
美 [kɪs]英 [kɪs]
  • n.
  • v.亲吻;接吻;轻拂;轻触
  • 网络因为是女子;简单原则(keep it simple and stupid);亲亲

复数:kisses 现在分词:kissing 过去式:kissed

give kiss,steal kiss,kiss goodbye,kiss cheek
tender kiss


v. n.

1.[i][t]亲吻;接吻to touch sb with your lips as a sign of love, affection, sexual desire, etc., or when saying hello or goodbye

2.[t]~ sth轻拂;轻触to gently move or touch sth


kiss and tell

(通常为了获利)泄露与名人的私情a way of referring to sb talking publicly, usually for money, about a past sexual relationship with sb famous

kiss sbs arse

谄媚巴结某人;拍某人马屁;奉承某人to be very nice to sb in order to persuade them to help you or to give you sth

kiss sth better

以吻消除疼痛;亲一亲就不痛了to take away the pain of an injury by kissing it

kiss sth goodbye|kiss goodbye to sth

任其失去;放弃某事物;承认对某事无能为力to accept that you will lose sth or be unable to do sth

草莓网超低折扣女士香水 - 包邮 香港草莓网 ... 凯蒂派瑞 Katy Perry Kiss 吻她 Kiss Her ...


九年级英语单词表 ... bow 鞠躬;弯腰 kiss 吻;亲吻 Cali 卡利 ...


接吻kiss)俗称亲嘴,打本儿,是指两人的嘴唇互相接触,表达亲爱、欢迎、尊敬等含义。 相关经验更多 接吻方法大全更多 …


因为是女子(KISS)的高清晰MTV? 哪里有周杰伦的高清MV下载,跪求,因为他的歌好听. 最好的免费高清MV下载网站 等待你回 …

简单原则(keep it simple and stupid)

演示文稿设计的原则是KISS (Keep It Simple and Stupid)。其实准备演示文稿内容和写文章是一样的,订好题目后,先列出大纲…


m250l吧_百度贴吧 ... 有人说4.1很耗电… ling930612 亲亲 Kiss 自定义8新 一套40不折价 单买后壳25 电池盖15 Fandylh 3-19 ...


吻合唱团(KISS)是一个70年代属华丽摇滚派(Glam Rock)的重金属摇滚乐团。成军於1973年12月,发祥地为美国纽约市,与皇 …

But when she found herself wondering what it would be like to kiss a guy who chewed tobacco she began to think she was fooling herself. 但是,当她发现自己总在琢磨跟一个爱嚼烟草的人接吻会是什么感觉时,才明白自己以前的感觉只不过是自欺欺人罢了。
He reached up and pulled her back down to kiss him. Just as they were beginning to lose themselves again, Cameron suddenly stopped. 他伸手把她拉回来继续吻她,就当他们开始迷失自我的时候,Cameron突然停下了。
Adults in some Amazonian tribes did not kiss, though the children did. 在一些亚马逊部落里,成人之间不亲吻,但是小孩之间会。
Fallen into your world~If the kiss is what you want, then my hearts beat for you as well. . . 沉陷入你的世界之中~如果说这个吻是你也想要的,那我的心脏就是为了你而跳的…
With you though -- I don't even know if it's right to hold your hand, let alone kiss you. 可是跟你————我甚至不知道是否可以拉你的手,更别说吻你了。
So when do you know when a girl is ready to be kissed and how can you make her want to kiss you? 那么,你怎么知道一个女生什么时候准备好你去亲她?又或者让她主动来亲你?
If I were a tear in your eye, I would fall down on your lips, kiss you. 假如本人是你眼中的一滴泪,本人会落在你的唇上,吻你。
In many areas, you re likely to hear the KISS mantra - "Keep it simple, stupid! " This applies just as well to security as anywhere else. 在许多领域,您可能听到KISS咒语“简单些,蠢货!”与其它场合一样,这同样适用于安全性。
A boy was crossing a road one day when a frog called out to him and said, "If you kiss me, I'll turn into a beautiful princess. " 有一天一个男孩过马路,这时有只青蛙朝他叫唤,对他说:“如果你亲我一下,我就会变成美丽的公主。”
The cabman went up to the soldier, flopped down on his knees, and gave a smacking kiss on his hand. 马车夫走到军士跟前,双膝跪倒,吧的一声吻一下军士的手。
When you gaze at me Drinking in my every feature I tremble with longing As you move in for a kiss. . . 当你静静注视着我,领略我的每个姿态,当你靠近意欲吻我,我满怀渴望地颤抖…
In 1903, Rodin himself paid a visit to the town to see where it would be located, then a year later he dispatched The Kiss itself. 1903年,罗丹亲自来到刘易斯考察雕像将被摆放的位置,并于一年后把雕塑《吻》运了过去。
I cannot rest until he kisses me with the kiss of his mouth. 我无法平静直到他用口与我亲嘴。
You rememBEr not getting to kiss your child goodbye or talking to him in front of his friends. You wished your child would BE more mature. 你记得没能在他的朋友面前跟他吻别或说话。你多希望孩子能更成熟些。
But she was also intrigued by the rhino stamp, barely a kiss of a postmark, and her address in caps. 不过她也对大写的地址和犀牛邮票感到好奇,因为上面几乎没有加盖邮戳。
A boy who will kiss my neck, just to have a reason to tell me how much he loves my new perfume. 一个男孩会亲吻我的脖子,只是为了有一个理由,告诉我他有多爱我的新香水。
Pinocchio ran to him and scurrying like a squirrel up the long black beard, he gave Fire Eater a loving kiss on the tip of his nose. 匹诺曹跑到他身边,像一只松鼠似地顺着长黑胡子匆匆往上爬,然后在吞火者的鼻尖上深情地吻了一下。
I thank him, too, for the kiss of the hand, but if he has genuine regard for me, let him kiss me with the kiss of his mouth. 我也感谢他亲吻我的手,但如果他对我有真情,就让他用口与我亲嘴吧。
'I don't like the look of it at all, ' said the King: 'however, it may kiss my hand if it likes. ' “我一点也不喜欢它的模样,不过,如果它愿意的话,可以吻我的手。”国王说。
Then I kiss your eyes and thank God we're together. And I just wanna stay with you in this moment forever, forever and ever. . . 然后我吻你的眼睛并感谢上帝我们在一起。而我只想与你永远、永远、永远留在此刻…
Now I expected her to blush and then smile; maybe she'd sidle up next to me, give me a little kiss. 嗳,我原来以为她会羞红了脸,然后笑笑,说不定她还会静静地靠过来,轻轻亲我一下。
That kiss was all about that, " he said. " That was about a man and a woman saying thank you to each other. 那个吻是关于“科斯特纳说。”是关于一个男人和一个女人真诚地互相说谢谢你时的感觉。
Although many years later, I have grown up to an adult, but I still can't fight this feeling for you, is to passionately kiss and hug you! 虽时隔多年,我已长大成人,但我还是无法克制对你的情感,就是想深情地亲吻和拥抱你!
You did not give me a kiss, but this woman, from the time I entered, has not stopped kissing my feet. 你没有与我亲嘴,但这女人从我进来的时候就不住地用嘴亲我的脚;
Tao Zi twisted her head to the side when Cang Li Man was trying to kiss her. 来点高兴的事吧:仓里满想吻陶子,陶子却把头扭到一边。
You have never been kissed like this before, an electric kiss and a tingle shudders through your entire body and you don't want it to stop. 你以前从来没有被象这样吻过。象过电一样,轻微的阵颤传遍的你的全身。你不希望他停下来。
"I'm sure it can wait" she said and gave him a kiss near his mouth and started to caress him behind his neck. “我确定这事可以过会再说。”她在他唇边印下一吻,伸手轻抚他的后颈。
If you think she's ready for the kiss test, lean over to her and play with her hair a little bit. 如果你觉得她已经准备好了,那么靠向她,拨弄她的头发。
"The herding is also . . . . . . " at his kiss in, she struggles and arrives his chest, own lips from he the lips take out to leave. “牧也……”在他的吻里,她挣扎起来,抵住他的胸膛,将自己的唇从他唇间抽离。
During an open-mouthed kiss, a man passes a bit of testosterone to his partner. 接吻时,男性可以传递少量的睾丸激素给她的伴侣。