last but not the least

  • 网络最后;最后一点;最后但不是最不重要的

last but not the leastlast but not the least

last but not the least


英语高级词汇_百度知道 ... Secondly,besides 是其次 Last but not the least 最后 First of all 首先 ...


单词背记法 -... ... Secondly 其次 Last but not the least 最后一点,也是非常重要的-点 It can be argued that 也许有人会说…… ...


... anything but 根本不 223. last but not the least 最后但不是最不重要的 224. be paid by the hour 按小时计酬 228. ...


LIFE HANDBOOK 2010——社会、生活辑... ... Life: 生活 Last but not the least: 最后但并非最不重要 ...


公共英语四级辅导:PETS4阅读精... ... gas mask 防毒面具 last but not the least 最后的但是同样重要的 chance n. 可能性,很 …


情人节约会全攻略 之 男童鞋版_EF英孚教育 ... coat= 外套、大衣 last but not the least= 最后但也非常重要的一点 love= 爱 ...


最后但绝非最不重要的Last but not the least),简历一定要有针对性。与主题无关的东西不要在简历上写也不要在面试说。

Last but not the least, we are trying to control the emissions from the internal combustion engine much more strictly. 最后,我们正在尝试更加严格地控制内燃机释放的气体。
The last but not the least, the existence of various thoughts, behaviors and values is the tone of a mutable society. 多样化的思维、行为模式与价值观,这便是多元社会的色彩交织。
Last but not the least, the load of the existing transportation network can be released to a great extent. 再次这条铁路很大程度上缓解了现有线路的运输压力。
The last but not the least, issuing debentures is a reasonable method to collect capital as well. 最后但并非最不重要,发行债券是一个合理的方法,收集资本。
The last but not the least, I would like to talk something about the cross-culture negotiation I researched. 最后也是最重要的,我想谈一些我研究的有关的跨文化谈判方面。
Last but not the least, thanks for your support to the election of the Specialized Committee. 在此谨多谢各位对专责委员会选举的支持。
And the last, but not the least, adopt an optimistic attitude toward life, for the world is still in making and you can have a share in it . 最后,但不是最不重要的是,对生活要有一种乐观的态度,因为世界仍在创造中,你可以在其中分享它。
The last but not the least, I proposed the reasonable solutions to resolve the insurance fund unbalanced question. 最后,提出了合理解决养老保险基金收支失衡问题的途径。
Last but not the least, Pranayama leads to spiritual journey through a relaxed body and mind, with pranayama only can cure so many diseases. 最后,也是非常重要的一点。呼吸控制法引领你放松的身体和大脑踏上心灵之旅。仅仅是呼吸控制法就可以缓解许多病症。
The last but not the least, ads can bring commercial opportunity and large groups of customers to the stores. 最后,告白能够为起夜带来无限商机和大量消费者。
Last but not the least, as a citizen, we are already over the age of 18. 最后,作为一个公平易近,本人们曾经年满18周岁。
Last but not the least, Mike says the reason for the SOA implementation should be in support of key business goals. 最后,Mike强调了SOA实现必须支持关键业务目标的原因。
Last but not the least, I have hard spirit of the collective consciousness with strong collective sense of honor. 有吃苦耐劳的精神,有较强的集体意识集体荣誉感。
The last but not the least is to save money since you graduate. 最后,就是不要因为刚毕业就不存钱。
As the paradox "The last, but not the least. " Goes, we should not neglect the last point of the message. [翻译]就像隽语“最后的,但不是最不重要的。”说的那样,我们不应当忽视信息的最后一点。
The last but not the least important is that the decline of the quality of Higher Education influences the quality of graduates. 高等教育的质量下滑影响了高校毕业生的才能素质,也入而影响着高校毕业生的工资收入。
Last but not the least, we'll test the BPEL process in a failing situation to make sure WS-AT works as expected. 最后一点也非常重要,我们将在出现故障的情况下测试BPEL流程,以确保WS-AT按预期工作。
Last but not the least, music is our profession and our livelihood and the works we have created should be protected from piracy. 最后的但不是最不重要的,音乐是我们的专业与我们的生活和工作,我们所创造的过程中,应防止盗版。
Last but not the least, it is a more scientific and effective means to protect Dongba Culture and traditional art. 最后,对丽江的东巴文化和传统工艺是一种更科学有利的保护和传承手段。
last but not the least, the should stop relying on the state and throw away any worries about their "face" while doing "low" jobs. 最后但同样重要的是,应该停止依赖政府,当做“低贱”工作时,丢掉任何关于“面子”的担心。
Last but not the least, the author explains some strategies adopted to achieve optimal relevance in EST translation. 最后作者提出了一些科技翻译中采用的策略,以达到科技英语翻译的最佳关联。
Last but not the least, there is always imperfection in reality. 最后但不是最不重要的,总有不完善的现实。
Last but not the least; it comes with FREE technical mentoring and "Unconditional Test PASS Guarantee" . 最后但并非最不重要的,它附带的免费技术指导和“无条件的测试通过保证”。
The last but not the least, prevent your emotions from making you sick. 最后要说重要的一点是,预防因你的(不良)情绪导致生病。
Last but not the least, the price of coal is rising (more than 10% every year), too, which will also make cement more expensive. 最后但并非最不重要的是,煤炭价格上升(10%以上,每年),太多,这也将使水泥更加昂贵。
Last but not the least, part-time jobs can partly relieve students' financial burden, especially those who are from poor families. 最后的但不是最不重要的,兼职工作可以部分地减轻学生的负担,尤其是那些来自贫困家庭。
last but not the least , i would like to extend in person our official invitation to the mayor of shanghai. 最后,我此行的又一项重要任务是向上海市长面呈访问我市的正式邀请。
The last but not the least, homosexuality is not the norm only because of the minority. 最后一条,但不是仅余的一条:同性恋没有成为社会规范,只因为他们是少数群体。
Last but not the least don't be so obsessed about your looks and you will find yourself looking sexier than ever. 最后重要的一点,别那么纠结于你的外貌,你会发现自己比以前任何时候都性感。
Last but not the least; it comes with FREE technical support and "Unconditional 100% Money Back Guarantee" . 最后但并非最不重要的,它附带的免费技术支持和“无条件的100%退款”。