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教你如何取英文名(另附4个在线取英文名的网站) ... 柯- -Kor/Ko - -Kong/Kung 赖- -Lai ...

中文名字翻译港式英文名字_百度文库 ... KONG 刚 KONG KOO 古 ...

中文名字翻译港式英文名字_百度文库 ... KON 干 KONG KONG 刚 ...


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Some men were lucky enough to have family in Hong Kong who could house them until their ship was ready to leave. 有亲属在香港的劳工比较幸运,他们可以在出发前在亲属处歇脚。
nuns kong: "the truth is not necessarily real, reality is not always full of the truth. What is real? What is the truth? " 真实的不一定是真的,真的也并不就充满真实,什么是真实什么是真?
It is always an honor to be invited to speak at the commencement of a prestigious school like Cheung Kong (Changjiang). 能够被长江商学院这样的名校邀请在毕业典礼上给大家做演讲,是我的荣幸。
Kong is mostly disrespected by readers, but I think highly of him, anyway he is an intellectual. 多数中国人是瞧不起鲁迅笔下的孔乙己的,但我很崇拜他,毕竟他是一介书生。
With King Kong is not bad skelter with the body of the fish were all friends Abe will dare to impede the forces of justice shattered. 凭借金刚不坏之身所向披靡与鱼人朋友亚伯将一切胆敢阻碍正义势力打得粉碎。
Prudential declined to specify how much it had paid the exchanges, bankers and lawyers to introduce its shares to Hong Kong and Singapore. 保诚拒绝详细透露为向香港和新加坡推荐其股票,向交易所、银行家和律师支付了多少费用。
We're only going to Hong Kong for a week-I don't know how much stuff you've packed! 我们只在香港呆一周——真不知道你咋想的,带这么大堆杂七杂八的东西?
Police in Hong Kong are trying to trace members of a group on the social networking site Facebook which appeared to call for a mass suicide. 香港警方试图追踪社交站点Facebook上的一个团体,该团体似乎策划集体自杀事件。
She was taken to the Skull Island, where she was caught by the aboriginals, who want to sacrifice her to King Kong, a gorilla. 她被带到了骷髅岛,随后被土著人抓去,他们要用她给大猩猩金刚献祭。
That is, at least a third of the king kong turn not destroy body in the defense, comparable to that of the fairy product! ! ! ! ! 也就是说,至少第三转的金刚不灭体在防御上,不下于中品仙器!
Like a man should be like King Kong, standing on the roof of the world's highest is that of a woman to play his beloved aircraft. 做人应该像金刚一样,站在世界上最高的楼顶是那个为自己心爱的女人打飞机。
A few days ago some memory came into my eyes just like yesterday when I saw the TV show 'Kong Xi Lai Le'. 几天前看着康熙来了一些记忆浮现眼前如同昨日。
OlympusHong Kong and China Limited hereby declare that the company has no connection with this fraudulent email. 奥林巴斯香港中国有限公司特此声明与该欺诈电邮没有关系。
Kong Yiji stared at the guy who asked him, with a look of disdain. 孔乙己看着问他的人,显出不屑置辩的神气。
Thoughts Pianfei Cheng Po Kong out of thousands of butterflies, and the total number of speechless moved. 思绪翩飞成彩蝶万千破空而出,总有许多说不出地感动。
Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Kong Quan would not confirm the visit but did not deny that it is underway. 中国外交部发言人孔泉不愿意证实和否认这次访问正在进行中。
It was never meant to be a Kong figure, but there is no getting away from it. When you stand a gorilla up like that, it becomes a King Kong. 我们曾经制作过一个四脚着地的猩猩,但他不是金刚,也没有摆脱这个形象,当猩猩站起来的时候,就变成了金刚。
Exhibits include Elvis Presley's motorcycle and a 13-foot-long bike known as King Kong. The firm is expecting 350, 000 visitors a year. 展出的产品包括艾维斯*普里斯莱的摩托车以及13英尺长、被称为“金刚”的自行车。
Kong, who are often flooded, it did not release the person, his own Fly comfortable. 那些经常板起脸孔,好像没有七情六欲的人,自有他的逍遥自在。
New York street scene, the King Kong exhibit and a square seen in Back to the Future were caught up in the blaze. 纽约街景,金刚展览及回到未来中看到的广场,都被大火吞噬。
Not compulsory pilotage, but get the best pilot the ship to help the pilot with navigation station contact Mercedes Kong. 不强制引航,但大船最好获得领航员的帮助,引航可与梅塞德斯港领航站联系。
Ovens process, in light of the wall above the surrounding Upon Airflow in Dehumidification Kong should remain adequate space emissions. 3烘炉过程中,在轻型炉墙排湿孔上方周围应留足够排放空间。
payment Kong take no responsibility as to the contents of any of these documents. 对任何此等文件的内容概不负责。
Kong YiJi was the only long-gowned customer who used to drink his wine standing . 孔乙己是唯一一个穿长衫、站着喝酒的顾客。
Kong Qiu found out that Pixiu had fled into the mountains, and wanted to tell it to go home, but Pixiu just kept running away with fear. 孔丘发现了逃到山里的皮休,欲劝其回家,但惊恐不知所措的皮休还是逃走了。
Mr. Kong said he expects the two sides to reach a revised agreement soon but didn't specify a time. 中信公司董事长孔丹预计双方不久将达成一项修正协议,但未说明具体时间段。
"Under the Basic Law, it has never been intended that Hong Kong can, on its own, decide on changes to its political structure, " he said. 他说:「根据《基本法》,香港没有权单方面决定其政治体制的改变。」
To prevent damage to the Nintendo (and the children), we'll only let the one who folds the laundry that evening play Donkey Kong. 为了防止伤害Nintendo(任天堂)(和孩子),我们将只让当晚叠衣服的人玩DonkeyKong(金刚,游戏名)。
But then Japan has always been a bit of separate case in Asia, compared to expat magnets like Hong Kong or Singapore. 但是另一方面,日本在亚洲一直都比较特殊,相比对海外人士有着巨大吸引力的香港或新加坡而言。
No one has Kong, it was no structural contradictions Kong to further expand. 有岗无人,有人无岗的结构性矛盾进一步扩大。