
美 [kaɪt]英 [kaɪt]
  • n.风筝;鸢(猛禽)
  • v.使用(非法支票)骗钱;涂改(支票)
  • 网络空头支票;凯特;鹞

复数:kites 现在分词:kiting 过去式:kited



n. v.

1.风筝a toy made of a light frame covered with paper, cloth, etc., that you fly in the air at the end of one or more long strings


初中英语单词表大全2182个带音标 - 豆丁网 ... ping-pong 乒乓球 310 kite 风筝 312 young 年轻的,幼小的 313 ...

趣味英语 - 浮萍的日志 - 网易博客 ... heron( 苍鹭) kite) rhea( 美洲鸵鸟) ...


高中英语单词表 ... knee n. 膝盖;(坐姿时)腿部 kite n. 风筝;空头支票 kitchen n. 厨房;全套炊具 ...


  凯特Kite)设计了一套度量同性恋恐惧症的指标:  1、我不介意朋友是同性恋者。

月份与星期的英文_百度文库 ... golden eagle 鹫 kite vulture 秃鹫 ...


服装英语电子小词典(j精华版)[中华纺织网论坛] ... Kimono 和服式 Kite 风筝形 Lantern 灯笼式 ...


纸_互动百科 ... ◎ 纸鱼[ fish moth] ◎ 纸鸢[ kite] ◎ 纸张[ paper] ...


☪ ·Jewellery ... kirinji 尖晶石 kite 风筝型 knife edge 刀棱 ...

As for a kite unable to fly, even if it's beautiful, there's always a little loneliness and pity which can't be wiped away from its heart. 无法飞翔的风筝纵然美丽,却总有那么一丝挥之不去的落寞和遗憾。
He kept on bothering me with silly questions that I told him to go fly a kite. 他尽用些傻里傻气的问题来烦我,故此我叫他滚开。
I look up to the sky, as if sunk-in kite to the blue sky studded with flowers. 抬头仰望着天上飘舞的风筝,仿佛给蔚蓝的天空镶嵌着朵朵鲜花。
You go as you come , gently like wind , let me kite made of love fly to you, loud ing my miss . 你轻轻地走了,正如你轻轻地来;于是我把爱做成风筝,让它带着我的思念,飞向你。
In the park, I saw a little boy holding a kite. The kite was up and down overhead at the mercy of the wind. 在公园里,我看见一个小男孩手持风筝线,风筝在他的头顶上随风摆动,忽上忽下。
One day Vimal wrote to me saying that he would be taking a few days off to celebrate Makar Sankranti, or Kite-Flying Day. 一天,维姆写信给我说,他要放几天假,庆祝桑格拉提节(MakarSankranti),又称风筝节。
When finally the kite catches the wind and fly high above into the sky, it feels as if all my worries fly away as well. 当最后风筝到了风并且高高的飞在天空中的时候,那种感觉就像是我的所有烦恼也全飞走了。
What tests could you perform on your kite to see that it meet your specifications? 你可以用何种测试来验证你的风筝符合你说明书所描述。
This spring the weather is not bad, for not blowing dust storms, the wind is a bit normal, otherwise how kite-it? 今年春天的天气还不错,基本没刮沙尘暴,有点风是正常的,否则风筝怎么放呢?
Sometimes the wind is not very strong so I can't get the kite up in my first several attempts. 有些时候风不是很强所以开始的几次尝试中我不能把风筝放到空中。
I put it into a closet, planning on taking it to the Kite Market to see if it could be fixed. 我把它放到储物间里,准备改天带到风筝市场看看能不能修一下。
Think about the different ways that people use the wind. You can use it to fly a kite or to sail a boat. 想一想人们利用风资源的不同方式,你可以用来放风筝,或是驾驶帆船。
An unwise experiment which is often mentioned is Benjamin Franklin's famous kite in a thunderstorm. 经常提到的一次欠考虑的实验是本杰明?富兰克林做的著名的在雷雨中放风筝实验。
In the past, some people would cut off the thread when the kite flew to the sky, letting it drift to wherever the wind took it. 过去,有的人把风筝放上蓝天后,便剪断牵线,任凭清风把它们送往天涯海角,据说这样能除病消灾,给自己带来好运。
Her head fell back, and her laughter rose and carried over the street like an abandoned, wildly colored kite. 她的头往后仰,她的笑声上升,传过了街道,像一面断了线的五颜六色的风筝。
Almost as if the inner child in us wants to put the rest of the world on hold and just run outside to climb a tree or fly a kite. 仿佛我们内心的童真想要撂下整个世界,就只是跑出去爬爬树,或者放放风筝。
He made a big kite. He took hold of the kite string and ran with it. The wind took the kite up into the air. Then he jumped into the river. 他做了一个很大的风筝他拿起风筝线就跑了风把风筝到空中然后他跳入河中。
When the kite reached the storm clouds, Franklin noticed that all the loose parts of his string began to stand up and shake. 当风筝到达风暴云时,富兰克林注意到,绳子的全部松弛部分开始向上竖起并且摆动起来。
Do not fear the winds of adversity. Remember: A kite rises against the wind rather than with it. 不要担心逆境和挫折,记住:风筝是逆风而行的,不是顺风。
But for those of us asking for the rice to mouth clothes to the children who do not know how to do this kite, so I ask his mother. 但对我们这些衣来伸手饭来张口的孩子们,根本不知道风筝该怎么做,所以我请教了妈妈。
Who'll carry the coffin? I, said the Kite, If it's not through the night, I'll carry the coffin. 谁来运载棺材?我,鸢说。如果不用穿过夜晚,我将运载棺材。
The kite felt the wind passing by hastily with faster heartbeats and trembling all over for its first flight. 风筝感觉到风在身旁急速地流动着,为了自己的第一次飞行,它心跳加速,浑身颤抖。
It was not we who we deprived of his right to play a kite but he who said he wouldn't like to. 并不是我们剥夺了他的权力,而是他说自己不想放。
You go as you come, gently like wind. Let the kite made of love fly to you, loading my miss. 你轻轻的走了,正如你轻轻的来,于是我把爱做成风筝,让它带着我的思念,飞向你。
He took hold of the kite string and ran with it. 他抓住风筝线跟着风筝一起跑。
With that, the eagle flies forward and scrabbled the kite broken so the poor broken kite fell head down, down from the air. 说着,雄鹰飞上前去,把风筝抓个稀烂,可怜的风筝,从高空中一头栽了先去!
When the kite was flown in the sky, it was able to produce the musical sound of the zheng. 那么纸鸢一飞上天,就能发出筝鸣的声音来。
Suddenly, the wind became stronger. The clouds moved quickly. The strong wind blew their kite away. Kitty and Ben went home immediately . 突然间,风力变得强劲起来,云快速地移动着。强风将风筝都要吹跑了。凯蒂和本赶紧回了家。
He says the best bamboo and silk materials must be selected and constructed meticulously into a kite. 他说,必须选用最好的竹子和织物材料,并精心构制作一个风筝。
The kite climbed steadily higher until there was no more string to pay out . 风筝平稳地越飞越高,直到手上再也放不出线来。