miles away

  • 网络相隔千里;千里之外;几英里之外

miles awaymiles away

miles away


据知,麦当娜在波士顿的演唱会上跟歌迷说,她“相隔千里”(Miles Away)这首歌,是献给情感残障人士的。她怕歌迷不懂,还说…


求周杰伦歌曲的英文歌名_百度知道 ... 画沙: Sand painting 千里之外: Miles away 龙拳: Dragon fist ...


新概念英语第二册笔记... ... middle of summer 盛夏 miles away 几英里之外(距离的表达方式) overhead adv. 从头顶 ...


MY... ... 12.A Beautiful Day / 美好的一天 6.40 Miles Away / 40 公里之外 1.Mirror,Mirror / 魔镜,魔镜 ...


06-10汇报帖 - - 英语家园论坛... ... lie,lay 盖 miles away 数英里 grow dark 逐渐 ...


沪江博客 - YES! I Can! - A---002 ... talk away 一直讲 (下去) miles away 在数英里之外 work away 不断地 [一直] 工作 [用功] ...


收集 滚石乐队的歌词及翻译_滚石乐队吧_百度贴吧 ... Don't Stop 永不停息 miles away 我正在失去你,你的心已走很远 ...

Five days ago, the policeman told him, the bicycle was picked up in a small village four hundred miles away. 警察告诉他五天前有人在离此四百英里的一个小村子里捡到这辆车。
Five days ago, the policeman told him, the bicycle was picked up in a small village 400 miles away. 五天前,警察对他说,自行车在离这里400英里的小镇被拣到了。
Her picture hangs on the wall of my office, reminding me that, thousands of miles away in Asia, a nation is oppressed. 她的照片就挂在我办公室的墙上的,提醒我,远在千里之外的亚洲,有一个国家正在遭受压迫。
I knew it from the go cause you know Thats some miles away from the truth. 我知道你有一天会发现它们和你要表达的真实想法相差甚远
You could also send him on a site visit to your properties 200 miles away, where tenants are being whiny about their service charge. 你还可以派他实地拜访你公司在200英里外的房产,那里的租户正对服务收费不停抱怨呢。
In the light of the sawn there was no mystery ship, but 20 miles away was the scene of a great disaster. 针对锯也没有神秘的船,但20英里远,现场的一大灾难。
The next recording you're going to hear was made of the same humpback song 50 miles away. 下一段大家将听到的录音是由同一头座头鲸在50英里外发出的。
Until then he had never been away from the security of his family and tribe. But on this night he was blindfolded and taken miles away. 在这之前,他从未脱离过家庭和部落的安全,但这个晚上,他被蒙上双眼带离数里之远。
"I had to leave my truck miles away, so I decided to do something about it myself, " Das said by telephone. “我只能把卡车停在几英里外的地方,所以我决定自己行动,”Das在电话中表示。
It was also serving as a Red Cross shelter for those left homeless just a few miles away. 它也作为红十字会为这些只有几英里远的无家可归的人提供住房。
I wanted to help, but what could I do? There was no one else on the beach, and the nearest phone to call the Marine Patrol was miles away. 我想帮助它,但我能做些什么呢?海滩上只有我一个人,如果要呼叫海上巡逻队,最近的电话离这有几英里远。
With many cars at the bottom of the ocean and others miles away from where they were last parked, he added, that is not going to be easy. 但很多车沉到了海底,还有些车距原来停车处数英里,因此做起来是不会容易的。
The search proved difficult, for the puma is often observed at a place in the morning and at another place 20 miles away in the evening. 搜寻活动被证明是艰难的,因为美洲豹常常早上在一个地方被发现,而晚上又在20英里以远的地方出现。
Eight miles away from my home village in Austria there was a gymnasium, and I rode to that gymnasium with a bicycle. 当时我骑着自行车前往一家健身房,那儿离我家所在的奥地利小村庄有八英里。
There would be a choice of a city which you could go to which could be in Honduras, instead of hundreds of miles away in the North. 这是一个你会前往城市的选择也许在洪都拉斯而不是几百公里远的北方。
He stopped, helped me into the cab, drove me to my house 30 miles away and refused to let me pay him. 一个出租车司机看到了我,他停下,把我扶进车,把我带回30英里外的家,分文未取。
It is not difficult to understand why Catherine, miles away in the United States, soon faded in her husband's memory. 远在美国的凯瑟琳和奥基弗天各一方,难怪会被丈夫很快抛到脑后。
Although he may have been many miles away, I knew he heard me, even if it was only an answer in his heart. 虽然我们俩离得很远,但是我想他能听见,即使他心里只有一个答案。
The long journey on the train exhausted this silly sister, who took flowers to home from thousands of miles away. 她坐火车回家,漫长的旅途,折腾坏了这位千里带花的痴姐姐。
The next day we carted the chest miles away and threw it out. 第二天,我们用马车把衣柜拉到好几英里之外扔了。
If you swim there, you float as if you were in the ocean, a thousand miles away. 如果你到河里游泳,会像在海里一样浮起来,能漂出去一千英里。
You should be able to see the Alps from here; they're only a few miles away. 从这里应该能看到阿尔卑斯山脉;因为它们仅距几英里远。
Nasa compared the challenge to trying to see the markings on a football 40 miles away. 美国宇航局将这一挑战比作试图在四十英里外的足球上看到标记。
She looked like she was listening to what I was saying, but I could tell that she was miles away. 她看起來像是在聽我說話,不過我看得出來她是心不在焉。
His wife and three kids had been about 700 miles away, back in rural Henan province, continuing to farm wheat, corn, peanuts and sesame. 他的妻子和三个孩子远在700英里外的河南农村老家,继续耕种小麦、玉米、花生和芝麻。
They would have to haul Frankie out of the woods on an improvised litter and drive him to Round Valley Veterinary Hospital, five miles away. 他们得把弗兰基用临时做的担架从树林里抬出来,开车把它送到5英里外圆谷地方的兽医院去。
Yesterday I had a phone call from the man we sent our cattle away with. He is 250 miles away and he said they were all dying. 昨天我接到一个电话,我们派去放牛的人打来的,他在250英里远的地方,他说牛都快死了。
Yue-ming of the night, was that it had stung the hearts of a thousand miles away, dull, and never swelling. 月明之夜,被它蜇过的心,在千里之外,隐隐作痛,且永不消肿。
It is known that local weather can be affected within a few days by meteorological conditions thousands of miles away (from here). 大家知道当地天气在几天内可以受到(离此)几千英里以外的气象条件的影响。
Because of this utility, consumers don't have to go personally to manufacturers, who might be thousands of miles away, for the products. 因为这种效用,消费者不必要单独—个人跑到制造商那里去购买那种商品。制造商可能远距数千英里。