kill them

  • 网络杀了他们;杀死他们;弄死他们

kill themkill them

kill them


NOD步兵说话翻译_凯恩之怒吧_百度贴吧 ... Don't stop it.( 不要停) Kill them.( 杀了他们) Attack.( 攻击) ...


对上老东家,金恩夸张地形容:「我想杀死他们(kill them),尽我所能得越多分,下半场就是不断地攻击再攻击,想要打败他们 …


...天盖地的嘘声和咒骂,科比让他附耳上来,低声说道:“弄死他们kill them)。当你成为一个胜利者,在你职业生涯的最后, …


看看以下英文翻译的对不... ... 他们来了 they are coming 消灭他们 kill them 他们太快了 they are too fast ...

At the time, he said, it had seemed wiser to kill them than leave them alive, because of the possibility that they might be hostile. 那时,他告诉我,杀了他们是比让他们活着更明智的做法,只是因为他们“可能”不友善。
There was the case of 10-year-old [and a younger child, whose mother attempted to kill them both. ] The mother was found legally insane. 有一个案件的当事人是一个10岁的孩子(另外还有一个更小一点儿的孩子,他们的母亲打算把他们都杀掉)。
"Take your time, " the villager said, waving a hand as the door slid open. "We've decided to kill them at dawn. " “慢慢话别吧,”村民说着挥手打开牢门,“我们已经决定明早就处死他们。”
He said that he should go home to kill them first and then he would drown himself in the river or kill himself at his father's grave. 他说他应该先回老家把他们杀掉,再投河自尽或死在爸爸坟上。
Turning to Jether, his oldest son, he said, "Kill them! " But Jether did not draw his sword, because he was only a boy and was afraid. 于是对他的长子益帖说:“你起来杀他们。”但益帖因为是童子,害怕,不敢拔刀。
But the EU currently has no applicable controls on drugs normally used to treat people, rather than kill them. 但是欧盟目前对不直接致命而通常可以治病的药物并没有实际的控制。
His opponents, he said, were nothing but dogs and cockroaches, and he would squash and kill them. 他说,他的对手不过是败犬和虫豕,而他将把他们战至渣啊。
The scientists who discovered radium did not know that it would kill them. 那些发现了镭元素的科学家,并不知道这种元素会让他们丧命。
She wanted to know if it is all right to kill them, or should we respect all life? 她想知道杀死它们是否恰当,或者我们应该尊重一切生命?
When I came to, he always said it was my fault. He said if I told anyone or tried to contact my parents, he would kill them. 当我醒过来时,他总是说是我的错,他说如果我告诉任何人或者想要联系我的父母,他就会杀了他们。
Li is introvert while his wife was domineering, and his parents treated him toughly when he was young, which made him want to kill them. 李磊自身性格内向,他的妻子却喜欢争强好胜,而父母从小就对他的管教非常严厉,这使得他想杀了他们。
He felt as if he almost wished to kill them. 他感覺彷彿幾乎要殺掉他們。
Animals are there for a reason. They are also inhabitants of the earth; we have no right to kill them. 动物的存在总有其特殊的原因,它们也是地球的居民,我们没有权利杀害它们。
These bind to a protein called CD20 that sits on the surface of cancer stem cells. It was expected to kill them. 然后,他们与位于干细胞表面的CD20蛋白结合,人们期望这可以杀灭这些干细胞。
As soon as they come, it will kill them with its tusk without a moments delay and then have itself crowned with a Lion's head . 它们很快地来到,它会毫不迟凝地用尖牙杀害它们,然后让自己戴上一个狮子头的冠冕。
Well, surprise, these people are opposed to trying to kill them. 令人惊奇的是,这些人遭到了,强烈的反对,甚至想处死他们。
His job, if he can't persuade the Na'vi to leave, is to find out enough about them so that contractors can come in and kill them. 但他的工作,却是说服纳美人离开故土,同时对土著进行彻底了解,从而可以使承包商们赶来,将纳美人赶尽杀绝。
What good is it to put an animal on a protected or endangered list if you, re going to turn around and sell licenses to kill them? 如果你想反过来通过售卖许可证来杀死他们,这样的话将动物们放在保护名单或者濒危名单中,这多好啊?
Bacteriostatic Used to describe a compound that prevents reproduction of bacteria, but does not kill them. 一种可以阻止细菌复制但又不会令细菌致死的化合物。
"There'll be no end of trouble if we let them get away! Kill them all! " They killed two of the little foxes, but one of them escaped. “要是让它们跑了,以后会有很多麻烦的!把它们全杀了!”伙计们杀死了两只小狐狸,但是另一只却逃走了。
If This Won't Kill Them, What Will? Shotguns to the face, explosions, a heck of a hiding, the Terminator can withstand just about anything. 这都要不了他们的命,还有什么能让他们送命?拿枪对着脸扫射,爆炸,他隐藏得很好,终结者就是一个淡定哥。
And that's enough reason to kill them when persons are going to be harmed by not killing them. 这就有了充足的理由杀了他们,如果不杀他们,人们就会受到伤害的话。
When you combine speed with endless power and endless health, really, the only way you can challenge that player is to kill them. 当把游戏角色的速度与他们的能力以及生命值相结合,能挑战玩家的方式就只剩下杀死这些角色了。
When he heard that John and Mary planned to tie the knot next week, Mark threatened that if they got married, he would kill them. 当得知约翰和玛丽打算下周结婚时,迈克威胁说如果他们结婚,他就杀了他们。
We received a radio message that Bernard Mutondo [one of the commercial poachers] was coming to camp to shoot elephants, to kill them. 我们接收到伯纳德·穆通多(这是一名商业性偷猎者)的一条无线电台信息,他要在保护区内安营扎寨准备射杀大象……
Not only does the emotion of tension kill you but the way most people choose to deal with it will kill them faster as well. 不仅是这种不安定的情绪本身,许多人选择的处理方法加速了生命的终结。
Their father made them promise never to tell anyone about the sexual abuse or he would kill them. 父亲让她们发誓永远不对任何人提起性虐待的事情,否则就杀了她们。
The chickens are fed large doses of antibiotics all the time, the manager said, because cutting it off would kill them immediately. 经营者说,鸡一直都是用大量的抗生素喂养的,因为如果停用抗生素,它们会立刻死亡。
Like the ones in Iraq who are capturing people and saying that they'll kill them if all the soldiers don't leave? 好像那些伊拉克人把人抓起来还说如果士兵不理开他们就会杀死那些人?。
The shahtooshes made of there fur are very expensive, so people begin to kill them! 由藏羚羊绒制成的沙图什价格昂贵,于是,人类开始屠杀它们!