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容易读错的字和多音字 - gao的日志 - 网易博客 ... 不读”委托”的”委” wei。 不读”刻”的”顷” qing。 不读”鸡豚”的”豚” tun。 ...


可列可加性与有限可加性_Jerry_新浪博客 ... 有限可加性 finite additivity 分享到新浪 Qing 后一篇: common front ...

请问光大的信用卡怎么样?-社区-大众点评网 ... qing (讲师) 回到顶部 3楼 ...

“热血颂”—征稿启事_旭日传琪_新浪博客 ... luzhenggang 李重民 Qing)张涛修,(明)谢陛纂: boris 周涛 ...


无锡杰尔压缩... ... 联系: 苗蕃 fan.miaoglturbo.com.cn 联系: 王青 qing.wangglturbo.com.cn 联系: 韩梅 mei.hanglturbo.com.cn ...

特力屋会员卡怎么领?-社区-大众点评网 ... shao_ 糖糖 (研二) 回到顶部 3楼 QING (研二) 回到顶部 6楼 ...

木字头的有哪些字_百度知道 ... 櫋 mián,19 qing,19 櫌 yōu,19 ...


沈钦(qing)韩,法律学家沈家本,海军爱国军官沈寿昌。近现代,沈姓最著名的人物是沈钧儒,他是爱国知识分子的光辉榜样, …

Mother's day is approaching, Ariel has bought 5 tickets to singer Fei Yu Qing's concert for her mother and her relatives as a gift. 母亲节将至,林依晨买下5张费玉清演唱会加演场次的门票,送妈妈、外婆、姨妈、姑婆等长辈当礼物。
Older puppeteers estimate that there were at least a hundred shadow puppet troupes in southern Taiwan in the closing years of the Qing. 老一辈皮影艺人说,在清末,台南至少有100家皮影剧团。
That Qing Su-years of emotion, and that beautiful hours of talk, giving a "time flow" -like sense of calm. 那清素岁月的情感,那锦绣时分的清谈,给人一种“时光流转”般的沉静感觉。
The administration of police was one important content of Xingzheng reform in Late Qing, and it had mad a profound influence. 警政建设是清末新政的重要内容之一,影响深远。
Qing may have failed to achieve huge changes at the factory, but the episode encouraged her to take her fate into her own hands. 青桐或许未能促使那家工厂做出重大改变,但这段经历激励她一定要掌握自己的命运。
From the end of Ming to that of Qing, it was brought to a conclusion eclipsing. 在元代到明中叶达到兴盛,从明末到清末进入它的总结时期,走向衰落。
The preemption in the trade of estate was denied in the statute during Qing Dynasty though it had been a long time since it existed. 中国古代不动产交易中的先买权存在历史悠久,但被清代官方法律所明确否定。
Except for a few notable structures, he said, most buildings would be replaced by Qing dynasty replicas. 除了一些有名的建筑,大多数建筑物已被清朝的复制品取代。
Back in the Qing Dynasty, a drug store apprentice was always scolded by his boss. He had to bear the insult for fear of losing the job. 清朝的时候,有一个药店,店里配药的小伙计常常挨老板的骂,他怕丢了饭碗,只好忍气吞声。
Qing Tong now looks back on the more than two years that she spent at the Foxconn plant with the more detached attitude of an observer. 回首在富士康工厂度过的两年多时间,青桐如今能够采取较为超然的观察者态度。
The non-native characteristic took a dominant place in the initiating stage of new style education in the late Qing Dynasty. 在清末新式教育创始阶段,外来性占主导地位。
After the Opium War, the British imperialists stole it from the corrupt Qing government and made it a colony of Britain. 鸦片战争后英帝国主义者把它从腐败的清政府手中夺走,成为英国的殖民地。
These were the things that Qing-jao was giving to her mother to carry with her into heaven. 这些就是清照预备给她母亲带去天上的东西。
Sometimes, Ye Qing would call her boyfriend and asked him to see her in half an hour and bring some snacks passingly . 有时候,实在忍不住,叶晴就给男友打电话,让他半小时内立即赶到,并且带点零食过来。
In the late Qing Dynasty a series of measures to reform the legal system, judicial system reform was one of the hot spots of social concern. 留学解答资讯网:在清末法制改革的一系列措施中,司法制度的变革是当时社会关注的热点之一。
His ideology was formed gradually by his unique personal experiences and was influenced by the transformation of the situation in late Qing. 王韬的教育思想是逐渐形成的,他的独特的人生经历和近代中国的局势变化对王韬教育思想的形成起到了很大影响。
Ke-qing Qin was one of the important roles that authors threw it out for readers to deeply think. 秦可卿是作者所抛予读者对「仙境传说」深入思维的重要性代表人物之一。
First love, always some Qing my camera lens, each recall , sweet taste is thought of , make your sense of taste do not work. 初恋时,总是有一些卿卿我我的镜头,每一次想起来,甜甜的味道涌上心头,使你的味觉失灵。
"You good . . . . . . long Qing? " His the voice spread to come over again, intonation with ahead seem to be a bit different. “你好……长卿?”他的声音又传过来,语气和之前似乎有些不一样。
Today, I respectfully put his hands Qing in the head, try to jack up the sun, it follow the sun together Saxiang I hope. 今天,我怀着敬意,把双手擎在头顶,托住阳光,把它跟着太阳一块儿洒向我的希望。
Unexpectedly doings of ghosts and gods is complied with his request, it's fantastic. Even her own, may not be able to say that Qing dynasty. 却怎知鬼使神差的就答应了他的请求,实令人匪夷所思。就连她自己,也未必能说得清道得明。
It had any obvious features of the educational ideal, educational thinking, educational achievement and social effect in the Qing Dynasty. 其教育理念、改革思路、教育特点、成就和社会作用等都相当明显。
Lu Qing read my eye, I see no objection to it: a matter of fact, we began. 陆青看了我一眼,见我没有异议,说:那也好,我们就开始。
Li Yingdu, the famous Guan School thinker, was one of the wellknown poets in the early Qing dynasty. 李因笃不仅是清初著名的关学学者,而且是著名的诗人。
He and his writing, was an eternal story of "Style as the Man" in late Qing Dynasty and People's Republic Period. 其人其文,无异于书写了晚清民国又一段“文如其人”的千古佳话。
Shanghai was one of the major regions for Cantonese merchants to do businesses in the late Qing Dynasty. 上海是晚清粤商的重要活动区域之一。
Han Fei-tzu set Qing-jay on her feet; she had not been deeply asleep, and so she woke at once and stood there, blinking slowly. 韩非子把清照放下,她没有睡沉,立刻清醒过来站在了那里,慢慢的眨着眼睛。
the Ming and Qing Dynasties as if the spirit of the novel with me to grow food. 明清的小说犹如精神食粮伴我成长。
Suddenly, miss Ming Qing for her attitude changed completely, but in her life difficult, still did not forget to help others. 顿时,明卿小姐对她的态度完全改变,但是在她生活困难时,还是不忘帮助别人。
That words like this, Chen Qing Yang goes to the United States again to be on business, will see her? 那这样的话,陈青杨再到美国出差,会去看她吗?