
美 [noʊn]英 [nəʊn]
  • adj.知名的;出了名的;已知的
  • v.“know”的过去分词




1.知名的;出了名的;已知的known about, especially by a lot of people

However, the extent to which gastrointestinal colonization with MRSA affects environmental contamination is not known. 然而,病人的胃肠道定植有MRSA对环境污染的程度目前尚不清楚。
and the number of slabs to be rolled, together with other process dependent variables, are known as a rolling program or rolling schedule. 地带层面,冶金组成和石板的数量将推出,加上其他进程因变量,被称为一个滚动计划或滚动计划。
Namibian Ambassador said he got a deep impression after visiting Yiwu International Trade Mart and local well-known enterprises. 纳米比亚驻华大使说,在参观了国际商贸城和当地知名企业后,义乌给自己留下了深刻的印象。
"So far, the GFW [Great Firewall] is lagging behind and still needs improvement, " said the man known as its father. “目前,GFW[防火长城]已经落伍,仍需改善。”GFW之父说。
I had hardly known him well enough when he began to greet me like an old friend. 我还没怎么认识他呢,他就像老朋友一样和我打招呼。
Often known as the fear index, the VIX tends to rise sharply in times of turmoil, as it did last autumn. 该指数在市场动荡时期往往会急剧上升,去年秋季就是如此。
An Airblue spokesman said the plane had no known technical issues and the pilots did not send any emergency signals. 蓝色航空公司一名发言人说,该飞机没有任何已知技术问题,飞行员也没有发送过任何紧急求救信号。
At least 18 people are now known to have been killed in a suicide bomb attack on a United Nations building in the Nigerian capital Abuja. 尼日利亚首都阿布贾一栋联合国建筑遭遇自杀式炸弹袭击,造成至少18人死亡。
These telephone calls are about a contract between a large aircraft company and one of its suppliers, also known as a subcontractor. 录音中的电话交谈是在一家大的航空公司和它的供应商之间关于合同的天谈话。
Mr Zapatero must have known he could not fulfil his pledges, which seem to have been devised for the European election on June 7th. 萨帕特罗首相肯定知道自己已然不能实现誓言,虽然这些似乎都是为了在6月7日举行的欧洲议会选举做准备。
The market only a card, chaos to licensing, hollow card analysis ability, known as the single operation of a milepost. 市面唯一一款散牌、乱牌、中空牌分析能力,业内称为单人操作的一个里程碑。
2011 has become known as the first year of the era of mobile internet and smartphones have been a key product in the mobile phone market. 2011年被称为移动互联网元年,智能手机开始正式成为手机市场的主力产品。
Curie: French pianist, writer, and editor BEST known for Madame Curie (1937), a biography of her mother, Marie Curie. 居里:法国钢琴家、作家和编辑,以一本描述她的母亲玛丽·居里的传记小说《居里夫人》(1937年)而闻名。
I've never known a gas cylinder last so long. I was beginning to think I'd got hold of some kind of widow's cruse. 我从不清楚一个煤气罐可以用这么长时间,我开始认为我得到一个聚宝盆了。
By quoting from a well-known art critic, he tried to add a bit of self-confidence to hellos talents. 他援用一位著名艺术评论家的话,为自己的绘画才气增加一点儿自决议信念。
Your father was an honorable man. Everybody who has known him must feel great loss caused by his death. 你父亲令人尊敬,每一个认识他的人都会把他的去世视为一大损失。
Using objects known as rollback segments, Oracle constructs read-consistent views of data as of the point in time a SQL statement is issued. Oracle使用名为“回滚段”的对象在发出SQL语句的时间点处构造读取一致数据视图。
Smart meters are one key part of a wider set of technologies and techniques collectively known as the "smart grid" . 智能电表是一系列被称为“智能网(smartgrid)”的技术和工艺的一个关键部分。
Ms Whitman is best known as the former boss of eBay, where she had a mixed record but a high profile. 魏特曼是eBay的前老板,虽说别人一直对她毁誉参半,但她总是高调出场的。
The irregular shapes that surround the sunspot are known as granulation and are made of hot gas rising from inside the Sun. 人们熟知的围绕在太阳黑子周围的不规则米粒组织是由太阳内部喷发的炽热气体形成的。
Known as a provincial writer, Willa Cather enjoys a unique place in American literature world with works of her own artistic glamour. 威拉·凯瑟被誉为美国乡土作家,她的作品以珍珠般的光彩在美国文坛上显露出独特的艺术魅力。
These can work together, in groups of two or three, as one giant telescope, known as the VLT Interferometer, or VLTI. AT们能协同工作,以2个或3个一组,构成一个堪比巨型望远镜的VLT光学干涉阵列——VLTI。
He had a personal escort known as the Amazonian guard, young women said to be martial-arts experts who often carried machine guns. 卡扎菲有一支被称作“亚马逊守卫”的个人卫队,这只卫队由据说是精通武术年轻女子组成,她们常常携带机关枪。
Why not evaluate where you are in this area of your life. Affirm with God your desire to be known by Who you know versus what you do. 为什么不评估下你处于一生中的哪个阶段。相对于你所做的,跟那个你认识的上帝确认你所想要的,他应该会知道。
Dressed in a yellow suit and pearls, she signs copies of her book-but she is more than just a well-known author. 她身着鹅黄色套装,佩戴珍珠首饰,正在举办签名售书会--但她可不仅仅只是位名作家。
Thailand is known as "The land of smiles" due to its friendly, easy-going nature. 由于祥和、随和的人文风景,泰国被认为‘大地的微笑’。
Out in Tatooine's Dune Sea, lying at the base of the Great Pit of Carkoon, rests a gruesome creature known as the Sarlacc. 在塔图因的沙丘之海深处,一个叫做沙拉克的可怕生物栖息在卡孔大坑底部。
any other country in which the company operates is known as a host country. 该公司从事经营所在的其他国家成为东道国。
Increasingly he found himself defending what he saw as the public interest against what were known as "the interests" . 之后,他越来越发现自己在针对当时的“利益集团”,为心中的公众利益辩护。
This was not the man's first hummingbird smuggling attempt, however, as he is known to hold a previous conviction for the same offence. 这个男的早有前科,已经不是第一次想走私蜂鸟了。