
美 [laɪn]英 [laɪn]
  • n.线;线路;直线;路线
  • v.排队;衬里;填塞;交尾
  • 网络线条;行;连我

复数:lines 现在分词:lining 过去式:lined

draw line,take line,follow line,side line,come line
same line,vertical line,yellow line,electrical line,line utility


n. v.

线long thin mark

1.[c]线;线条a long thin mark on a surface

2.[c]界线;(尤指运动场地的)场地线,场界a long thin mark on the ground to show the limit or border of sth, especially of a playing area in some sports

3.[c]皱纹;褶子a mark like a line on sb's skin that people usually get as they get older


4.[c]分界线;边界线an imaginary limit or border between one place or thing and another

5.[c](思想或行为的)界限,界线the division between one area of thought or behaviour and another


6.[c]边线;轮廓线;形体;形状the edge, outline or shape of sb/sth

人或物的行列row of people/things

7.[c]排;行;列a row of people or things next to each other or behind each other

8.[c](人)队伍,行列a queue of people


10.[c][ususing]按时间顺序排列的人(或物、事件);家系;家族a series of people, things or events that follow one another in time

11.[c][ususing]一系列按重要性排列的人a series of people in order of importance


12.[c]字行;便条;留言条;歌词;诗行a row of words on a page or the empty space where they can be written; the words of a song or poem

13.[c](戏剧或电影的)台词,对白the words spoken by an actor in a play or film/movie

15.[c](informal)(尤指为达到某种目的说的)话,言语a remark, especially when sb says it to achieve a particular purpose


16.[c]一段绳(或索、线等)a long piece of rope, thread, etc., especially when it is used for a particular purpose


18.[c]电话线路;电话号码a telephone connection; a particular telephone number


19.[c]轨道;铁道;(铁路的)段,线路a railway/railroad track; a section of a railway/railroad system


20.[c][ususing](行进的)方向,路线;方位the direction that sb/sth is moving or located in

21.[c]路线;路径;渠道a route from one place to another especially when it is used for a particular purpose


22.[c][ususing](尤指公开表明的)态度,看法an attitude or a belief, especially one that sb states publicly

23.[c]方法;方式a method or way of doing or thinking about sth


24.[sing]行业;活动的范围a type or area of business, activity or interest


25.[c]种类;类型a type of product


26.[c]运输公司;航运公司a company that provides transport for people or goods


27.[c]防线;前线;战线a row or series of military defences where the soldiers are fighting during a war


along/down the line

在某一环节;在某一时刻at some point during an activity or a process

along/on (the)… lines

按…方式in the way that is mentioned

be, come, etc. on line

正运转;在运行to be working or functioning

bring sb/sth, come, get, fall, etc. into line (with sb/sth)

使一致;使规范;使符合;(和…)一致to behave or make sb/sth behave in the same way as other people or how they should behave

in (a) line (with sth)

(与…)成一排,成一直线in a position that forms a straight line with sth

in line for sth

有可能获得某物likely to get sth

in the line of duty

在执行任务时;在履行职责时while doing a job

in line with sth

与…相似(或紧密相连)similar to sth or so that one thing is closely connected with another

lay it on the line

坦率地说;实话实说to tell sb clearly what you think, especially when they will not like what you say

(choose, follow, take, etc.) the line of least resistance

(采取)最省事的方法(to choose, etc.) the easiest way of doing sth

(put sth) on the line

冒风险at risk

out of line (with sb/sth)

不成直线not forming a straight line

walk/tread a fine/thin line

处于困境(或险境);如履薄冰;走钢丝to be in a difficult or dangerous situation where you could easily make a mistake


七年级(上)英语单词表一. ... 346 clothes n 衣服 347 line n 线,绳索 348 whose pron 谁的 ...


...不能建构实体,若要绘制 直线,可在几何目录视窗点选直线Line),此时系将显示如下图的目录视窗, 对於线种类目录视 …


全部 Icon 设计欣赏 - 精美图标 - ... 家具( Furniture) 线条( Line) 地图( Map) ...

国家行政机关公文格式(全) ... 3.1 字 word 3.2 line 3.1 字 Word ...


新概念英语单词表带音标(第一册) - 豆丁网 ... company 公司 line 线路 第141 课 excited 兴奋的 ...


连我(LINE) 在多达37个国家下载排名第一受全球230多国家欢迎的即时通讯软件,全世界超过8,000万用 ...评论:1933条 大小:…

牛津小学英语5B单词、词组归纳_百度文库 ... order 命令 line ,行 turn 转 ...


... 命令面板-----创建面板----基本图形,选择线段LINE)在视图中单击即可,按右键结束,也可以在创建是拖动鼠标,创建成 …

The Retailer Service calls the operation, which returns a list with status as to which line items it was able to ship. 零售商服务调用该操作,该操作返回带有状态(状态表示可以运送哪些行项)的列表。
This advice is in line with that of most major medical organizations in the United States, the authors comment. 作者们评价说该主张与美国大多数的主要医疗组织的主张一致。
Our bus had to be ferried across the river. There was a line of trucks. We settled down to a hot wait. 我们的公共汽车及一列卡车必须运到河对岸,我们在焦急地等待着。
You'll notice that at the line where the blue and red meet your eye seems to oscillate back and forth between the two. 你会注意到,当蓝色和红色相遇的时候,你的眼球就会在这两个颜色之间来回颤动。
The date is usually placed two lines below the last line of the letterhead at left margin for full block style. 空出两行之后,在完全齐头式格式下靠信纸左边位置。
He said the two said were still discussing setting up a military hot line for communications during an emergency. 他说,双方仍然正在讨论建立军事热线以在紧急情况下进行交流。
If a particular line of code is causing an error, include enough code to make it clear what that line is trying to accomplish. 如果是某行代码导致了问题,应附上足够的代码以让人明白这行代码需要完成什么任务。
The promise of the cloud is shoving the costs of dealing with all that off the bottom line. 是云技术保证了将处理这些的开销压缩到最低。
Only hours before, as she was chomping happily on some caramel corn, one of her front teeth had snapped off, right at the gum line! 才数小时前当她愉快地大嚼焦糖玉米时一颗前牙从牙床断裂!
That seems to me to be a huge wake up call for on-line travel companies. 对我来说,这相当于为在线旅游企业敲响了警钟。
However, he confirms there has recently been a reduction of reported incursions from Pakistan along the line of control. 但是他证实,据报导,最近来自克什米尔巴方控制区的越界攻击事件在减少。
Mrs. Penniman, with a degree of act that was as unusual as it was commendable, took the line of leaving her alone. 对于这一切,佩尼曼太太采取了不介入的态度,她的这种策略一反常态,倒是值得钦佩的。
Who else would stand in line at the post office with me for half an hour with only the promise of a lollipop as compensation? 还有谁会和我一起在邮局排队等上半个钟头,就为了我承诺的一颗棒棒糖的奖励?
A lieutenant stood at the right of the line, the point of his sword upon the ground, his left hand resting upon his right. 一个中尉站在列兵的右侧,他的剑的尖端指向地,他的左手放在右手上。
Here there was no line of giants to push her through; this gate was closed and bolted, and a guard looking wide-awake stood by it. 这儿没有推着她前进的巨人队伍了,大门是关着的,而且上了栓,门卫站在门边很警醒地看着。
Mr. Saverio says that nearly every client asks him to create a ready-to-wear line for everyday wear. 萨维里奥说,几乎每一位客户都让他创立一个日常穿着的成衣系列。
Line in the righteousness Chuang that thoughts of tonight, how much have a little Dan Tu. 想到今晚的义庄行,多少有点胆突。
And then to go out with him, going to the bank to handle things, know often is to line up, prepare for the. 然后与他出去,要到银行办理事情,知道每每是要排队的,做好思想准备的。
But further investigation indicates he was angry. He meant to do what he did. The bottom line is, there was intent. 可是进一步调查证明他当时发怒,他所做的乃出于本意,根本的问题是他居心如此。
He could at least drop me a line to let me know he's O. K. 至少他总要写封短信,让我知道他平安吧。
Jack Dawson: I don't know about you, but I intend to go write a strongly worded letter to the White Star Line about all this. 杰克:我不知道妳会怎麽做,但我打算给白星轮船公司写封措辞强烈的信来抱怨这一切。
As a member of NATO that was for many years on the front-line of the cold war, Turkey was at least a reliable ally of the West. 作为北约的成员,土耳其在很多年里都是冷战的前线,而且至少也应是西方国家的忠实的盟友。
With a one-line change in this file, you can shut down the application so you can perform maintenance or upgrade one of its components. 凭借在这个文件只有一行的变化,你可以关闭应用程序,以便您可以执行维护或升级它的组件之一。
GM also announced that it had secured a $5 billion revolving credit line and that its chief executive, Ed Whitacre, would soon depart. 通用同时还宣布其已获得一份稳定可靠的50亿美金的循环信用额度,以及其老总EdWhitacre不久即将离开的消息。
But like soldiers anywhere, what they do not like are mortar attacks where the bombs hit closer to the front line and cause more casualties. 不过就像世界上任何一处的士兵一样,他们讨厌迫击炮的轰击。迫击炮的轰炸离前线更近,造成了更多的伤亡。
Less happily, the WCC served as a shop-window for Orthodox churches in communist lands which had to parrot the line of their masters. 令人稍稍不喜的是,“世基联”对共产党国家中那些只能随着本国主子的旨意鹦鹉学舌的正教会而言是一扇橱窗。
The beginning line of this poem is a philosophical beauty as well, and it has been collected as an immortal line into dictionaries. 这首长诗的首行就是一种颇具哲理的美:“美好的东西永远是一种乐趣”已经作为不朽的名句被收了很多词典之中。
That portion of a tape on a line perpendicular to the reference edge, on which binary characters may be written or read simultaneously. 磁带中垂直于参考边的线上可以同时读或写二进制字符的那一部分。
If you were to do a line-up of the key suspects, Skakkebaek says, phthalates like the seven being tested in the laboratory would come first. 斯卡贝克说,如果你要排列主要怀疑物,像在实验室测试的这七种酞酸盐会位列首位。
A bit of planning and neat directory structuring can save you a lot of headaches later on down the line. 进行一点计划并保持文件组作执整洁会在后期避免许多麻烦。