
美 [kɪl]英 [kɪl]
  • v.杀死;扼杀;弄死;毁灭
  • n.杀死;猎物;被捕杀的动物
  • 网络自杀;杀害;消磨

第三人称单数:kills 现在分词:killing 过去式:killed

kill time,kill goose,kill pain,kill cat,kill father
kill hundred


v. n.

1.[t][i]~ (sb/sth/yourself)杀死;弄死;导致死亡to make sb/sth die

2.[t]~ sth毁灭;破坏;扼杀;使停止to destroy or spoil sth or make it stop

3.[t](informal)~ kills sb to do sth使痛苦;使疼痛;使受折磨to cause sb pain or suffering

4.[t]~ sb使笑得前仰后合;使笑死了to make sb laugh a lot


kill the goose that lays the golden egg/eggs

杀鸡取卵;竭泽而渔;自绝财源to destroy sth that would make you rich, successful, etc.

kill or cure

要么医好要么治死;不是成功便是失败;成败在此一举used to say that what you are going to do will either be very successful or fail completely

kill time|kill an hour, a couple of hours, etc.

(等待时)消磨时间,打发时光to spend time doing sth that is not important while you are waiting for sth else to happen

kill two birds with one stone

一石二鸟;一箭双雕;一举两得to achieve two things at the same time with one action

kill sb/sth with kindness

宠坏to be so kind to sb/sth that you in fact harm them

kill yourself laughing

笑得前仰后合;笑破肚皮to laugh a lot


新目标英语八年级下册单词表_百度文库 ... modern 现代的 kill 杀死 murder 谋杀 ...


2013年七年级英语下册-6单元单词_百度文库 ... tree n 树 kill v 杀死;弄死 ivory n 象牙 ...


求生之路2秘籍-2345软件教程(多特软件站) ... sv_cheats 0 关闭所有秘籍效果 kill 自杀 quit 退出游戏 ...


字典中 薨 字的解释 ... ◎ 薨 hōng (4) 杀害[ kill] (2) 同本义[ (of feudal lords or high officials) death] ...


PET2词汇表1 - elinor的日志 - 网易博客 ... kick v. 踢 kill v. 杀死,致死;扼杀,毁灭;消磨(时间) kilo n. 千克;公里 ...


< 前一篇如何杀掉(kill)Oracle中的会话(Session) 转载后一篇 >参透 评论加载中,请稍候... 发评论 最适合调情西班牙海湾 关注 …


字典中 翦 字的解释 ... (1) 剪整齐[ cut;trim] (3) 割截;杀戮[ cut out;kill] (6) 削减[ reduce;cut down] ...

Could it be that this experiment in imitation, this experiment in a second replicator, is dangerous enough to kill people off? 可能是模仿的试验,第二个副本的试验,太危险而导致全部都被杀死了?
The beetle felt compassion for the hare and pleaded with the eagle not to kill the poor creature. In the name of mighty Jupiter. 甲虫非常同情他并真心的祈求老鹰不要杀了那个可怜的生物,以伟大的木星的名义。
He said the main reason for these attacks is that the drone strikes kill innocent people, particularly women and children. 迈赫苏德说,发动这些袭击主要是为了报复美国无人驾驶飞机炸死无辜平民,特别是遇害的妇女和儿童。
She said she followed the rules of her group, but her cousins had different rules: they would kill anybody. 她说她遵守组织的规定,但她的堂(表)亲却有不一样的规定:他们可以杀任何人。
Strong enough to kill with his hands, and yet he loved music and sang with a wonderful voice. 强壮得足以徒手杀戮,然而他还酷爱音乐,并能用美秒的嗓音歌唱。
I can't believe it! He's such a great guy. This news will kill his mother! 我简直不敢相信!他是个多么了不起的人!这消息会让他妈发疯的。
How cruel it was to kill something of such beauty. 杀死如此美丽的生命真是太残忍了。
Some local say: once upon a time there was a beautiful princess by beelzebub, rob, tactful kill beelzebub, princess escaped back. 有的中央说:从前有一位美丽的公主,被魔王劫去,公主机智地杀死魔王,逃了回来。
I've seen horrors. Horrors that you've seen. But you have no right to call me a murderer. You have a right to kill me. 我见过恐怖的场面,你也见过的。可是你没有权利称呼我为杀人犯,你有权利把我杀死!
She often slit her wrists to kill herself, yet each time she was rushed to the hospital. She did this countless times. 每次割腕自杀就被人送到医院,不知道经过几次。
Li is introvert while his wife was domineering, and his parents treated him toughly when he was young, which made him want to kill them. 李磊自身性格内向,他的妻子却喜欢争强好胜,而父母从小就对他的管教非常严厉,这使得他想杀了他们。
It used to be common for someone to try to kill an enemy by offering him a poisoned drink. 它曾经是共同的为了某人能设法通过提供他一份被毒害的饮料杀害敌人。
She can kill with a smile, she can wound with her eyes. 她的微笑令人窒息,她的眼神令人心碎。
The second slash was low on the abdomen. This wound had not been meant to kill; it had served an entirely different purpose. 第二处位于下腹部,这个伤口虽然不是致命伤,但却代表了另一种特别的意义。
The only thing they tell us is how much of a certain chemical it takes to kill a rabbit. 他们告诉我们的唯一事实是,某种化学品是如何伤害并杀死一只兔子的。
yes. If I don't make it to Beijing tomorrow morning, my wife would kill me. How much is it cost? 好吧,要是我明早到不了北京,我老婆非杀我不可。多少钱?
First, we have to ask if such a thing as an Internet Kill Switch is even possible. 首先,我们必须质疑的是,设置“互联网死亡开关”一事是否可行?
These bombings were widely believed to have been the work of Sunni extremists trying to kill and provoke Shias. 据信,这些爆炸是试图杀害和挑衅什叶派的逊尼派极端分子所为。
If it's skiing, they throw themselves at it with an effort that would kill a horse. 要是去滑雪,他们就在雪地上猛冲,那样子连马都会累死。
I said, "If it's only one goose, what's your worry? Kill it and eat it. " I got up and reached for my hat. 我说:“要是只有一只鹅,你有什么好担心的呢?杀了吃掉。”我站起身去取帽子。
Knowle Rohrer, my buddy, was one of the men that tried to kill us in the FBI garage. 挪勒罗赫,我的哥们,就是在FBI停车场想要杀死我们的其中一个人。
Balaam answered the donkey, "You have made a fool of me! If I had a sword in my hand, I would kill you right now. " 巴兰对驴说:“因为你戏弄我,我恨不能手中有刀,把你杀了。”
He gave an inaccurate account of the plot to kill the president. 他给出的密谋刺杀总统的计划的解释不准确。
He thought he could kill him right then. But he did not do it. 他心想他现在可以杀了克劳迪斯,但是他并没有这样做。
Wherever Nabil goes, something of Cairo remains within him, he says; but to stay away is to kill a part of himself. 他说,无论走到哪里,对于开罗总有丝缕牵挂,远离故土就像是扼杀了自己的一部分。
He said that after a month on the 22nd should come with me, before, before, so he did, and can be warm but slowly kill. 他说过,以后每个月的22号都要陪我一起过,在此之前,他也确实做到了,可热情却慢慢地消磨。
You, however, are not a vampire bat. Because humans did not evolve such an iron-extracting mechanism, drinking blood can kill us. 然而,你可不是吸血蝙蝠。因为人类没有逐步形成这样一个提取铁质的机制,喝血会杀死我们。
The story tells of a time prevalent with war, where it's a matter of to kill or to be killed on battlefields for soldiers. 电影讲述了一段盛行战争的岁月,那时候的士兵要么浴血奋战,要么战死沙场。
My hope was that I should kill myself quickly with my excesses, and I think that this hope will not now be long in being realized. 在这样过度的纵情欢乐之后,我多么希望自己快些死去;而且,我相信这个愿望不久就会实现的,我的健康无疑是越来越糟了。
By the end of the year, hunters will be allowed to kill up to 220 wolves in Idaho and 75 in Montana, assuming the courts do not intervene. 到今年年底,如果法庭不干预,狩猎者们将可以在爱达荷州捕猎灰狼220头,在蒙大拿州捕猎75头。