
美 [lɪk]英 [lɪk]
  • v.舔;舔吃;舔着喝;掠过
  • n.舔;一点儿(涂料);(吉他演奏的歌曲)小过门
  • 网络打败;添舌;你舔了舔嘴唇

第三人称单数:licks 现在分词:licking 过去式:licked

lick stamp


v. n.

1.[t]舔to move your tongue over the surface of sth in order to eat it, make it wet or clean it

2.[t]~ sth + adv./prep.舔吃;舔着喝to eat or drink sth by licking it

3.[t][i]掠过;(火舌)舔食to touch sth lightly

4.[t](informal)~ sb/sth轻松战胜;轻易对付to easily defeat sb or deal with sth


lick sbs boots

阿谀奉承;谄媚;拍马屁to show too much respect for sb in authority because you want to please them

lick your wounds

(失败或失望后)恢复元气,重整旗鼓to spend time trying to get your strength or confidence back after a defeat or disappointment

L开头的英文_百度文库 ... license n. 许可;执照 lick vt. ;舔吃 lid n. 盖子,盖,囊盖 ...


L开头的英文_百度文库 ... license n. 许可;执照 lick vt. 舔;舔吃 lid n. 盖子,盖,囊盖 ...


刘一男400基础词汇中文释义 - 豆丁网 ... letter 信, 函件;字母 lick 舔;〈口〉打败 like 喜欢, 喜爱;想要 ...


求WOW命令大全~_爱问知识人 ... /Laydown( 躺下) /Lick( 添舌) /Listen( 聆听) ...


最全的魔兽世界表情(五)_银翼魔术师_新浪博客 ... /lavish 你赞美光明的力量。 /lick 你舔了舔嘴唇。 /look 你看着周围。 ...

分类英语词汇 - 豆丁网 ... 抚摸 pet lick 文具类词汇 文具 stationary ...

The children eat the time of fish and the mother chew fish bone in a side and use the meat Zi that the tongue lick fish bone. 孩子们吃鱼的时候,母亲就在一旁啃鱼骨头,用舌头舔鱼骨头上的肉渍。
"Just do it, " the Cat said. "Lick your hand, think of me in all my familiar places, think about all the pieces of string. " “照我说的做吧,”猫说。“舔舔你的手,想想我在所有我熟悉的处所,想想所有的绳子。”
I cannot lick the fault out of him. 我怎麽打他也纠正不了他的毛病。
Turn off the lights, take a flashlight, and guide the glow to areas of your body that you want him to lick or rub. 关掉灯,拿上一个手电筒,并把光线打到你想让他舔舐或揉搓的身体部位。
She went straight to the church, stole to the pot of fAT, began to lick AT it, and licked the top of the fAT off. 它直接去了教堂,偷偷爬到猪油罐那里,开始舔呀舔,把顶上一层猪油舔得精光。
He pulled out the thorn and bound up the paw of the Lion, who was soon able to rise and lick the hand of Androcles like a dog. 他把这个拔拉出来并包扎了狮子的伤口,狮子很快就可以站起来并像只小狗一样身在曹营心在舔了安德拉科斯的手。
Dog are wise. They crawl away into a quiet corner and lick their wounds and do not rejoin the world until they are whole once more. 狗很聪明,会躲到安静的一角,舔舐伤口,直到康复才重新回到世界。
In ancient times however, tickling was used as a form of torture -- goats would lick salt off the bottom of a person's foot. 然而,在古代挠痒痒被用作一种折磨人的刑法,在一个人的脚底抹上盐,让山羊来舔。
Jeff King gets a lick on the face from his dog Shannon after claiming third place in Nome, Alaska March 16. 杰夫国王从他的狗得到香农一舔声称在名称后,阿拉斯加第三位,3月16日在脸上。
Today, these kids in my math class told me to ask this girl if I could lick her clit. 今天,我数学课的这群人让我去问一个女孩我能不能去舔她的YD。
Waving his arms over his head, Lincoln declared he was the "big buck of the lick" and was ready to prove it. 林肯在头上挥舞双臂,宣布他是“重击雄鹿”,并准备予以证明。
Outside Mulla Stores, which seems to have had not even a lick of paint in 40 years, a few people are chatting. 40年来似乎未见一滴修缮油漆的穆拉商店外边,有一些人在聊天。
Oh, you think you're mighty smart, DON'T you? I could lick you with one hand tied behind me, if I wanted to. 哎,你认为你自己很了不起,是不是?如果我想打倒你的话,一只手背在后面都能打过你。
Austin ricochets around the Ritz-Carlton hotel room, bouncing from bed to chair and leaping high to lick the face of his personal masseuse. 奥斯汀在丽池卡登饭店的房间跑来跑去,从床上跳到椅子,然后腾空跳起,舔牠私人按摩师的脸。
You were so nervous. Just a lick of that. 你确实很紧张。只是想那样而已。
Sally is a clever reporter and it only takes her a while to lick the information into shape and present a piece of well-organized news. 萨利是个聪明的播音员,她能很快对信息进行加工并写出组织严谨的新闻。
Lick your hand, think of me in all my familiar places, think about all the pieces of string, and think about the cotton and the rose. 舔舔你的手,想想我在所有我熟悉的地方,想想所有的绳子,再想想棉花和玫瑰。
It could be a chord, a progression, a lick, a melody, a sound effect, a whole sonata, or just a single note. 它可能是一个和弦,一个进阶,一个小段,一段旋律,一种声音效果,一段完整奏鸣曲,或者只是一个单独的音符。
Waves still lick the ledges in the coves , and a few fishermen still set out to sea in their boats. 海浪继续舔舐着海岸的凸起,一些渔民依旧乘着小船出海。
he came home late last night and only gave himself a lick and a promise before going to bed. 保罗昨夜很晚回家,只马虎地梳洗一下就上床睡觉了。
Such a lonely child, living in the world like the cat which lives in the darkness , lick the wounds by itself. 这样的一个孩子,像黑暗中独自生活的猫,舔噬着光线划伤的刺痛。
I decided to copy the adults and lick my lips. Little Ashley's eyes opened wide at my action. 我决定模仿大人舔嘴唇,小阿什丽看见了,瞪大了眼睛。
When I remembered what I was doing, I licked my lips. Every time I remembered that I saw people licking their lips I would lick my lips. 当我想起来该干什么事儿时,我就舔嘴唇;当我想起看到别人舔嘴唇时,我也舔我的。
What's wrong with you? You could lick this guy with one hand! 你怎么搞的,你一只手都能赢他!
Lick it up and forget it. If you don't hang on to it in your mind, it's nothing. Sex especially. . . nothing! 吞了它而把它忘记就是。如果你心里不牵挂着它,它是没有什么的,尤其是性欲……更没有什么!
After nearly two years of the same layout and colours, we gave FCM a lick of paint. 在经过了将近两年相同的布局与色调之后,我们给与了FCM一抹新的油彩。
I decided to lick my lips again, to see what little Ashley would do. 我决定再舔舔,看看小阿什丽有什么反应。
All she wanted was a breathing-space in which to get over her hurt, a quiet place to lick her wounds, a haven in which to plan her campaign. 她所需要的是有个喘气的地方熬过伤痛,一个安静地地方舔舐伤口,一个安全的地方去重新安排下一步的计划。
Upon seeing his young master, Bighead would lick his hands and feet, and refrain from rushing around. 大头一见到小主人,总会舔着他的手和脚,从不会乱冲乱撞。
He will kiss the hand that has no food to offer, he will lick the wounds and sores that come in encounters with the roughness of the world. 哪怕主人无食喂养,他仍会舔主人的手和主人手上因抵御这个冷酷世界而受到的创伤。