quite a few

  • na.很多;许多;相当多
  • 网络不少;还不少;有相当数目的

quite a fewquite a few

quite a few


大学英语四级常用词组 ... prior at 在...之前 quite a few 相当多,不少 rather than 不是...(而是) ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... prior at 在...之前 quite a few 相当多,不少 rather than 不是...(而是) ...


介词短语_百度百科 ... a few 有些,几个 quite a few 还不少,有相当数目的 a little 一点,稍微,一些,少许 ...


介词短语_百度百科 ... a few 有些,几个 quite a few 还不少,有相当数目的 a little 一点,稍微,一些,少许 ...


九年级英语单词表 ... be willing to 乐意做某事 quite a few 相当多的 dream 梦想 ...


英语音标知识(3) ... be used to 习惯于 quite a few 相当多;许多 in the future 将来 ...


最常用英语短语 | 英语大学 ... put up with 忍住,熬住 quite a few 很多 read over 读一遍, 浏览一遍 ...


英语短语大全 - 豆丁网 ... put up with 忍受 452. quite a few 相当多,不少 453. rain cats and dogs 瓢泼大雨 454. ...

I'm lucky enough to know quite a few people on that list and they've helped me out with my charity, so they're all great. 我很幸运我认识一些榜上的人,他们都为我的慈善事业尽力,他们都很好人。
Mark: Right , It was introduced in France some time after the intranet had been adopted by quite a few people . 马克:是的,在内部网已经被相当一部分人接受以后的一段时间,才被介绍到法国来的。
the water went all over the fields and destroys quite a few villages along the river. 急流淹过了田地摧毁了河边的相当一部分村庄。
The reviewers found a few serious errors, and quite a few minor errors in both (Wikipedia had a few more minor errors). 这些审稿人在两个百科全书中找到不算多的严重谬误,但颇多小错(维基的小错较多)。
From her posts we learn quite a few things of relevance about Malawians' dietary needs. 从她的文章,我们了解马拉维当地人的饮食营养问题。
We scaled the rock face up to the watchtower and discovered that quite a few people had taken refuge inside. 我们登上了石阶,发现只有很少几个人在烽火台里面休息。
He worked with a woman quite a few years his senior and his manager, and there was, by his account, serious tension. 与他共事的一个女人比他大好几岁,还是他的经理。照他自己的说法,两人都绷着一根弦,相当紧张。
Anyway, Bayern Munich are very strong, they have won the German league quite a few times and are a tricky opponent. 不管怎样,拜仁慕尼黑非常强大,他们获得过很多次德甲冠军,是个难缠的对手。
He suggested quite a few tips about the managers of the company, but none of them held water. 就公司的管理问题他提了好几个建议,可没一个管用。
The child had been missing for quite a few days. (那孩子失踪已有好几天了)。
We've seen customers that we have had for quite a few years that haven't ordered this year so we have seen a downturn in sales. 我们一些多年的客户今年没有订购卡片,因此我们的销售额出现了下滑。
This time the discussion has settled quite a few questions which many people did not clearly understand a few months ago. 这次讨论,解决了在几个月以前很多人还是不明了的许多问题。
It has aroused the attention of several overseas government administration and quite a few of calculating methods have been applied. 对河流生态环境需水,在国外已经引起了政府管理部门的重视,并有了一些计算方法。
Quite a few archaisms have been used in the proper way, whereas some others have been misused or even abused. 而其中,有许多正确使用古语词的情况,但也存在着不少错用、误用、滥用的现象。
There are quite a few mobile office apps in the App Store, but today we're going to be taking a look at Documents To Go Premium . 有相当多的应用程序商店在移动办公应用程序,但是今天我们将要采取看看文件要前往保费。
"Sometimes people cut across me, and others would get angry when I swam into them. But quite a few made way for me, " she said. 她说:“有时候会有人突然挡在我前面,也有人会因为我撞到他们而生气。但也有很多人会为我让道。”
It never occurred to me that I would meet my teacher I hadn't seen for quite a few years at the airport. 我从未想到会在机场见到多年未曾谋面的老师。
The WS-Polling specification is aimed at addressing a problem with Web services that appears to be popping up in quite a few places. WS-Polling规范以处理出现在很多地方的一个Web服务问题为目标。
But I worry that she never wants to do it unless she's had quite a few drinks. 然而我总担心她并不愿意跟我做爱除非她饮上几蛊小酒之后才有可能。
Jane: One of my roommates seems out to get me. She didn't tell me there were calls for me for quite a few times. 我一个室友好象故意和我过不去,有好几次她都没告诉我有人打电话给我。
"But I think we should be cautious concerning foreign acquisitions because there are quite a few failed acquisitions, " he said. 金弋波称:“但我认为,我们应该对海外收购保持谨慎,因为失败的收购相当多。”
well, I grew up in Africa, so I learned quite a few different languages. 嗯,我是在非洲长大,所以我会说好几种不同的语言。
There have been quite a few changes in the midfield recently. Has that made it a steeper learning curve for you? 问;现在在中场有不少改变了。这让你的进步更快吗?
Quite a few hold views that would not be out of place at the American Enterprise Institute or other free-market think-tanks. 不少人持有的看法,与美国企业研究所或其他自由市场智库,并非格格不入。
After I said hello in quite a few yards, I came to understand that they wouldn't greet the trash men. 我在好几家院子里主动向主人打招呼之后,才明白过来他们是不愿与清洁工人打招呼的。
So far, governmental dominant economic growth pattern accumulated contradiction of economy of quite a few and economic risk. 到目前为止,政府主导型的经济增长方式积累了相当多的经济矛盾和经济风险。
As the sound of fight grew nearer, I could tell there were quite a few dogs mixed up in it. 撕咬的声音渐渐靠近了,我能辨出里头混杂着好几只狗。
Quite a few more power outages out there, but as we speak people are getting ready to get power restored. 这里的断电现象多的多,但是我们报道的时候,人们已经做好准备恢复通电。
The child is only five, and he already knows quite a few characters. 這孩子才五歲,已經認得不少字了。
We have gone down a certain route at the moment with having quite a few English players. 我们队中目前有相当多的英国球员,他们以后会不会开花结果尚属未知。