, and went just for fun. 不久之后,人们不再为了咸海水前往海边,他们去海边仅仅是为了找乐子。
Part of it was just for fun, so I'd play around with maps and timelines I drew, so I'm not sure exactly how long I actually worked on it. 这有一部分纯粹是为了好玩,我会以自己绘制的地图和时间线为乐,所以我很难说我实际上是从什么时候开始真正致力于此的。
Just for fun you can translate an entire web page into a foreign language and learn added vocabulary in a fun way. 只是作为余兴节目,你可以将整个网页翻译到另一种语言,并学会以有趣的方式加入词汇。
Well, the internet is becoming available all over the world. People are using it for business, education and just for fun. 嗯,全世界都可以用因特网了。人们用它来做生意,获得教育,还有娱乐。
For me, if couples does not fight for infidelity, they fight just for fun. Sometimes, it is fun to have small fight to create excitement. 对我来说,夫妻打架如果不是因为外遇那样的严重问题,那就纯属打着玩,不是东风压倒西风,就是西方压倒东风。
She's not a professional. She draws for her own enjoyment (just for fun). 她不是职业画家,她画画只是为了消遣。
One little barrel roll around the Elder Gull, just for fun, and I'm Outcast! 我只是闹着玩儿,绕着海鸥长者来了个桶式翻滚,结果成了弃儿!
Somehow, I don't mind what I'm doing this year, maybe just for fun, and be a brand-new me, just like reborn. 不过,我确实不在意我今年到底在干嘛,也许只是为了快乐,也许只想做一个全新的自己,就像重生一样。
The easiest way to dig ourselves out of a mountain of stress is to do something just for fun! 把自己从压力的大山中拯救出来,最简单的办法就是做些有趣的事!
Just for fun, today as you go about your usual routine, pretend you are the richest, most beautiful creature alive. 单纯为了乐趣,当你今天继续着往常的生活时,假装自己是最富有,最美丽的人。
Dave: OK Ms Chickadee, could you please start by telling me what you do for a living, and what you do just for fun? 戴夫:那么,山雀小姐,首先,可否讲一讲你是如何谋生,而又是如何为乐呢?
Don't you see it was just for fun ? You got it all wrong. 你认为他只是好玩吗?你完全错了。
Real persons just for fun outdoing the clever professionals is always fun and cool. 真人为了好玩去做一些比聪明的专业人员还要出色事情,这的确是既爽又酷的事情。
Sports are most often played just for fun or for the simple fact that people need exercise to stay in good physical condition. 体育比赛是最常见的只是为了好玩,或简单的事实,人们需要工作,以保持良好的身体状况。
The leopard loves to pounce and run, and he might chase you just for fun. 小豹子喜欢蹦蹦跳跳,到处乱跑,也许他会追着你玩。
She entertained the woman's daughters by speaking in her own made up language, just for fun. 女孩子为了好玩说一些她自己瞎编的语言逗女房东的女儿发笑。
Mr. Weasley has stuffed the shed with various Muggle artifacts which he likes to take apart and enchant just for fun. 韦斯莱先生在棚里堆满了麻瓜制造的物品,他出于乐趣喜欢把它们拆开再施上魔法。
On a midsummer afternoon, the train ishalf-empty and many of its occupants are tourists travelling just for fun. 在一个盛夏的下午,该车有一半座位空置,大多数乘客都是体验乐趣的游客。
I was just for fun to say it's Fa, don't be so serious. 各位认真了,咱说像发纯属玩笑,千万别认真。
With these ideas in mind, I set out to create TestNG 1. 0 almost four years ago and I published it just for fun and to get some feedback. 正是这些想法促使我在一年前着手创建TestNG1.0,我只是觉得好玩才将它发布,而且获得了许多反馈。