
美 [lætʃ]英 [lætʃ]
  • n.门闩;锁存;插销;卡齿
  • v.获得;抓住;用插销扣上(门等);占有
  • 网络锁存器;闩锁;闭锁

复数:latches 现在分词:latching 过去式:latched



n. v.

1.门闩;插销a small metal bar that is used to fasten a door or a gate. You raise it to open the door, and drop it into a metal hook to fasten it.

2.碰锁;弹簧锁a type of lock on a door that needs a key to open it from the outside


on the latch

关着但未锁上closed but not locked


锁存器(Latch)是一种对脉冲电平敏感的存储单元电路,它们可以在特定输入脉冲电平作用下改变状态。锁存,就是把信号暂存 …


故事《小红帽》的英文版_百度知道 ... 2. plump vt. 丰满的;鼓起的 3. latch n. 门闩,门锁 4. appease v. 使平静 ...


正反器常称为闩锁(latch)。 正反器 闩锁器和正反器之时脉响应 边缘触发RS正反器 正缘触发RS正反器 将计时脉波加至正脉波 …


闭锁Latch),它可以延迟线程的进度知道线程到达终止状态。一个闭锁工作方式就像一道门,直到闭锁到达终点状态之前, …


土木工程词典_文档下载_文档资料库 ... Laser plotter 雷射绘图机 latch 碰锁;弹簧锁 latent heat 潜热 ...


戴尔中文技术支持网站-论坛 ... Layout (电路、结构)布局图 Latch 插销 Light Emitting Diode 指示灯 ...

GM said potential damage to the second-row safety belts could make it appear as if the latch were properly secured when it was not. 通用汽车表示,潜在的危害在于第二排安全带,安全带可能在没锁的时候,却看起来好像是锁着好好的。
"What I think we can do is latch onto at least one of the three harpoon vessels and keep them out of the picture, " he said. 他还说道:“我们认为,我们要力所能及,至少要抓住3艘捕鲸船的其中一艘,而且还要把他们赶出那片海域。”
Midway up the door was fixed a plate of metal: Simon could not tell if it was a latch or a peephole cover. 这门的中间,固定着一个金属板:Simon不知道它是个插销,还是窥视孔的盖子。
After deer slayer had cast a look about him in the outer room, he raised a wooden latch. 杀鹿人略略看了外间,便卸下一根木闩。
OBERON This falls out better than I could devise. But hast thou yet latch'd the Athenian's eyes With the love-juice, as I did bid thee do? 这比我所能想得到的计策还好。但是你有没有依照我的吩咐,把那爱汁滴在那个雅典人的眼上呢?
A grandmother friend I chatted with last week told me that she had been a latch-key child and there were lots of benefits. 我有一位祖母级的朋友,上周我们聊天时她说道自己从前就是一个挂钥匙的孩子,这样其实好处颇多。
He leant against the side, and held his fingers on the latch as if intending to open for himself. 他斜靠在屋边,手指握着门闩,好像打算自己要开门似的。
but I merely motioned for him to turn the latch. And Lestat, clutching his bathrobe to his throat, rose from the chair. 此刻,李斯特从椅子上蹬的站起来,双手紧紧的抓着浴袍顶着喉咙。
The deployment mechanism is comprised of a speed regulatorand a pair of hinges in which there are a spring motor and a latch foreach. 极化敏感反射器用的展开机构由一对相同的展开铰链及一个调速器组成,每个铰链都有提供动力的扭转弹簧及闭锁装置;
The best you could hope for, if you wanted new horizons, was to latch onto a skill or career that could take you out of there. 你最大的希望--如果你想在新的起点上发展--就是学得一门技能,或者找到新的工作,把你带离这个地方。
No, in fact, sexuality is just one very small part of it . . . it's so interesting to see how people latch on to words. 不,事实上,性只是其中很小的一部分……看到大家如此死扣字面意义真是很有意思。
I wish Carrie had not given Lupin a latch-key; we never seem to see anything of him. 我真希望卡丽没有给卢宾钥匙,自从他拿到钥匙后,我们再也没见过他的人影。
Believe it or not, some people, particularly children who happen to be the last to come in, leave their doors on the latch at night. 不管你是否相信,有些人,尤其是最晚进家的孩子,晚上进屋后不把门锁上。
The bottom member comprises a pair of leaning troughs that receive latch edges, so as to fix the seat member on the bottom member. 底部构件包括一对接受闩锁缘的上下斜靠槽沟以固定座椅构件在底部构件上。
Unsteadily working my way in the dark to the bathroom, secured the door latch to make sure my sleep was not interrupted again. 不安定地在黑暗中工作我的方法到浴室,保护了门门闩确定我的睡眠不被再一次打断。
As a fixed-position booster, integrated LATCH connectors and a one-pull front adjuster allow for a safe and secure installation in seconds. 适宜的定位儿童汽车安全座椅,儿童安全座椅固定系统(Latch)连接器和单拉前部调整器为一体,可迅速牢固安装。
In an embodiment, the system includes a first latch and a pulse generator coupled to provide a timing signal to the first latch. 在实施例中,所述系统包含第一锁存器和经耦合以将时序信号提供给所述第一锁存器的脉冲产生器。
The side latches have sections adapted to be deflected in an inward direction to un-latch the TPA member from the pre-lock position. 侧面锁存器具有适合于在向内的方向上被偏转的部分以将所述TPA元件从预锁定位置解锁。
First her eyes latch onto mine, then her head swings around in a mechanical two-step. 她先是牢牢地盯着我的眼睛,然后头机械地摆动了两下。
The delay time of the delay cell, which is composed of a CMOS latch differential-pair, can be changed by the control voltage. 由CMOS(互补性氧化金属半导体)闩锁差动对所组成的延迟元件,可以藉由控制电压来改变它的延迟时间。
I don't know if that was a local term or if it is universal; "on the latch" meant the door was closed but not locked. 我不知道这是当地的一种说法还是大家都这么说;“不落锁”的意思是掩上门,但不锁住。
My 2000 Ford Ranger is in this category and the door switch is located in the door latch with one side of the interior lights grounded. 我的2000年福特Ranger是这一类的门开关是在一个门位于内地的接地侧灯闩锁。
CROSS PATCH Cross patch , draw the latch , Sit by the fire and spin ; Take a cup and drink it up, Then call your neighbors in . 十字架片,拉门闩,袖手旁观火和旋转;带一个杯子和饮料,然后邀请你的邻居来。
The tail end of the spacing sliding block is provided with springs. The top of the latch is provided with a link bar. 限位滑块的尾端装有弹簧,插销的顶部装有连接杆。
cross pat ch cross patch, draw the latch, sit by the fire and spin ; take a cup and drink it up, then call your neighbours in. 克劳斯·帕奇,画上门插销克劳斯·帕奇,画上门插销,坐在炉子和纺车边上;拿起一杯茶,把它喝光,然后把邻居们叫进来。
Cross Patch, draw the latch, Sit by the fire and spin; Take up a cup, and drink it up, Then call the neighbors in. 克劳斯·帕奇,画上门插销,坐在炉子和纺车边上;拿起一杯茶,把它喝光,然后把邻居们叫进来。
The dog pressed his paw on the latch to let himself in. 那狗用脚爪按住门闩把自己放进来。
We were lucky enough to latch onto a valuable piece of land at a low price. 我们幸运地以低价获得一块贵土。
The microcontroller reads the state of a pin through the Pin value line, and writes though the latch value line. 微控制器读取通过引脚值线引脚的状态,并写入锁存尽管价值线。
As these rise, they latch on to dust in the air and become particulates, a quarter the size of a grain of sand. 上升过程中,这些元素附着在空气中的尘埃上,变成微粒,大小相当于一粒砂子的四分之一。