
美 [ˈleɪb(ə)l]英 ['leɪb(ə)l]
  • n.标签;签条;标记;(不恰当的)称谓
  • v.贴标签于;用标签标明;(尤指不公正地)把…称为
  • 网络标号;商标;标签控件

复数:labels 过去式:labelled 过去式:labeled 现在分词:labeling 现在分词:labelling

luggage label


n. v.

1.标签;签条;标记a piece of paper, etc. that is attached to sth and that gives information about it

2.(不恰当的)称谓,绰号,叫法a word or phrase that is used to describe sb/sth in a way that seems too general, unfair or not correct

3.唱片公司a company that produces and sells music, CDs, etc.


标签标签Label)是用来显示文本的主要组件之一,也是窗口应用程序中最常用的组件之一,通过对标签的使用,将能够给用 …


英语托业考试词汇大全(WORD版)_百度文库 ... 14.pass up 放过;错过 1. ] 8.label 标签;标记 1. appointment 约会,约定 1. ...


标号LABEL)是为一组机器指令所起名字.标号可有可无,只有当需要用符号地址来访问该语句时,才给此语句赋予标号.标号 …


微表情 - flypig - 网易博客 ... 页 眉: header 商 标label 标 题: title ...


ASP.NET动态网站开发案例教程_百度百科 ... 1?2?4ASP?NET 事件模型9 2?1?1Label 标签控件24 2?1?2TextBox 文本框控件2…


  盘卷标(Label)为Mylabel的盘指定其新盘符为X。  X=(nnnn-nnnn)——将磁盘的序列号(serial number)为nnnn-nnnn的盘指定其新 …


电梯专业英语词汇(三) ... knob handle 球形手柄 label 标签,标牌 labeling 加标签,贴标签 ...


体育项目的英语怎么说 ... 可喜的,令人满意的 gratifying 称号,绰号 label 涌现出来 to come to the fore ...

I don't like to label my experiences but I can freely say that I'm in a loving relationship with a guy whose only goal is to make me happy. 我不喜欢给我的经历贴上什么标签,但是我可以坦率的说我和唯一目标就是让我快乐的人相爱。
Why do those who were close to the kind of label. Euphemistically called; 'for my good' people are always. 为什么那些个贴着善良的标签。美其名曰;‘为我好’的人们总是要。
Pressure has been growing for the U. S. Treasury to label China a currency manipulator in a report due out on April 15. 美国财政部受到国会越来越大的压力,要求财政部在4月15日发布的一份报告中把中国定为操纵汇率的国家。
The environment sometimes seems like the fashionable issue of the moment, the right badge to wear, the current political designer label. 环境有时好像是一个时尚的话题,是我们要戴的正确的徽章,是当前政客们的标签而已。
Repellents can be applied to exposed skin or to clothing in strict accordance with product label instructions. 严格按照使用说明在暴露皮肤或衣服上使用驱蚊剂。
Expressionism, as a label, can be applied to paintings from the early years of the century right up to the 1950s. 表现主义作为一种标签,适用于从本世纪初至五十年代的绘画。
If you place this parameter at the top with a label of [_] it gets applied to all the graphs defined in the file. Here's an example. 如果你把后面跟着[_]的参数放在顶部,那麽它将被应用到文件所定义的所有图表中。如下例。
To understand the relationship of these attributes, it is easiest to think of a variable as a box with a label attached to the outside. 要理解这三个属性之间的关系,可以把变量简单的想象成一个外面贴着标签的盒子。
The only time that WebSphere MQ requires the label to be in a specific format is for the queue manager to locate its own certificate. WebSphereMQ只在需要队列管理器定位自己的证书时要求标签使用特定的格式。
Scorcher, a rapper from London who recently signed his first record deal, set up a clothing label even before he made his first video. Scorcher是来自伦敦的一名饶舌音乐歌手,他最近刚签了第一份唱片合同。可是还没录第一首单曲他就先创立了一个服装品牌。
The example assumes an ASP. NET Web page with at least one TextBox control on it, a Label control, and a Button control. 该示例假定ASP.NET网页上至少有一个TextBox控件,还包含一个Label控件和一个Button控件。
And Mr Yanukovich would be stuck with precisely the label that he has worked so hard to shed: that of a neo-Soviet autocrat. 而亚努斯科奇先生则要被迫接受这个他努力想摆脱的称号——新苏维埃独裁者。
However, the company said that it had not decided whether to place a fair trade label on coffee grown on large plantations. 但是,该公司表示并没有决定要不要在那些大型种植园产出的咖啡产品上打上标签。
They consist of a Label control and a TextBox control for the first name, and a Label control and a TextBox control for the last name. 它们由Label控件和TextBox控件(用于输入名)以及Label控件和TextBox控件(用于输入姓)组成。
If I were to pin a label on the process through which the world has passed in recent years, it would be "realignment. " 如果给世界在最近几年所经历的进程订上一个标签,就是:“重新排列组合”。
The "narcoterrorist" label is often misused, but the Taliban are the real deal. “毒品恐怖主义”的标签经常被误用,但塔利班却是货真价实。
When people asked me, I thought like they were trying to label me or they were trying to judge me, when I was a child growing up. 当我还是个正在成长的孩子的时候,人们会询问我的血统,那时我觉得他们好像是试着给我归类,或者是评判我。
Who knows what secret wisdom that ketchup bottle label could be trying to convey to me, after all? 话又说回来,也许调味酱瓶子标签希望传递给我某种不为人知的秘密,谁说得准呢?
Call it a premonition, an instinct, a feeling -- whatever you label it, it's your intuition talking. 称之为预感也好,本能也好,感觉也好--无论你管它叫什么,那都是你的直觉在”讲话“。
In my opinion, marriage is not important or not, married and unmarried is just a label, just like to ask people where you are? 在我看来,结婚与否并不重要,已婚和未婚只是一个标签,就像问问你是哪里的人?
An application for such a label must be made to EPD in the prescribed form and accompanied by a cheque of the prescribed fee. 如欲申请上述标签,必须以订明的格式向环保署提出,并须附上支付所需费用的支票。
By specifying a label as the version you want to retrieve, you can get a copy of every file exactly as it was when the label was created. 通过为你想获得的版本指定一个标签,你就能够在标签创建的时刻准确取得每个文件的拷贝。
Merge history allows this and makes things more convenient. The workaround is simply to use a label to mark the point of your last merge. 合并历史就允许这样做,并且很便利。工作区里面会简单的使用一个标签来标示你上一次合并的点。
This, once upon a time, might have been called "natural" food. But that label has been useless for 20 years. 以前,这可能称为天然食品,但也已经是20年前的事了。
The concept with an English preferred label of "dog" might have a "related" relationship with a "doghouse" concept in a different taxonomy. 具有英语首选标签“dog”的概念可能与在不同分类中的“doghouse”概念具有“related”关系。
A woman packed into a transparent suitcase bearing a label that says "Stop Human Trafficking! " rides on the luggage belt at Munich Airport. 在慕尼黑机场的行李带上一个女人被打包在一个标有“制止贩卖人口”的透明手提箱里。
Chardonnay 2006 - She lifted her eyes and spoke: 'Intense, savoury and wonderfully smooth'. And without even looking at the label he agreed. 莎当妮2006-她举起眼睛说:“浓郁、清爽、柔和”没看标签他就非常同意她的说法。
Get yourself a box file (or just a large cardboard box will do) and stick a label on the front saying "Finances" . 准备一个公文箱(或者一个大的硬纸板箱子),在上面贴上“财务”的标签。
One German source said the package may have carried a label indicating it was a security test. 德国消息透露,这件包裹上可能有注明“此为安全测试”的标签。
In this sample demo we would like to see a simple scene with a draggable sprite and a label with a simple message in it. 在此示例演示中,我们希望看到一个可拖动的精灵和一个简单消息标签在一个简单的场景。