
美 [ni]英 [niː]
  • n.膝关节;膝盖;(裤子的)膝部;(坐下时)大腿朝上的面
  • v.用膝盖顶(或撞)
  • 网络膝根;膝盖这;形成膝部

复数:knees 过去式:kneed 现在分词:kneeing



n. v.

1.膝;膝盖;膝关节the joint between the top and bottom parts of the leg where it bends in the middle

2.(裤子的)膝部the part of a piece of clothing that covers the knee

3.(坐下时)大腿朝上的面the top surface of the upper part of the legs when you are sitting down


bring sb to their knees

(尤指战争中)打败某人,使某人屈膝投降to defeat sb, especially in a war

bring sth to its knees

摧毁某物;使(组织等)瘫痪(或崩溃)to badly affect an organization, etc. so that it can no longer function

put sb over your knee

把某人放在膝上打屁股to punish sb by making them lie on top of your knee and hitting their bottom


小学英语单词_百度文库 ... shoulder 肩膀 knees 膝盖 toe 脚趾头 动物 ...


微曲你的膝部(Knees)、重 心移前。眼睛先朝向要转的方向,然后再把你的前肩(Leading Shoulder)及上 身移向你要走的方向。


请吸气时,观想这地球母亲绿色之光的能量经由脚底上升,直至膝关节KNEES),呼气时,观想这能量经由脚底向下流动, …




新东方新概念英语第二册... ... d. a message( 消息,信息,音信)这4个选择中只有 d. knees( 膝盖)这3个词都与 a. dark( 黑暗的), ...


StreetSmart with KD ... ... 特性介绍 只有%K产生背离 Divergence in %K Only 图 3-5-1%K形成膝部 Knees 特性介绍 关键 Hinge ...


美国大学翻译中文29 - DuSystem Forum... ... 屈膝 genuflex 屈膝 knees 屈膝旋转法 telemark ...

As a revolutionary, he would rather die with his head high than live with his knees bent. 作为革命者,他宁愿昂首而死,而不愿屈膝求生。
" The seven fairies all got down on their knees and said, " We have been ordered by the Queen to pick peaches for the banquet. 慌得七仙女一齐跪下道:“我等奉王母娘娘差遣,摘桃为开蟠桃盛会之用。”
As he emerged from the water, he came in contact with a stone and fell upon his knees. 他走出水时,碰到一块石头就跪着跌倒了。
But it has to be a special one, short as a mini or to the knees and in colors like pink, red, yellow or turquoise. 现在又开始流行穿风衣了,但要有特色,长度像迷你裙或到膝盖,以粉色、红色、黄色或青绿色为宜。
My wife was upset that I did not get down on my knees and propose to her. I sent her an email instead. 我没有跪下向我妻子求婚她很不高兴,我只给她寄了一封电子邮件。
As useless as I knew it would be, as weak as my knees already were, panic took over and I bolted for the emergency door. 尽管我知道这根本没用,我的膝盖依然虚软着,恐惧还是控制了一切,我向紧急出口冲去。
Yasha had not realized until now that his pants were torn at the knees and stained with lime as well. 雅夏直到现在才发现他的裤子在膝盖处扯破了,而且还沾着石灰。
Eleven years later the couple returned to Ms. Winfrey's show, and Mr. Rosenblat got down on his knees to give his wife a new ring. 11年之后,他们重新回到温弗瑞的节目,在节目中罗森布拉特跪下来给他的太太戴上了一枚新的戒指。
We were made to sit on our knees in the prison courtyard for an hour while they beat us continuously and kicked us all over our bodies. 我们在监狱的院子里跪了一个小时,期间他们不停的打我们,踢我们的身体。
A young man was at the end of his rope, seeing no way out, dropped to his knees in prayer. 一个年轻人走得精疲力竭,发现已经山穷水尽了,于是就跪下来祈祷。
The cabman went up to the soldier, flopped down on his knees, and gave a smacking kiss on his hand. 马车夫走到军士跟前,双膝跪倒,吧的一声吻一下军士的手。
Once upon a time there was a very, very old man. His eyes had grown dim, his ears deaf, and his knees shook. 从前有个很老很老的老人,眼睛花,耳朵也背,双膝还不住地发抖。
It is true, and I would that I had not told thee of it, ' she cried, and she clung to his knees weeping. “千真万确。我倒宁愿我不曾告诉你这些,”她说道,抱着他的膝头,泪流满面。
"The result of this has been unprecedented in Lebanese history, " he said. "What's happening has brought the country to its knees. " “轰炸造成的损失是黎巴嫩历史上前所未有。”他表示。“轰炸已使这个国家陷入瘫痪。”
He took another deep breath, held the ring over his head and carefully brought it down all the way to his knees. 他又一次深呼吸,把戒指举过头顶仔细的把它带到膝盖。
She got up on her knees and straddled him, and this time when she kissed him, he did not pull away. 她站起身,跨坐在他身上,这次当莫伊拉吻他的时候,他没有躲开。
A few days before, Mr. Shi had come home with his pants soaked to the knees, says his wife of 12 years, Guo Qinqin, 32. 师伟科32岁的妻子郭琴琴说,出事前的几天,师伟科一次回家时裤子的膝盖以下都是湿的。
Joseph drummed his hands on his knees for a minute, then took a deep breath and said, "So you got remarried? " 约瑟夫的双手在膝盖上敲鼓般拍打了一阵,然后深吸一口气说:“看来你结婚了?”
Instead he began to laugh helplessly, leaning against the wall with the jug between his knees. 相反,他却无助地大笑起来,靠在墙上,酒壶放在膝间。
He took his violin and played some Christmas church music and down went the bull on his knees! 他拿出了小提琴,拉起一些圣诞节的教堂音乐,那头公牛居然跪下来了:
Lying on your side with your knees bent is likely to be the most comfortable position as your pregnancy progresses. 随着怀孕的时间增加,弯着膝盖侧睡将会是让你感觉最舒服的姿势。
He invited her into his office, got her down on hands and knees, and had her play him in a fixed-dice game. 他把奥斯伯格请进自己的办公室,让她趴在地板上,两个人一起来玩“固定骰子”(fixed-dice)的游戏。
Hiro sank to his knees, his head bowed, his arms lips by his sides. 希罗弓起了身体,低垂着头,双臂无力的挂在身边。
If you are running you begin to think you are going to be late which puts stress on your mind as well as your knees. 如果你是在跑着的,那你就会觉得你即将迟到了,那会给你的膝盖,更会给你的头脑带来压力。
Let me use the examples of China and the United States to illustrate the problem that has brought the financial system to its knees. 我举中国和美国的例子来说明带入金融系统的问题。
What the researchers found was that, at first blush, strenuous physical activity does seem to damage knees. 研究人员发现,乍看之下剧烈的体能活动会伤害膝盖。
Stand and imagine growing as tall as you can, with your weight in the balls of your feet, your chest down and your knees unlocked. 站立并想象你的身体向上长高,重量放在双脚大脚趾下的球状骨上(跖骨),胸口保持下降,膝盖不要锁住(过伸)。
The kind-hearted man got down on his hands and knees and began helping the drunk looking for his watch. 这个热心的男人蹲下来开始帮这个醉汉找他的手表。
she ran up to him and with a swift , supple , youthful movement dropped on her knees. 她用轻快的柔韧的年轻的步子走到他身旁跪了下来。
At this table sat a man of about forty, with a merry and open countenance, who was dandling a little child on his knees. 桌子旁边坐着一个四十岁左右喜笑颜开的男子,他用膝头颠着一个小孩,逗他跳跃。