
美 [ʌnˈwɪlɪŋ]英 [ʌn'wɪlɪŋ]
  • adj.不愿意;不情愿;勉强的;无奈的
  • 网络不愿意的;不情愿的;不乐意



1.[nubn]~ (to do sth)不情愿;不愿意not wanting to do sth and refusing to do it

2.[obn]勉强的;无奈的;迫不得已的not wanting to do or be sth, but forced to by other people


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大学英语自学教程 - 豆丁网 ... sailor n. 水手,海员 unwilling a. 不情愿的,不愿意的 equator n. 赤道 ...


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英语精华笔记 - 爱自考网... ... 15. be involved in 参与,介入 1. unwilling adj. 不情愿的,不愿意的;勉强的 2. equator n. 赤道 ...

Unwilling to talk about her private thoughts to a stranger, Mary only smiled at him awkwardly . 玛利不愿意向陌生人吐露心声,只是朝他尴尬的笑了笑。
Face before walk, slice unwilling nature of the bread machine to ask why the microwave oven doesn't smile. 临走前,切面包机不甘心地问微波炉为什么不笑。
My son is always unwilling to practise upon the piano as regularly as he should have done. 我儿子总是不愿意按规定应该做的那样来练钢琴。
Others are more like the captain, driven by an inner force to start a business and unwilling to take "no" for an answer. 另一部分人则更类似于Gopinath(戈皮纳思)上校,受某种内在力量驱使而创立起自己的事业,在面对困难时从不愿拿“不可能”作逃避的借口。
Mr Hulme said the two European multinationals might be unwilling to sell in the short term at prices that Huntsman would be willing to pay. 胡铭表示,这两家欧洲跨国集团也许在短期内不愿按亨斯迈愿意支付的价格,出售自己的工厂。
The children were unwilling to turn off the TV and go to bed. 孩子们很不情愿关上电视上床睡觉。
The father, unwilling to grant, and yet afraid to refuse his request, thought of a plan to rid himself of his difficult position. 作父亲的不乐意将女儿嫁给他,但又不敢拒绝他的请求,于是,想了一个使自己摆脱困境的办法。
The failure of that merger was seen as a snub to Russia by the west, unwilling to let Russian companies into its markets. 这次合并的失败被视为西方对俄罗斯的故意怠慢,不愿意让俄罗斯企业进入其市场。
Investors appeared to be unwilling to hold big positions in stocks ahead of the weekend and any news on Ireland's crisis. 投资者在周末前不愿进行大宗交易,爱尔兰债务危机的最新消息即将公布。
That's the kind of price discovery that some so-called sophisticated investors are unwilling (or unable) to do. 这样的价格发现是一些所谓的老成投资者不愿(或不能)去做的。
When all passengers walked towards the entrance, he still sat there alone, as if he were unwilling to leave the plane. 当全部乘客都向出口走去时,他却独自留在座位上,好象不愿意离开这架飞机似的。
Specialist teachers are often unwilling to stay in such places for long, and learning a foreign language is often simply not an option. 专职教师常常不愿意在那些地方久待,学一门外语常常是不可能的。
Because so far, the Palestinians have been unwilling to accept a Palestinian state, if it meant accepting a Jewish state alongside it. 因为到目前为止,如果那意味着要接受一个犹太国家在一旁的话,巴勒斯坦人还不愿意接受那样一个巴勒斯坦国。
Dr Smith must be unwilling to see him making a lot of money out of the milk. 史密斯博士一定是不愿意看见他通过卖牛奶挣如此多的钱。
If love, unwilling to make a bet, unwilling to be separate forever, is it have tooth pulled out illness like a bit to make to want at least. 爱情,如果舍不得下注,舍不得生离死别,至少也要制造一点拔牙般的病痛。
After Yao Qianyu heard from friends, Yao Qianyu did not marry, and the children. She always unwilling to say. 后从姚芊羽的好友口中得知,姚芊羽并没有结婚,而孩子的来历她始终不愿多说。
They are very willing to join in with the young, so on addressing they naturally unwilling to be associated with the word "old. " 他们更愿意加入到年轻人的行列﹐在称谓上自然也就不愿意与“老”为伍了。
After one of the tickets won first prize, the couple secretly took the prize money and was unwilling to return the money to the victim. 该彩券获头奖之后,两夫妻还盗领奖金且不愿将奖金还给被害人。
I cannot find out that I hate her at all, or that I am in the least unwilling to think her a very good sort of girl. 我根本不觉得恨她,并且极其愿意把她看作一个很好的姑娘。
However, while many states are able to prosecute, they are often unwilling to do so, as the trials can be complex and costly. 然而,虽然许多国家可以起诉,它们却经常不愿意这么做,因为审判既繁琐又昂贵。
Even if there were a desire to borrow to finance spending, banks might be unwilling to meet it. 尽管有财政支出的借贷需求,银行也不愿意放贷。
This was a topic from which he always sheered away, as though unwilling to face the embarrassment it caused. 他们总是避开这个话题,仿佛不愿面对由此带来的尴尬局面。
They, like rows of soldiers, like a strong and unyielding, unwilling to yield to the enemy to surrender. 它们像一排排坚强不屈的士兵一样,不肯向敌人投降屈服。
It was the start of a hotel boom that continues today, and the new owners of the iconic brand were unwilling to allow it to underperform. 这是开始的一个饭店兴旺,今天仍在继续,而新的业主对品牌形象,也不愿让它业绩不佳。
He said Mr. Mugabe was unwilling to put the welfare of Zimbabwe and its people first. 他说,穆加贝不愿意把津巴布韦及其人民的利益放在首位。
Hill was unwilling to provide details Friday about what sort of compromise verification measures he may have proposed to North Korea. 希尔星期五不愿具体透露他可能在核项目活动清单核实措施上向北韩提出了什么妥协办法。
Girls with an upcoming television youth director marriage, unwilling to live with his mother in a shabby house, he came here rentes. 姑娘即将同一位电视台的青年导演结婚,因不愿与母亲住在一套简陋的房子里,也来到这里租房。
Tom is unwilling to be under his father's thumb, so he decided to leave his home. 汤姆不愿意受他爸爸的控制,所以决定离家出走。
The child latched onto his mother, unwilling to let her go. 孩子抓住妈妈不放,不愿意让她走。
With manufacturers and retailers unwilling to play by the rules, Shenzhen authorities may feel like an outright ban is the only option left. 由于生产商和经销商不愿遵守相关规则,深圳当局或许觉得直接发布禁令是唯一的选择。