
美 [læst]英 [lɑːst]
  • v.持久;继续;用鞋楦头来调整;够用
  • n.最后;鞋楦头;拉;精力
  • adv.最后;最近一次;最后一点
  • adj.“late”的最高级;末尾的;最后剩下的;最近的
  • 网络持续;持续…时间;持续的

第三人称单数:lasts 现在分词:lasting 过去式:lasted




英语填空,首字母或中文已给出,坐等~_百度知道 ... (invented 发明) (lasts 持续) (strange to 对……陌生) ...


鞋类英语单词_在线英语听力室 ... lasting room machinery 绷帮(装楦)机 lasts 鞋楦 lining material 衬里材料 ...


Schools 学校和大学 ... part-time jobs 兼职 lasts 持续…时间 a wide range 各种各样的 ...


...们认为可持续领导力为一种广布的(spreads)和持续的lasts)能力,注重责任的分担(shared responsibility),而不是滥 …


《Friends》词汇表B ... battery n. 电池, 殴打 lasts adj. 最后的, 临终的, 末尾的, 最近的, 结论性的 anniversaries n. 周年纪念 ...


《Friends》词汇表B ... battery n. 电池, 殴打 lasts adj. 最后的, 临终的, 末尾的, 最近的, 结论性的 anniversaries n. 周年纪念 ...


《Friends》词汇表B ... battery n. 电池, 殴打 lasts adj. 最后的, 临终的, 末尾的, 最近的, 结论性的 anniversaries n. 周年纪念 ...

The period between the suspension and resumption of the LPAR lasts just a few seconds. LPAR暂停和恢复之间的时间只持续几秒。
As long as this exists, I thought, and I may live to see it, this sunshine, the cloudless skies, while this lasts I cannot be unhappy. 只要它存在,我想,我就可能活着见到这一切,这阳光,这万里无云的天空,只要它亦然存在,我就不会感到不愉快。
The sound of a kiss is not so loud as that of a cannon, but its echo lasts a great deal longer. 亲吻的声音是作为一门大炮,不是那么响亮,但其回声持续大量的时间。
And even then, only a handful of people would be willing to fork out for styling that lasts only a few days. 即使这样,仍然有少数的人愿意去不停的换发型,甚至这个发型只能维持几天。
Throwing out large parts of the operating system also enables longer, cell-phone-like battery life that lasts all day, he said. 他谈到,由于摒弃了大部分操作系统程序,该电脑电池续航时间更长,可达到一整天,与手机相仿。
If the downturn lasts only a year or two the attitudes of such people may survive the pain of retrenchment. 如果经济的低迷只持续一两年时间,也许只需要稍稍节约一下开支,就可以度过难关。
Shingles normally lasts at least a week and spread to inner organs. 带状疱疹一般至少持续一周,而且还能扩散到内部器官。
This event, held in Independence, Kansas, has grown from just a Halloween night celebration to a festival that lasts nine days! 这项于堪萨斯州独立城所举办的活动,已经由原本的万圣节当夜的庆祝活动,变为一个长达九天的大型庆典!
A tail does not forecast the extent of a move, but the first jump usually lasts a few days, offering a trading opportunity. 一条尾巴不能预测波动的程度,但是最初的波动会持续几天,提供了交易机会。
Seepage into the sand and through the tile drains, although important in the total volume of water extracted, lasts for only a few days. 虽然渗漏进沙子并经过瓦片状排水层,对整个提取出的水的体积很重要,但是只能持续几天的时间。
If you said the meeting would last no longer than one hour, make sure the meeting lasts for only an hour. 如果你说了会议不会超过1小时,那就要保证会议只持续1小时。
It's so easy to spread information now that it lasts longer and finds more niches - this trend is helping content travel further. 现在传播信息非常方便,信息可以持续更长时间,发现更多细分市场,这种趋势让内容传播得更远。
If the interruption lasts for a few milliseconds, it is usually not noticeable to the human eye, ensuring operational continuity. 如果中断只持续几毫秒时间,那么这通常不会被肉眼所识别,这样运营持续性也仍然能够保证。
This activity may last not so long, just a month, but the memory for it lasts forever. 这次活动的时间或许不长,只有一个月,可是给我留下的记忆是永恒的。
It lasts for a week like a giant sand painting, and then it all fades away afterwards. 它会持续一个星期,像一个巨大的沙画,然后它都留下空缺。
Her work shows that we are likely to lie several times a day, or in one out of every four conversations that lasts more than 10 minutes. 她的著作告诉我们,大家很可能一天说几次谎,或者说在超过10分钟的对话里,每参与四个对话就说一次。
A circuit of her workout usually lasts only about 30 minutes, but it targets different parts of the body. 固然做一次塑身操只需要30分钟,但却可以锻炼身体的不同部位。
What seems to happen along the way is that you get a sort of whole-body orgasm and a glow that lasts for days. 在这个过程中,你得到一种全身心的快意,快乐的光环可持续几天不散。
Some times pain lasts in your chest forever but knowing that each day is going to be a little better makes all the difference. 有的时候疼痛持续永远在你的胸部,但知道每一天将会是更好一点,使所有的差异。
The only thing that seems to relieve the obstruction is more of the medicine, but the medication's effect lasts shorter lengths of time. 唯一似乎解除梗阻的药物,但药物的效果持续时间较短的时间长度。
I think it will let up in a little while. A downpour like this never lasts long here at this time. 我想马上会停的。每年这个时间像这样的大雨不会下很久的。
Few women are going to feel as if you're undressing them with your eyes if your glance lasts so short a time. 如果你只是短时间的停留,几乎没有几个女士会发现你在偷看她们。
But a landmark new research paper underscores that the difference between a strong teacher and a weak teacher lasts a lifetime. 不过一篇权威的新闻研究报告强调,教师的优劣差别对于人的影响是一生的。
You see it out there with everything else, and you see how it stands, and how it lasts, how people make fun of it or how they adore it. 你能看到,它(声誉)就在那儿,和一切别的东西一起,你能看到,它是怎样竖起来的,怎样持续地,人们又是怎以取消它或崇拜它的。
I once believed that only admirable, vigorous love is true love. I did not know that to be plain and common truly lasts until I met him. 爱思英语编者按:曾经我以为轰轰烈烈的爱情才是真正的爱情,直到认识他后,我才明白平平淡淡才是真。
The strip seems to have settled into pretty regular updates, and I hope Ellie lasts at least as long as the Mars Exploration rovers. 这部作品的更新相当规律,我希望Ellie的故事能和火星探测车之旅一样长久。
The union is beautiful and lasts only a day and the two are at it again in a foray of disastrous treason of self. 他们的联盟是美妙的,只持续了一天,然后他们又进入灾难性的真我叛逆的变革。
Remember that this world is temporary and lasts only a day or two. Give up your family attachments and transcend this world of illusion. 请记住这个世界是短暂临时的,也就持续那么一两天而已,放弃你对家庭依附,并超越你对这个世界的幻觉吧。
The carnival in Venice , Italy is often regarded as the most carefully prepared carnival and lasts the ten days before Lent . 威尼斯的狂欢节因其在四旬斋前花费十天进行准备,意大利被公认为狂欢节准备最细致的地方。
Unemployment tends to rise by seven percentage points during the down phase of the cycle, which on average lasts four years. 失业率在周期的波谷段会上升七个百分点,而这一阶段平均会持续四年。