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9画的字有?_百度文库 ... 垮( kua) ( kui) 眍( kou) ...

我姓(kui),今年是08年,我老婆快要生了,想给未来的宝宝起个名字,男的叫什么名字,女的叫什么名字呢,最好是3个字的名 …

HK拼音_百度文库 ... MAN 雯 KUI LAM 琳 ...

HK拼音_百度文库 ... KUEN 权 KUI LAM 林 ...

HK拼音_百度文库 ... MANG 孟 KUI LAM 蓝 ...

音标的音变处理及实务探讨 - 豆丁网 ... 舌尖前音塞擦音 然 jian5 舌根塞音 kui2 舌根塞音送气 乾 khian5 ...

待贾而沽 ... (14)岁:岁月。不我与( yu3) (3)( kui4) (8)予( yu2) ...


学说粤语常用基本语句-粤语俗语-爱花都-花都 ... [fen] 瞓觉(睡觉) [kui] 他或她(佢哋仲系唔系人嚟嘎?) [m^t] 什么(你讲乜啊?) ...

Kui on the easy cases of the "competent" to compare the material easy to see there are two. 关于易宗夔的“本事”,比较易见的材料有两条。
"You can't talk to me like that, I'm leaving, " said Xu Kui, and he slammed the door and left. 记者说。“你不要和我说了,我走了。”徐奎摔门离开。
Wong Ka-Kui had a great influence on at least a generation of Chinese because of his outlook on life and the spirit of never giving up. 家驹至少对一代的中国人产生了重要影响,因为他的人生观和永不放弃的精神。
Eyebrow son Kui gets you to say to still have your daughter-in-law, , the tomorrow is then hard you. 亏得你说还有你媳妇,眉儿,明日便辛苦你了。
So often pages, and I will like turning back to that everyone "photograph kui thief" of the numerous troubled times. 于是每每书页翻动,我便仿佛回到那个人人“交相亏贼”的纷繁乱世。
After taking a great deal of bother Li Kui finally found the two perpetrators, Wang Jiang and Dong Hai. 服用后很大的麻烦李逵终于找到了两名肇事者,王江和董海。
But Li kui said it would be impossible to find the girl because every man in the fortress was under Song Jiang's command. 但李逵称,这是不可能找到这个女孩,因为每个人在要塞宋江下的命令。
JIANG Kui is one the most famous Ci writers of South Song Dynasty. He made contribution to the development of Song Ci in many ways. 姜夔是我国南宋时期最为著名的词人之一,他在宋词发展史上的贡献是多方面的。
The concerned Zhong Kui's myth and story all previous dynasties do not fade, Zhong Kui's life experience is also deducted richly colorful. 有关钟馗的神话和故事历代不衰,钟馗的身世也被演绎得丰富多彩。
If you have again what doubt, I might as well that bore allied the Kui pager come in and make him directly confront for a while. 你如果再有什么怀疑,我不妨把那孔联奎传呼进来,叫他当面对质一下。
They may hang the picture of Zhong Kui, guardian against evil spirits, on the door of their homes, as well. 他们可能会挂起的照片,钟馗,监护人对邪恶的精神状态,对大门,他们的家园,以及。
Daiyu was asked what she saw at the show, she said that I see the hunger is Li Kui scolded SONG Jiang and later Pei Bushi. 后来黛玉问她看了啥戏时,她说我看的饿是李奎骂宋江,后来又赔不是。
Gold prices around the world started soaring in August, said Chen Kui, vice-general manager at Shanghai Gold Coin Investment Ltd. 上海金币投资有限公司的副总经理陈奎(音)说,全球的金价在八月份开始飙升。
Mengheng Kui said the other affected areas, the government will actively use taxes allocated to special assistance. 孟亨奎说,对于其他受灾地区,政府将积极利用特别下拨税等进行援助。
In the manor, Li Kui discovered the truth: it was someone else who misbehaved in Song Jiang's name. 在庄园,李逵发现了真相:这是别人谁在宋江的名字不良行为。
The paper analyzes Lu Fei Kui who was the member of "Society for Psychical Research in Shanghai" from two aspects. 论文从两个方面分析了“上海灵学会”会员陆费逵的“鬼神”信仰。
Gong created by the opening of this style for many subsequent paintings Zhong Kui, Ghost Original plans by drawing on and play. 由龚开所开创的这一画风,为后来许多画钟馗、鬼趣图者所借鉴与发挥。
For this reason the paper has made a generalization and summarization of the sphygmology of Jin Kui Yao Lue. 有鉴于此,本论文对《金匮要略》的脉学进行了较为全面的整理与研究。
In order to protect their interests, consumers in the purchase of Samsung products to be acquired eyes, to Tell Li Kui! 为了保障自己的权益,消费者在购买三星产品时要练就火眼金睛,辨别真假李逵!
Ms. secretary books a look him, Moncler Italia, tiny smile smile, then return to office desk behind to hero Kui Lin tel. 秘书小姐看了看他,微微笑了笑,然后回到办公桌后给杰奎琳通了个电话。
Yi Zong-Kui is one of these people. 易宗夔,就是这些人当中的一个。
SUN Yi-kui was a doctor of Ming dynasty. He had original idea on the research of life origin problem. 孙一奎为明代医家,对生命本源问题的研究,见解独到。
Han Leng not the Kui make for the feather Lin Wei's conductor, not I imagine so worthless scoundrel. 韩冷不亏为羽林卫指挥使,并非我想象的那么脓包。
Huang Kui's poetry also comes from the earth, from the private sector, from the life of a heavy compression. 黄葵的诗歌同样来自于大地,来自于民间,来自于生活的沉重挤压。
Overall, Jiang Kui's poetry works both the inheritance trend of the times, but more importantly. it demonstrated beyond. 从整体来看,姜夔的诗歌作品既有对时代风气的因袭,更主要的则表现为超越。
Innovation rules and the mutual exchanges, is the main characteristics of Jiang Kui's poems, and thus emerged a unique style. 法度和创新的相互交融,正是姜夔诗作的主要特点,并由此呈现出一家风貌。
The ShanghART Gallery H Space has recently held an exhibition 'My Projection is Focusing' by contemporary Chinese artist Huang Kui. 近日,上海香阁纳画廊H空间展出中国当代艺术家黄奎的个展《我的投影在集合》。
Su Kui, I really hope that you will find me at the next place. 苏葵,真希望在下个地方你就可以找到我。
hang Kui is the Southern Song's famous song Ci composer, that he had reached the Poetry high attainments. 姜夔是南宋词坛大家,他的诗歌创作也达到很高的造诣。
The Kui deep pool lake breeze scenic area has the territorial scope to be small, in the lake distributes 7 islands the characteristics. 奎潭湖风景区具有地域范围小,湖中分布7个岛屿的特点。