your body

  • 网络你的身体;完美曲线;这是你的身体

your bodyyour body

your body


单词,你最好... ... 005 Growing up 长大 006 Your body 你的身体 007 Looking good 服饰及装容 ...


※ 魔镜歌词网 ... 9.LOVE YOU( 英) 5.Your Body( 完美曲线) 6.Let There Be Love( 爱环绕) ...


导管的真谛... ... Click to start- 按此开始 your body- 这是你的身体 here comes the tampon- 小棉条儿出现了 ...


...英国舞曲榜上打入前十名;1987年另一首浩室舞曲《带上你的身体》(Your Body)终于在英国窜上舞曲榜第一。


帮忙翻译... ... 站在窗前 Standing in front of the window 你的身影 Your body 仿佛渐渐清晰 is becoming more and more clear ...


But if you do not stop, you will not be able to give your body some time to relax. Set aside a time each day to relax. 生活是忙碌的,但是如果你不停下来歇一歇的话,就不能给身体足够的时间去放松。
It's not just the heat that gets to you here; there was a warm dry wind drying out any moisture on your body. 不光是炎热使你想要呆在这里,还有干燥的热风会把你身上所有的水分吹干。
How much protein does your body need? 你的身体需要多少蛋白质呢?
It had an interactive section where you could calculate your Body Mass Index, complete with a silhouette of a perfectly proportioned lady. 那上面有个互动版块,可以计算出你的身体质量指数,还辅以一魔鬼身材的女性轮廓。
Your body has many organs and every single organ in your body has a cell population that's ready to take over at the time of injury. 你的身体有很多器官。你身体的每一个器官,都有一定数量的细胞在你受伤时,会进行替代。
Your body should be straight up in the water; don't lean forward much or hunch over. Keep your shoulders back and look straight ahead. 你的身体在水中应该保持正直,挺胸、目视前方,不要过度前倾或伛偻。
If the answer is yes to any of these, then you're not wearing the right dress for your body shape. 小肚子很明显?其中任何一个问题回答是的话,你穿的这件礼服并不符合你的体型。
Place your arms around the left knee and gently draw it across the body, keeping the foot on the floor and your body central. 双臂抱住左膝,并缓慢地向体侧扭转,保持足底不离地面,身体正直。
You can only go without adequate sleep for so long before your body and mind force you to catch up. 在你的身体和头脑强迫你入睡前,你失眠的时间也不会太长。
Just as you become physically fit by exercising your body, you become mentally fit by exercising your mind. 你通过锻炼身体获取身体上的健康,同样你需要通过心理锻炼来保持心理健康。
But spreading your exercise out over two or three days allows you to build endurance and gives your body recovery time. 但是将锻炼分配在两三天里会让你更有耐久力也给你身体恢复的时间。
There you are. Your body touching the universe again at every point, as though you were separate things. As though we were separate things. 你的身体又碰触著这宇宙的每一个点,就彷佛你是一个个体,就彷佛我们也是许多个体。
I'm the president of my church youth group and I have to help give a seminar on keeping your body like a holy temple. . . Tomorrow. 我负责领导教堂青少年活动组的,明天还要去跟他们讲讲如何把自己的身体当成神殿一样捍卫。
You may not want to be a pro-star athlete, but essentially in order for you to achieve your best, your body needs to be at it's best. 你也许并不想成为一个职业运动明星,但实际上你要想做到最好,首先你的身体要达到它的最佳状态。
It's been a long day and your body is crying out for a delicious moment of rest. 你已经度过了漫长的一天,你的身体正在大声疾呼要享受一下这美妙的休息时刻。
Just before running, do one or two easy stretches just to signal to your body that you are ready to go. 跑前作一到两组简单的拉伸,让你身体知道你准备出发了。
Climbing is all about balance, knowing your body and being able to reposition it in space. 攀岩是一种平衡,了解你的身体,并能在空中调整它。
What your body starts to do is to act as a fat storage, which is not going to help you with your weight loss goals. 此时身体作为脂肪存储库,将不会助你实现减肥的目标。
He said to his disciples, " Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat, or about your body, what you will wear. " 耶稣对门徒说:所以我告诉你们,不要为生命忧虑吃什么,为身体忧虑穿什么。
As you're increasing your distance or the time of your running segments, make small jumps so your body can adjust to the increase in stress. 当你增加你跑步的距离或跑步的时间,做很小的提高那样你的身体可以调整适应增加的压力。
KNOWING this within your Soul makes you able to see it fulfilled with your inner vision before your body has started doing it. 在内在的灵魂中认识它,会让你在身体开始行动之前,就已经以内在视野看到其实现。
Inactive forms of the vitamins must be activated by your live for your body to be able to use it. 不活跃的必须被你的身体激活才能被很好的吸收。
Work out how much sleep you owe your body and find out how to recover if your sleep account is in the red. 算出你到底缺少了多少睡眠。如果你的睡眠帐户处于赤字的话,要用多少时间来补。
You could have too much adrenaline coursing through your body today, yet, paradoxically may feel as if you are running on empty. 今天你的肾上腺素过剩,然而如果你空腹乱跑,感觉会相反。
I'll be too old, and. . . I'll be 27, but you know, it's hard to put your body through this. 我会太老了,而且…我那时27岁,但你知道,很难让你的身体经受这些。
You can't think, see, and seize it, as if your body were vacated, nothing in it. All is so tranquil seems to be fast asleep. 想不能想,看不能见,捉不及物,身体好像不再有感觉,形同虚设,一切都是那么平静,似乎要睡着了。
Well, your body probably needed a week's rest anyway, as you were running too much! 那么,当你跑得太多的时候,你的身体可能需要一周的时间来休息。
My opinion is that all depends on the kind of medical intervention you want to have and on which part of your body. 我认为问题的关键是你想要实施什么样的医学措施,在你身体的哪个部位上实施。
So love it or loathe it, a craving for Marmite could be your body's way of trying to make up for a deficiency. 所以不管是喜欢还是不喜欢,对酸制酵母的渴求可能是你身体试图弥补缺少的物质的一种方式。
Every evening when you go to bed, tell your body how much you appreciate what it has allowed you to do throughout the day. 每天晚上上床的时候,告诉自己的身体,你是多么的感激它,因为它让你能够整天的活动。