just go

  • 网络走吧;去吧;离去

just gojust go

just go


Desperate... ... -Gabrielle:You know what the doctor said. 你清楚医生怎么说的。 Just go. 走吧。 Uh-Uh,no. 噢,不。 ...


...ou Want Me),洋溢着摩登灵魂乐的神采;《去吧》(Just Go)就是融合传统与现代灵魂乐感觉的迷人小品;《不能让你走》(C…


一个欧美男明星_百度知道 ... 5、 Tell Her( 告诉她) 6、 Just Go离去) 7、 Can' t Let You Go( 舍不得你) ...


No Right No Wrong - Music-China Wiki... ... 无是无非 / Nothing right,nothing wrong 放心走吧 / Just go 谎言 / Lie ...


The Danish Poet ... Veslamei 说道 Just go 只管去 inspite of her father's stern o**ections 尽管她父亲严厉反对 ...


请翻译短语just go_百度知道 ... READY GO 是准备好了嘛? just go 只管去做吧 ready? go! 是“准备好了吗?开始啦!” ...


o 遇中途下车者,就停就好了(JUST GO)o 此计划当你选择顾客你将慎选,中途下车就少,而且接下来数月只是友谊而已!o 这方法将 …

His last words were, "If you do not believe what I said , just go and see with your own eyes. " 他临终之言是:如果你们不相信我所说的话,你们去亲眼看一下。
You don't have to speed, Li Hua. Just step on it a little bit. Just go a little faster. 我可以踩油门,再开快一点。不过安全也很重要呦!
Just go on coz when you think you're all alone, look back and you'll find me walking along. 噢,当你感到孤独时,向你的身后看看,你会看到我正在与你同行!
This is our landscape of food. I need you to understand it. You've probably heard all this before, but let's just go back over it. 这就是我们饮食的构造我需要你们理解它你以前很可能全听过但是让我们回顾一遍故去的30年是什么撕裂了这个国家的心呢?
The increase in online communication also means more people can work from home or just go into the office a couple of times a week. 在线交流的增加,使得更多的人可以在家工作或一星期只进入办公室几次。
Like, you guys don't understand what that's like to be able to just go into a shoe store and buy whatever you want. 那感觉你们可能体会不到,总算可以走进鞋店,买任何自己喜欢的鞋了。
Where over there? Should I just go behind the bush? You know like a bush, like a little tree and just kind of. . . Where do I go? Quick. 那边哪个地方?我是不是到那个灌木丛后面?你知道,就像灌木丛,就像小树,然后就这样。我得去哪儿?快点儿。
This question I asked him a lot of my time, but I still do not know, I just go by their own sense of understanding. 这样的问题我问过我的他很多次,可我仍然不知道,我只是按自己的感觉去理解。
I'm just a young guy from Thailand, who grew up in England but I don't really live anywhere now, I just go wherever my adventures lead me. 我只是一个来自泰国,谁在英格兰长大,但我真的不活地方现在,我只是跟着我的故事使我年轻的球员。
I don't know what to say! You came here and expect me to give you all my attention for a whole hour. You know I'm busy, so just go! 我真是没话说了!你竟然要我给你一个小时的时间陪你。你知道我很忙,一边去吧!
You want to know if I've ever had a boyfriend? " I said. " Just go ahead and ask if I've ever fucked anybody. “你是想知道我交没交过男朋友?”我说:“直接问吧,问我有没有和人干过。”
Monica: ( hums for a while, then gives up, and in her head) If it bothers you that much, just go out and get the shoes. (哼哼了一会,然后放弃了,脑袋里想)如果真的很让你困扰,那就起来把鞋子收起来吧。
"I said to Kevin (Keegan), 'I'll go near post' and he replied, 'No, just go for the ball. '" Tommy Smith. “我对凯文(基冈)说,‘我去门柱抢点’,他回答说,‘不,你来拿球。’”汤米-史密斯。
I wanted to, but I knew that if I sopke to her, I'd just blow up at her, so I decided to just go home. 我是想这么做来着。可我知道,如果我们当面对峙,这段感情就彻底完了。所以我决定掉头回家。
On the upside, this can be a time of massive and even momentous change for you, if you decide to just go for it. 在上升中,这可能对你来说是非常巨大的,甚至是非常重要的改变,如果你决定这样做的话,那就去试试吧。
He has a right AND left hand, which allows him to not just go up with either hand in the post, but brands him a reliable dribbler as well. 他那一双走右手,不仅可以用任何一只手来传球,而且也可以让他成为一名可靠的运球队员。
Li's parents told him to "just go with it, " he said. 而李的父母告诉他“适应了就好了。”
I mean you can't just go through how soon spend how much money. 你不能只关心你用多快花掉了多少钱。
Just go outside and enjoy yourself, and forget about all this nonsense. I want you to leave it all to me. 现在你到外面去好好的玩,把所有的废话都忘掉,其他的交给我来办。
I was asked afterwards about Newcastle's managerial position and I said that anyone that's asked to go and work there should just go. 事后有人问我关于纽卡的主帅位置,我表示无论谁只要被邀请去那里执教,都应该会前往的。
"Just go with your gut, " she said. "Whenever you try to be someone else, it's boring. " “做你们自己就好,”她说,“无论何时都去模仿另一个人,会很无聊的。”
If I may just go back for a moment to the point you made , . 请允许我回到你谈到的,。
"Let me just go into a bit of history because it will make it clearer, " he says. 他说:“我要稍微提一提过去的历史,因为这将使问题更清楚。”
If I may just go back for a moment to the point you made, I should say the government is responsible for that. 请允许我暂时回到您谈过的那一点,我得说政府对此是有责任的。
So what's next? "Yeah, I don't know, just go chill with my friends, " he said. "Go skate. Go do something normal for a change, you know. " 下一步呢?”啊,我不知道,和朋友呆们在一起“他说:“去滑旱冰,改变一下,做件普通的事情”
Usually they will target a film first, and set out to see that, but sometimes they will just go and choose when they get there. 通常他们会看中一部影片,然后确定要不要观看,但有时也会到了影院才决定看什么。
Just go along the line and pick out what you want. At the other end they'll tell you how much you have to pay. 她说:“着手去做吧,去要你想要的东西,在餐厅的另外一端会有人告诉你该付多少钱。”
Rachel: Well, alright, then, forget it. (Getting up to go) Might as well just go home. Ow ow ow ow! 恩,那好吧,那么还是算了吧。(站起来准备走)我正好还能坚持到回家。噢噢噢噢!
No need to think too hard about what each of our movement means, just go with the feeling in watching the show, for that will be enough. 但请不需太费神去思考我们每个舞动动作的含意,只需让自己感受经历我们的表演,那便已经足够。
Every time Dad kicks me out of the house to do something sporty, I just go up to Rowley's and play my video games there. 每次老爸赶我出门做运动,我就跑到罗利家,在他家里照样玩我的游戏。