
美 [nil]英 [niːl]
  • v.跪下
  • n.跪的动作[姿态] kneeling bus 下跪式公共汽车
  • 网络跪着

第三人称单数:kneels 现在分词:kneeling 过去式:knelt 过去式:kneeled




自己总结不定词--过去式--过去分词 - 豆丁网 ... kneel 跪下,跪 knelt 跪下 knit 编织;结合;皱眉 ...


英语巴士论坛 ... WITCH: 女巫 knelt: 跪着 lurk 潜伏 ...

At this moment, Shanhu ran out from the rear room and knelt down in front of her mother-in-law. 这时,珊瑚从后边屋里跑出来,跪在婆婆面前。
"Who art thou? " said the Giant, and a strange awe fell on him, and he knelt before the little child. “你是谁?”巨人说着,心中油然生出一种奇特的敬畏之情。他一下子跪在小男孩的面前。
MATTEHW 2: 11They went into the house, and when they saw the child with his mother Mary, they knelt down and worshiped him. 太2:11进了房子,看见小孩子和他母亲马利亚,就俯伏拜那小孩子,揭开宝盒,拿黄金、乳香、没药为礼物献给他。
As he knelt above me with a rock in his fist. 当他在我眼前微笑,一块石头握在他的手中。
Her caregiver, Mimose, carried Rose out of the bungalow and put her down, and I knelt in front of her and held out my arms. 照顾罗丝的阿姨米莫丝将她从小屋中抱了出来,然后放在地上。我慢慢跪在她面前,伸出双手。
Having bounced in and out of the room, Margaret finally came and knelt down on the floor beside him to see what he was doing. 玛格丽特一直踱来踱去,象热锅上的蚂蚁。后来,她走到屋里蹲在地的旁边,看他在做什么。
Hoff knelt down and poured a handful of dust into his hand. "It's like the moon, " he said. 霍夫跪下身,捧起了一把泥土在手心,他说:“这地荒凉得像月球”。
After making their way through the trees, they climbed to the top of the steep roadbed, knelt down along the railroad and began to play. 两人穿过那排树木,爬上笔陡的路基,跪在地上玩了起来。
Gloria placed the photo on our mantle and knelt down beside me. "Just pray with me, " she said, holding my hand. 葛罗瑞亚把照片放在我们的斗篷上然后跪在我旁边。“和我一起祈祷吧”她握着我的手说。
He was standing in a dimly lit room, and a semicircle of wizards faced him, and on the floor at his feet knelt a small, quaking figure. 他正站在一个灯光昏暗的房间里,巫师们面向他围成半圆,他脚边的地板上跪着一个颤抖的矮小身影。
With a deep feeling of joy and love, he knelt by the side of her bed and kissed her tenderly on the brow. 他带着深深的喜悦和爱意跪在她床边,并温柔地在她的眉上吻了一下。
He knelt there, letting the drip slowly fill up his makeshift "cup, " as the sun beat down on his little back. 他跪在那儿,让水滴慢慢滴满他双手窝成的“杯子”,太阳火辣辣地照射在他小小的后背上。
I was told that it was because standing to look at the statues I was level with them. If I knelt down it would be quite different. 有人告诉我,这是因为我站着看佛像的缘故,要是跪着看感觉就不一样。
Boyle knelt down and wrapped the young man in his arms, comforting him until the police and fire department arrived. 博伊尔跪下身把男孩搂在怀里安慰着他,直到警察和消防人员赶到。
He twined himself up to her, as she half knelt by the settle, and converted her shoulder into a support. 他靠在她身上,因为她半跪在长椅旁,他就把她的肩膀当作一种倚靠了。
But the leper saw him coming, and ran to meet him, and knelt down and cried, 'Give me a piece of money or I shall die of hunger. ' 但那个麻风病人看见他来了便急忙跑上前去,哭着跪求他:“给我钱吧,不然我就要饿死了。”
Removing the dirty cap from his head, he got off the bench and knelt down beside me. 他脱下脏兮兮的帽子,起身离开凳子,在我身旁跪下来。
Nancy was the last to say goodbye. She knelt and took Snoopy's frosted muzzle6 in her hands. 南希最后一个和斯努皮告别,她蹲在它旁边,捧着它冰凉的鼻子。
Without any hesitation the little girl walked up to the old man and his daughter and knelt down before them. 小诺尼威毫不犹豫地走向那位长者和他的女儿,并在他们面前跪下。
The keening had begun. A group of people knelt down in front of the coffin and began to cry one after another. 哭丧开始,一群人跪在死者的灵柩前,此起彼伏地哭起来。
The thought of her brought back her image as she knelt in front of Mother, her face pale and tearstained, her month-old infant in her arms. 即使想起她,也是想起那个抱着刚满月的孩子,双膝跪在母亲面前,脸色苍白、两眼盈泪的小姨。
Carlisle knelt beside me, leaning close to examine my arm. I could feel the shock frozen on my face, and I tried to compose it. 卡莱尔跪在我身边,弯下腰查看我手臂的伤势。我感觉自己的脸突然皱起来,又试着放松一来。
I threw the camera toward him, carefully avoiding his eyes, and knelt beside the arm of the sofa where Charlie's face was. Charlie sighed. 将相机扔给他,小心避开他的眼睛,并坐在沙发扶手边上,贴着查理的脸。查理轻叹。
I crossed the street, knelt down, put the package I had under my arm down on the asphalt, leaned in and asked the man if he was hurt. 我穿过马路,弯下膝盖,把我胳膊下的包裹放在柏油路上,仔细地观察着老从并询问他有没有受伤。
She went into the church, knelt down and began to pray. 她进了教堂,跪下来开始祷告。
It knelt down in front of him, begging for its life. 它在王先生跟前跪下,向他求救。
Silas went upstairs to a modest room with a window, where he took off his wet robe and knelt down to pray in his undergarments. 塞拉斯上楼挑了一个有窗户的房间,他脱下身上被雨淋湿的长袍,只穿着贴身的衣服,跪在地上祷告。
Arthur went into the alcove and knelt down before the crucifix, trying to compose his mind to the proper attitude for prayer and meditation. 亚瑟走进壁龛,在十字架前跪了下来。他试图静下心来,抱着祈祷和默念的正确态度。
they went into the house and when they saw the child with mary his mother , they knelt and worshiped him. 他们进了屋,看见婴儿和他母亲玛利亚,立刻跪伏朝拜了他。
She had knelt in front of him and held his hands, saying nothing. 她跪在他的面前,紧紧地握住他的双手,一句话也说不出来。