
美 [jə'weɪ]英 [jə'weɪ]
  • n.
  • 网络越;龠;音乐



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名字 中国人姓名_百度文库 ... 元 : YUAN : YUE 岳 : YUE ...

中国姓氏英文翻译-----终于被我找到了~~!!! ... 应- -Ying - -Yue 云- -Wing ...

yue)掩颜:龠是一种乐器,而欣龠掩颜有种犹抱琵琶半遮面的感觉牵着猫的欣然:一种可爱娇贵小女生的感觉,你可以 …


凤凰网 www.ifeng.com ... 游戏 http://games.ifeng.com/ 音乐 http://yue.ifeng.com/ 星座 http://astro.ifeng.com/ ...


行李箱-Yahoo!奇摩购物中心 ... Wind 风之旅者˙台湾制 YUE 万用箱 YESON 台湾制造 ...


Booking.com: 在加拿大Vancouver... ... Ye,Vancouver, 加拿大 Yue, 北京, 中国 Xiyuan, 天津, 中国 ...


Booking.com: 在加拿大Vancouver... ... Ye,Vancouver, 加拿大 Yue, 北京, 中国 Xiyuan, 天津, 中国 ...


CCTV.com... ... # 4 L. Walton 卢克-沃顿 前锋 # 9 S. Yue 孙悦 后卫 # 24 K. Bryant 科比-布莱恩特 后卫 ...

Yue's most obvious exclusivity to mother lies in that she does't like seeing her mother talk too much with anyone else. 小猪对妈妈的独占性比较明显地体现在,她不喜欢妈妈跟别人聊天儿聊得太多。
In front of the company, he was knocked Yue Lai candidates come to the ground, it falls on his head. 在公司大门前,他被前来应聘的黎悦撞翻在地,还砸到了他的脑袋。
Talk almost, the weight talking is in no circumstance lighter than Yue mama how much. 论起来,说话的分量绝不比岳嬷嬷轻多少。
It worked at the beginning, but later on, Yue doesn't like it any more. It's just a kiss, it's not a real mum! 这个办法一开始很管用,但后来小家伙不吃这一套了,只是一个吻,又不是真的妈妈喽!
If this paragraph of time having had a rest well, complexion may get better obviously , skin also is able to have elasticity Yue Lai Yue . 这段时间如果休息好了,气色会明显变好,肌肤也会越来越具有弹性。
Sheer joy and happiness -Wang Yue is now home. But he has lost weight and that's not going to please his mother. 非常快乐和高兴——王跃现在在家里。但是他的体重下降了,这不会让他的母亲高兴。
I would like to deliver my gratefulness to Ms Yue who provide me with related information and helped me out of troubles. 首先感谢乐小芳老师,为我提供相关的信息,并且有什么困难都热心地帮助我。
Tan Yue claimed that Mr. Hu got off too lightly and said he plans to appeal the ruling to a higher court. 果然,受害者的父亲谭跃称对胡斌的量刑过轻。谭跃表示将就这一判决提起上诉。
"Wei-Jin said, " The reason to have such a situation, it is still natural and Mr. Yue's research and advocacy are inseparable. “魏晋说”之所以能有这样的局面,这自然与尚钺先生的研究和倡导是分不开的。
To the Qin Dynasty, surname tends to unity, men's replaced the woman's surname, collectively referred to as last name, or the Yue surname. 到了秦朝,姓氏趋向合一,男性的氏取代了女子的姓,统称为姓,或曰姓氏。
Mr Yue filed a lawsuit against the bank, claimed that, the bank shall compensate the pecuniary loss, and bear the court fee. 岳先生把银行告上法庭,要求银行赔偿损失并承担本案的诉讼费用。
Yue Yangzi was moved by what she said. He again left home to visit scholars. 乐羊子被妻子的话所感动,于是立刻离开家,继续拜师求学。
Wu Yue's home looks from far, conceal in a bungalow, belong to not electrified ladder the sort of, a bit not make public. 吴越的家从远处看,隐藏在一片平房之中,属于不带电梯的那种,一点不张扬。
Zhang Yue, 16, another student, said that people also care about the quality of the shopping bag and how much it can hold. 张跃,16岁,另一个同学,说道人们也关心购物袋的质量,它能够提东少东西。
Pig Yue: "Food and drink Piao wager, nothing will not do" , God great anger Yue: "Also want to be a nation a staff with you! ! ! " 猪曰:“吃喝嫖赌,无所不为”,上帝更大怒曰:“凭你也想当国家干部!!!”
Information about this era is scarce, but it is likely that peoples collectively known as the Yue inhabited the region. 了解这个时代是稀少的,但它很可能是民族统称为越有人居住的地区。
With the joint efforts of him and his people, the State of Yue became stronger and stronger and defeated the Kingdom of Wu in the end. 最后,在他和人民的共同努力下,越国越来越强大,终于打败了吴国。
Yue-ming of the night, was that it had stung the hearts of a thousand miles away, dull, and never swelling. 月明之夜,被它蜇过的心,在千里之外,隐隐作痛,且永不消肿。
Suddenly Yue drew one of his pink nebs into his mouth, while meddling with the other with a hand. 突然,栎鑫把他的一个粉红突起含入嘴里,同时用手逗弄另一个。
Soon, Lin Yue's eyes and temple began to be piercing obtaining up, the view environment starting of eyes is slowly. 很快,林跃眼睛和太阳穴就开始刺痛了起来,眼睛的视线周围开始慢慢的。
In the Spring and Autumn Period, the State of Wu defeated the State of Yue, and took the king of Yue, Gou Jian, and his wife prisoner. 春秋时代,越国被吴国打败了。越王勾践和他的妻子都被带到吴国做苦工。
At a camp for earthquake survivors, a psychologist hands some plastic toys to Wang Yue and encourages her to build a toy house for fun. 在地震幸存者居住的一处营地里,一位心理学家递给王越一些塑料玩具并鼓励她动手搭建一个趣味性的玩具屋。
Then, "hissing" sound very quickly No, I turned away you'll see that the snake toward the direction of travel to Xiao Yue. 接着,“嘶嘶”声很快没有了,我扭头一看,原来蛇朝着小悦的方向游去。
Girls are very hopes her he would see her aspects, so-called female for yue oneself person look, look like a little sad. 女生都是很希望她的他会注意她的方方面面,所谓女为悦己者容,貌似有点悲哀。
"Vietnamese brides" , the words for the early Tang Yue Hotel blind date for the men, known as the dreams of true and false. “越南新娘”,这四个字对于初到腾乐宾馆相亲的男人们来说,如同真假未知的幻梦。
No matter when whom and why they put up the Lion Carving here, those Han Chinese were not to do it for protection of the Yue Carving. 这狮子石刻不管何时何人何事由弄到这个地方,那些古汉人总不会是为了保护这几个古越字吧?
Even though missing her husband deeply, Yue Yangzi's wife was willing to sacrifice it for her husband's career. 虽然非常想念丈夫,乐羊子的妻子还是很愿意为了丈夫的学业默默奉献。
Convinced as if awaked from a dream, the King nodded his approval and dropped his plan of drawing the sword against Yue. 一席话使楚王如大梦初醒,连连点头称是,并放弃了进攻越国的计划。
"Fight the Landlord, " a play by Sun Yue that premiered in Shanghai last month, is another ringing defense of love in an age of materialism. 由孙悦编剧的《斗地主》上个月在上海首演。这部话剧有力地捍卫物质主义时代下的爱情。
Yue: A few times during the season, a lot more during the playoffs. They're definitely a good team with a lot of good players. 赛季中看过一点,季后赛看得多了很多。他们是一支非常好的球队,有许多好球员。