
美 [læmp]英 [læmp]
  • n.灯;(理疗用的)发热灯;(科学上用的)射线照射器
  • v.重击;狂殴
  • 网络台灯;灯泡;光源


street lamp,bedside lamp
light lamp


n. v.

1.灯a device that uses electricity, oil or gas to produce light

2.(理疗用的)发热灯;(科学上用的)射线照射器an electrical device that produces rays of heat and that is used for medical or scientific purposes

仁爱英语七年级下册单词_百度文库 ... near 在……附近,靠近 lamp ,油灯,光源 clock 钟 ...


人教版小学英语三年级下册单词表 ... walkman 随身听 lamp 台灯 zoo 动物园 ...


PCB技术大全 - zhangjianjunnj的日志 - 网易博客 ... 单结晶体管 SCR Q? TO46 10.灯泡: LAMP 11.运放: OPAMP ...


仁爱英语七年级下册单词_百度文库 ... near 在……附近,靠近 lamp 灯,油灯,光源 clock 钟 ...


技术文章 - tanghongy的日志 - 网易博客 ... GND 地 LAMP 电灯 METE 表头 ...

成本低(Linux Apache MySQL PHP)

Linux Apache MySQL PHP(LAMP) 环境,支持所有PHP和MYSQL程序,自定义 .htaccess 即可实现任何程序的伪静态。安全 …


高中英语新课程标准词汇表 ... lame a. 跛的,瘸的 ,残废的 lamp n. 灯,油灯;光源 land n. 陆地;土地 ...


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At the bottom, he saw a garden. In the middle of the garden was a table, and on the table was a lamp. The magician wanted this lamp. 在阶梯底端,他看到了一座花园,花园中间摆了一张桌子,桌上有一盏灯,魔术师就是要这盏灯。
Whoever curses his father or his mother, his lamp shall be put out in deep darkness. 咒骂父母的,他的灯必灭,变为漆黑的黑暗。
The outer core heats the mantle's bottom rocks into buoyant putty, which rises toward the crust, as if in a lava lamp. 外核加热地幔底部岩石,使其变成具有浮力的灰泥,灰泥涌向地壳上方。
Do not need use any other mosquito repellents while lighting up the lamp. 当使用该灯时,可不必再使用其他驱蚊剂。
The judge thinks that he is just when he compares the oil of another's lamp with the light of his own. 裁判者以为自己是公平的,当他把别人灯里的油和自己灯里的光相比较。
Nate held his lantern high as he came up to Olive and said: "Where is your lamp? You shouldn't have come out when it's too cold. " 涅特走到欧莉跟前时,把他的提灯举高说:“你的灯呢?天气太冷了,你实在不应该出来啊。”
The resulting hybrid LED gives off a warm white light with a slightly yellow cast, similar to that of the incandescent lamp. 这种合二为一的发光二极管发出带有轻微黄色的柔柔的白光,效果和白炽灯一样。
She did not know whAT she was looking for, or AT, very definitely, yet she moved the lamp till it shone full on her. 她不太知道究竟她看什么,找什么,但是她把粉光移转到使光线满照在她的身上。
Mother holds the lamp, lighting the way for you. As long as you remember the light, the road will never disappear from under your feet. 母亲为你举灯照明,只要你永远记得那道光,道路就永远不会从你的脚下消失。
How much is the lamp? 5 gold coins. 这个灯多少钱?5个金币。
A federal office worker finds a lamp in an old file drawer, and as he examines it a genie pops out. 一名工作人员在放文件的旧抽屉里了盏油灯,在他检查这盏油灯的时候,砰的一声妖怪冒了。
From uggling, UV ink if you do not use a dedicated UV lamp does not produce curing, especially in the light of the Sun. 从道理上说,UV油墨若不使用专用的UV灯不会产生固化,尤其是太阳光影响很大。
And the lamp before going to bed I have to say good night, just like the Father and to say good night. 睡觉前我都要和台灯说一声晚安,就像和爸爸说声晚安一样。
Trolley cars, telegraph poles, sidewalks, lamp-posts, and any other structures capable of blocking traffic would become obsolete. 有轨电车、电线杆、人行道、路灯柱、以及其他妨碍交通的结构都将成为过去式。
He was the lamp that was burning and shining, and you were willing to exult for a while in his light. 约翰是点著且发亮的灯,你们情愿暂时在他的光中欢腾。
"Please calm the old lady down, " he said to me in a conciliatory tone. "I'll take this lamp and this bowl and leave. " “请让老妇人冷静下来,”他以一种安抚的语调对我说。“我拿了这个台灯和这个碗,就走。”
The small white belly is white, back is golden brown, it has a pair of bright eyes, at night, like a green fluorescent lamp as. 小白的肚子是白色的,背部是金黄色的,它有一双明亮的眼睛,在夜里发出绿绿的荧光,就像车灯一样。
The latter came walking past their cab; both husband and wife had an admirable view of his face in the light of a street lamp. 后者走过他们的车子;这夫妇两个借着街上的灯光把他的脸色看得清清楚楚。
A simple beanbag chair or other cozy chair, a small table with a reading lamp and a small bookcase are all that is needed. 一个简单的懒骨头沙发,或者舒适惬意的椅子,一张放着台灯的小桌子和一个小书架。
She accepted his offer to meet for lunch, eager to see him after nearly 70 years, even if it wasn't in the soft glow of an oil lamp. 她接受了见面的邀请。在他们分离了近70年之后,她非常渴望见到他,即使他们已不再是煤油灯柔光下的小男孩和小女孩。
It belonged to my other set of grandparents and is an old torpedo shell converted into a lamp. 它来自于我的外祖父母,是用旧的鱼雷壳改装而成的。
The next day they were strung up by the heels from lamp posts and later cut down so that throughout the rest of Sunday. 次日他们被用绳子倒挂在灯柱上,后来有人将绳子割断,于是在那个星期天剩下的时间里。
He rang; a woman with a little lamp in her hand opened the door. 他拉动门铃,有个妇人拿着一盏小油灯,走来开了门。
The reflection was still visible on the wall, but now it was pale and peaceful, like the reflection of a lamp or of a candle. 反光始终映在墙上,不过现在比较黯淡平稳,好象是一盏灯或一支烛的反射了。
Lonely in bed at night while you read? "Mary Had a Little Lamp" is there to help you and keep your bed warm. 晚上独自躺在床上读书?“暖被窝的台灯”能为你取暖也能为你捂被窝。
I even thought that I must have left the hall lamp burning and the groping of this creature proved it a monster of the night. 我甚至想过我应该让打听的灯亮着,而这个怪物摸索的样子只证明它是夜里出来的怪兽。
35He was a burning and shining lamp, and you were willing to rejoice for a while in his light. 约翰是点着的明灯,你们情愿暂时喜欢他的光。
And yet his torso is still suffused with brilliance from inside, like a lamp, in which his gaze, now turned to low, gleams in all its power. 但他的躯干雕塑仍然由内而外散发着光辉,像一只灯泡,藏着他的目光,如今低垂,倾其全力闪烁着。
The old street lamp burned himself as hard as he could since he thought it was his last night. 想到这是最后一晚上了,旧街灯尽全力的燃烧自己。
Every street lamp, seems to beat, a fatalistic warning. Someone mutters. And a street lamp gutters. And soon it will be morning. 每盏街灯似乎都在发出宿命的警讯。有人喃喃低语,街上的灯光缓缓灭息。清晨就快来临。