
美 [kɪt]英 [kɪt]
  • v.装备
  • n.成套工具;配套元件;成套设备;全套衣服及装备
  • 网络工具箱;套件;卡尔斯鲁厄理工学院(Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)

复数:kits 过去式:kitted 现在分词:kitting



n. v.

1.[c]配套元件a set of parts ready to be made into sth

2.[c][u]成套工具;成套设备a set of tools or equipment that you use for a particular purpose

3.[u]全套衣服及装备a set of clothes and equipment that you use for a particular activity


get your kit off

把你的衣服都脱掉to take your clothes off


机械英语词汇|各类常用英语词汇 ... jig 治具 kit 工具箱 lapping 研磨 ...


英语六级词汇(新大纲) ... kidney/ 5kidni/n. 肾,腰子;性格 kit/ kit/n. 成套工具;用具包 knob/ nRb/n. 门把,拉手;旋纽 ...


套件 ( Kit )∶散件,几乎所有机构都没有组装。 半完成件 ( ARF - Almost Ready to Fly )∶一般只要组装尾管、遥控系统、引擎、主 …

卡尔斯鲁厄理工学院(Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)

卡尔斯鲁厄理工学院KIT)开发的bioliq ®工艺可以从秸秆以及其他农业或林业废弃物合成出柴油或汽油。在完成业已受到资 …


英语六级词汇(新大纲) ... kidney/ 5kidni/n. 肾,腰子;性格 kit/ kit/n. 成套工具;用具包 knob/ nRb/n. 门把,拉手;旋纽 ...


计算机英语词汇 ... ISP Internet 服务提供者 Kit 工具包 LAN:Local Area Network 局域网 ...

I'm looking to purchase 3 sets of this oil cooler kit. how much will the total cost be + shipping to singapore? any discounts? 我想购买此油冷却器套件3套。多少将总成本是+传送到新加坡吗?任何折扣?
A weekend with this book and the NXT kit is all you need to become an intermediate developer with the NXT system. 一个周末的时间,以及该书和NXT工具包,就是您成为NXT系统中级开发人员所需的全部。
A few of the top clubs are considering setting up stores for their kit, but the league as a whole has no commercial outlet. 有少数俱乐部在考虑开设装备专卖店,而联盟作为一个整体则没有一家商业设施。
Even the little things like the food at the training ground or the training kit, everything is different and you have to get used to it. 这是完全不同的[离开阿森纳],即便是训练场上的食物或训练服这样的小事,一切都是不同的,你必须去适应它。
This resulted in him bypassing the hairdresser and trying to solve the problem with a cheap DIY dye kit. 结果,他没有去理发店,而是试图用一种便宜的DIY染发工具解决这个问题。
And a careful, thoughtful man like Chan Kai Kit might do even better with his own pocket calculator instead of his abacus----- who knows? 像陈佳杰这样思维缜密的人,如果用袖珍计算器而不是算盘,或许能做的更好-----谁又说得准呢?
of him to give us a first-aid kit. 谢谢他考虑周到,给我们一个急救箱。
On hearing the news through the telephone she picked up her kit and dashed out of the door. 从电话里听到这个消息后,她拿起药箱冲出门去。
In a fuss, he found only an axe, saw, hammer and a pair of scissors were available in the kit. 慌忙之中,工具包里只有斧子,锯子,锤子和剪刀各一把可以使用。
Simply add a duct kit, seawater circulation pump, and a Universal Seawater kit, and you are ready to begin installing your unit. 只要装上一个输送管设备,海水循环泵和一个整体式海水设备,你就可以准备好开始安装你的系统了。
Who wants to see him lift that Champions League trophy high above his head wearing our Blue kit? 谁想看到他穿着切尔西的蓝衫,高举起欧冠的奖杯?
I imagined encouraging you to go out and get a robotics kit for you and your kids as a holiday treat. 我想象着能够鼓励您购买一个机器人技术套件作为送给孩子的假期礼物。
The kit will include a computer chip around the size of a USB chip, that can be plugged into a phone or computer. 这个套装将包含一个大约USB芯片大小的电脑芯片,这个芯片能够被插进手机或者电脑中。
Those of you who don't cook anything may wish to question the environmental credentials of such a kit. 那些从来不做饭的人,或许会质疑这种工具包的环保认证。
Hannover got to honor their keeper with the a special tribute on their kit for the rest of the season. 汉诺威被允许在剩余的联赛中穿上有特别标志的球衣以纪念他们的守门员。
Using some oil-based pencils from my makeup kit, I began to sketch Eichmann's face on the only paper I had: my guidebook. 我从化妆盒里拿出几枝油笔,在一本旅行指南上给他画脸部素描,这是我唯一能找到的纸。
Kit Malthouse, Deputy Mayor of London and Chair of the Metropolitan Police Authority, said the police did a good job. 伦敦副市长和都会警察局主席KitMalthous说警察们做的不错。
But Mr. Goldman, who represents the company that makes the plug-in kit, A123, said the benefit was more psychological than financial. 但是作为制作A123充电装置的公司的代表,高曼先生认为心理上的获益远远大于经济上的获益。
Dedicate a small shelf or a drawer to lunch things and kit it out with the basics. 贡献出一个小架子或一个抽屉来装午餐材料,将所需的基本用品装备齐全。
Kit Malthouse, deputy mayor for policing, said the mobile phone numbers are a valuable resource for those behind the sex industry. 主管警务的副市长基特•马尔萨乌斯称,这些手机号码对于性工作者来说都是很有价值的生意来源。
I joke that I can tell how much space my Asian clients are going to buy by how elaborate their feng shui kit is. 我还曾经开玩笑说,只要看看我的亚洲客户的罗盘有多精致,我就知道他们要买多大的房。
The last Xbox was a powerful piece of kit that appealed mainly to hard-core gamers, but it has lost Microsoft a considerable sum of money. Xbox360是一成套强有力的工具,主要用来吸引对手的老客户。开发这套游戏耗费了微软一大笔钱。
Toward this objective, the company offered a training course, with a certificate and a tool kit as bonuses. 为此目的,公司开设了一个培训课程,除了颁发结业证书,还送电工一个工具箱作为奖励。
In case of the Merchant's own Container, a set of emergency kit and an operation manual shall be supplied by the Merchant. 如属货方自己的集装箱,则应由货方提供紧急用具箱及操作手册。
When orders come in she sends out a paw or dog nose print kit that includes three moulds to make a full nose or paw print of a pet. 当有人预约时,她会寄给顾客一个模具工具箱,那里面包括三个模具,可以印下宠物的整个鼻子或爪子的样子。
You know much better what else this means. . . Use the following picture material for your ideas out of our press kit. 你知道还有什么更好的使用,这意味着…我们的媒体套件中为您的想法以下图片资料了。
"It was easier than I expected, it was really normal, there was no problem with getting our kit off, " she said. 她说:“这比我想象得容易,真的没什么,卸下穿在外面的衣服其实一点儿也不难。”
"Good night, Kit, " said the child, her eyes lighting up with merriment and kindness. “再会,吉特”女孩子说,她的眼睛里闪烁着喜悦和好意的光芒。
If that sounds like the right kind of quest for you, click here to buy the Empire Building Kit now, before orders close in just a few hours. 如果这正是你想要的探寻,那么请点击这里,订购你想要的“帝国缔造工具包”,订购几小时后就将结束。
He said it would have more space for children, training, small business services and kit in stock than any of its other stores in the world. 他说,它(本周六在伦敦考文特花园开的新店)将有比世界上任何一家苹果零售店还要大的空间给儿童,培训和小型商业服务,并且储备更多的配套元件。