
美 [kaɪnd]英 [kaɪnd]
  • n.种;类;方法;性质
  • adj.厚道的;和蔼的;亲切的;充满柔情的
  • 网络种类;品种;多种

比较级:kinder 最高级:kindest 复数:kinds

same kind,offer kind,face kind,kind act



这种类型的类型被称为种类kinds),可以在GHCI中使用:k来对类型进行种类的分析。 GHCI使用 " * "表示具体的类型,如果 …


英语问题_百度知道 ... members 成员 kinds 品种 firecracker 鞭炮 ...


14。 单项选择_百度知道 ... kind = 一种 kinds = 多种 many = 很多 ...

ctags | 易水博客 ... [=yes|no] 定义 "# -kinds – [=yes|no] 指定是否对于 "# ...


...平板 ‧分類 (classification) ‧种類 (Kinds) ‧Kind HS: 热增强玻璃(Heat-Strengthened glass, 强度一般为 普 通退火玻璃(anneal ...

The best way to load the data depends on what kinds of operations are performed and how much data needs to be loaded. 装入数据的最佳方法取决于所执行操作的类型以及需要装入多少数据。
How much of different kinds of food should I eat to stay healthy? 在各类食物中,我应该吃多少才能保持健康?
Two kinds of sample had been measured, For the flexible slim macromolecule sample, FEM had been used to validate the measurement results. 采用两类样品测试:一类是柔性高分子薄片,通过对薄片振动的有限元分析验证测试的正确性;
How much we need a word beyond our sea: In love and laughter, thoughts of different kinds, Perhaps, with luck, unraveling a seam. 多少我们需要一个词在我们的海之外:在爱和笑声,不同的种类想法,或许,用运气,解开缝。
He constantly made up all kinds of excuses for failing to finish projects, as if they would add up to the truth. 他不停的编着各种借口来解释为什么没能完成任务,好像一千个谎言加起来就可以等于实情
He said policy makers were discussing easing restrictions on other kinds of investment, but he did not provide any details. 他还说,决策者们正在商讨对其他类型的外商投资放松限制,不过他并没有提供任何细节。
Yes, the earliest ice-sugar gourd used Hawthorns. And then they started varying it a bit and now there are many kinds. 嗯,最早的冰糖葫芦都是用山楂做的,后来发生了变化,现在已经有很多不同的种类。
If Preston had to be extended to handle other kinds of input data, it might have to be able to different forms of the same name. 如果必须对Preston进行扩展来处理其他类型的输入数据,那么必须能够处理同一名字的不同形式。
On man when he came into life the Father conferred the seeds of all kinds and the germs of every way of life. 而当人诞生之时,我们的在天之父便赐予他各类种子和每一样生命的胚胎。
Well, moisture content ranging from people, we must quickly Teng underground kinds, or to miss the next season harvest. 二嘛,墒情不等人,必须赶快腾地下种,要不就误了下一季的收成。
No matter how much he loved all kinds of animals, he loved dogs best. 无论他对各种动物有多喜欢,他最喜欢的是狗。
Twenty other invertebrates representing the major phyla did not appear to have mariners of these kinds in their genomes. 第二十四其他无脊椎动物的主要门代表似乎并没有水手这类在它们的基因组。
It's pretty easy to see how a bugnet's name could pan out to become what we call any number of kinds of awnings and overhanging tents. 我们很容易理解,用来称呼防虫罩的词是如何演变成各种遮蓬和帐篷的总称的。
I then started to ask her to do all kinds of things for me just like before. Day after day, I could see her face became less pale. 我又开始像以前一样要她为我做这做那,她的脸色慢慢红润起来了。
look, the cake big, round face, and was covered with white butter, cream with all kinds of flowers, it seems to me smiling, and lovely! 瞧,那蛋糕又大又圆,被纯白的奶油覆盖着,上面堆满了各种奶油花儿,好像在对我笑着,可爱极了!
Finding us distinguished, as a nation, by our love of exercise, he gave himself up to all kinds of sports. 他发现我们这个民族以爱运动而著称,就热心参加各种体育活动。
What kinds of choices would you have and how much of a difference could you make? 你能够有一些什么样的选择,又能够起到多大的作用呢?
There might be quite a few kinds of your leather crafts we would be interested in, may I go over your latest catalogues? 我可以看一下你们最新的商品目录吗?我们对其中很多种皮革制品也许会感兴趣的。
He had a whole discussion about these kinds of problems, but the point was he said in the end, the sensory base of knowledge is inadequate. 他有一个对整个讨论这类问题,但问题是他最后说,基础知识是不够的感觉。
It seems to outsiders in Romania Romania to the old man to leave the house cast a layer of mystery, all kinds of legends about his views. 在外人看来,罗老汉的离去给罗家蒙上了一层神秘的色彩,关于他的种种传说众说纷纭。
Here's another piece of good news for this winter: our factory comes out with 2006's fashionable eiderdown outwear of various kinds. 今冬又一福音:本羽绒服装厂隆重推出2006年流行的各式羽绒服。
Standing on the bank, the children watched the ship being loaded with all kinds of goods. 站在河畔上,那些孩子看着船被人装上货物。
A: Of course. Love is not just between man and woman. This kind of love is one of the most Beautiful kinds just like the rose. 爱不仅仅存在与男女之间,然而爱情却如盛开的玫瑰花般是最美的。
Outside, Jerusalem teems with people and noisy souvenir sellers of all kinds but none of that touches the Garden. 园外人潮拥挤,出售各式纪念品的小贩高声叫卖,但这一切都不能打破园子的幽静。
But Asur and Huberman reckon this is just the beginning, and that their technique should be able to predict social outcomes of many kinds. 但阿苏尔和休伯曼认为,这仅仅是个开始,用他们的技术完全可以预测多项社会结果。
What was the whole process in the creation and the evolution of the universe to getting to the point that we have these kinds of materials? 创世的过程是什么样的?宇宙的进化中怎样的走到现在使得我们拥有这些材料的?
It was a pity, that cop. Out of all kinds of dangers, he was done in by two petty thieves trying to steal electric cables. 那个交警很可惜啊,居然被两个偷电缆的小东西给搞翻了。
The moment is fading, all that remaines is the permanent overlapping of movements of all kinds, political or personal. 时间正在流逝,剩下的只是万物永恒的运动重叠,政治的也好,私人的也罢。
Love is one. It has no separate parts and no degrees; no kinds or levels, no divergencies and no distinctions. 其实只有一种爱,它既没有个别的部分,也没有程度之分,亦无种类或层次之别,更没有歧异与差别。
Sometimes she did not even have the money to pay the premiums for the various kinds of insurance she needed. 有时候她甚至没有钱支付她所需要的种种保险费用。