
美 [ɪˈmjun]英 [ɪˈmjuːn]
  • adj.有免疫力;不受影响;受保护;免除
  • n.免疫者
  • 网络免疫的;免除的;不受影响的

immune globulin,immune cell,immune suppression,immune defense,immune disorder


1.~ (to sth)有免疫力that cannot catch or be affected by a particular disease or illness

2.~ (to sth)不受影响not affected by sth

3.~ (from sth)受保护;免除;豁免protected from sth and therefore able to avoid it


新视野大学英语1-4册单词 - 豆丁网 ... acquire v. 获得,取得,学到 407 immune a. 免除的,免疫的; deficiency n. 缺乏,不足 409 ...


新视野大学英语1-4册单词 - 豆丁网 ... acquire v. 获得,取得,学到 407 immune a. 免除的,免疫的; deficiency n. 缺乏,不足 409 ...


雪拉扎德·哈维_百度百科 ... Hometown( 故乡) Immune不受影响的) Jackpot( 赌注) ...


2013考研英语高频词汇_百度文库 ... imaginable 可以想象的 immune 有免疫力的,安全的 impartial 公正的 ...


2008考研英语... ... 559 stable a. 稳定的,安定的 560 immune a. 免疫的,有免疫力的;免除的,豁免的 561 toxic a. 有毒的,中毒的 ...


微生物专业名词001_百度文库 ... mammalian 哺乳动物的 immune 免疫者 in response to 响应, 适应 ...

Echinacea has been used for centuries to help support strong immune systems. 紫锥花几个世纪以来一直用于支持强有力的免疫系统。
So it would seem that this virus would still be able to grow and damage immune cells in his body. 所以,它们仍然有可能在体内发展并感染他身体中的免疫细胞。
It was her own immune system, attacking the joint in her body and crippling her so badly that she often had to use a wheelchair. 就是她自己的免疫系统,攻击她体内的关节,严重削弱她的行为能力,使她必须经常借助轮椅。
How much do vertebrates depend on the innate immune system to fight infection? 脊椎动物有多麽依赖与生俱来的免疫系统去对抗感染呢?
The minicells do not seem to be highly provocative to the immune system, even though they are made of bacterial cell membrane. 微细胞不会引起免疫系统的高度反应,尽管它们是由细菌细胞膜组成的。
Researchers expect such attitudes make people more stressed on the job, and stress, as you know, can challenge your immune system. 研究人员期望这样的态度会让人们在工作中感到更多压力,而压力能挑战你的免疫系统,正如你知道的那样。
Combination of fundamentals, continued to fall, driven by the external disk, cannot be immune from the domestic sugar price. 结合基本面,在外盘持续下跌带动下,国内糖价不能独善其身。
Beyond delivering a description of the invader to the immune system, HSPs seem to sound an alarm as well. 热休克蛋白除了向免疫系统提供侵略者的特徵之外,似乎也同时敲响了警钟。
Taking care of the body is going to be pivotal to making it through the plagues ahead, and those with strong immune systems shall survive. 照顾好身体,将是度过前方瘟疫灾祸的关键,而那些拥有强壮免疫系统的人们将会存活。
It still, however, seems to work as a transcription factor. The result is fish that are more or less immune to PCB poisoning. 这仍然跟转录因子的作用有关,结果表明,是这些鱼或多或少具备了PCB免疫力。
But if the virus or bacterium is one that our hapless rider has never wrestled, a different sort of immune response comes to the rescue. 但如果这种病毒或细菌是我们从来没遇过的,就会有另一套不同的免疫反应前来搭救。
All of these diseases are believed to be connected to an inflammatory process initiated by the body's immune response. 所有这些疾病被认为是和机体免疫反应引起的炎症反应相关。
A company I'm engaged with has found a specific piece of the H spike flu that sparks the immune system. 我之前工作过家公司已经发现一种H刺突流感病毒。这种病毒能激发免疫系统。
Unlike other similar immune system genes, this one, known as HLA-C, is not thought to be switched off by HIV after it enters the body. 不象其他的免疫系统基因,这个被叫做HLA-C的基因,并不象所想象在HIV进入人体后停止工作。
Immunisation of four chimpanzees with the candidate vaccine resulted in a detectable and sustained immune response for at least six months. 给4只黑猩猩接种这种候选疫苗后,它们体内产生了可以检测到的免疫应答,持续了至少6个月。
" He discussed how such a cellular therapy might be one component of a future immune- modulating " cocktail. 他还论述了,这种细胞疗法怎样可能会成为将来免疫调节“鸡尾酒疗法”的一个组成部分。
Prednisone, a steroid that dampens the immune system, is often the first line of treatment, Dryden said. 强的松是抑制免疫系统的类固醇药,它常是一线药。
Disc brakes are not immune to any of these processes, but they deal with heat and water more effectively than drums. 盘式制动器并非免疫任何这样的过程,但他们处理的水热更能有效地鼓。
But the immune system could react differently if it had these antibodies before infection. 但是如果在感染之前就有这些抗体,免疫系统的反应可能会不同。
AIDS, acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome, is usually a fatal disease which leaves the body unable to ward off infection. 艾滋病――获得性免疫缺损综合症是一种使人体丧失免疫能力的通常致命的疾
No matter how much we argue against it or pretend to be immune, beauty exerts5 its power over us. There is simply no escape. 无论我们多么用力辩驳,或假装对它置之不理,美仍然对我们产生影响,而且根本无法逃避。
The market place is much tougher, and in light of what's happened in the financial markets, the art market cannot be immune to it. 市场局势更为艰难,考虑到金融市场目前发生的风暴,艺术品难免被牵连。
but in each case some component of the microbiome seems to be confusing the immune system, to the detriment of body cells elsewhere. 一些微生物的成分似乎与免疫系统融合在一起对其他体细胞造成损伤。
"In the absence of these bacteria, the immune system is thought to become more prone to allergic disease, " he said. “如果没有这些细菌存在,免疫系统变得更容易出现过敏性疾病,”他说。
He seems immune to any persuasion for he never changes his mind once he has made a decision. 他似乎不为任何劝告所动,因为他一旦下定决心就从来不改变主意。
True inner detachment manifests as the ability to think clearly and to be immune to what people think or say about you. 真正的内心超然作为一种能力可以帮助我们去更准确,更成熟的去理解人们所想的或对你说的话是什么意思。
The immune system is usually able to recognize and ignore the body's own cells and not produce antibodies against them. 免疫系统通常能够识别并忽略人体自身的细胞和不产生抗体。
Kombucha lovers call it a wonder tonic, while some nutrition experts warn that too much can be toxic for people with weak immune systems. 康普茶的钟情者都称它是神奇滋补药,而有些营养专家警告,它对免疫系统衰弱的人来说极可能是有毒性的。
If that were easy to do, skeptics say, the immune system would have figured it out and people would have lasting protection. 怀疑者说,如果不费力就能做到这一点,免疫系统早该知道怎么做了,人们也早就得到永久的免疫力了。
"It may very well be that this tolerance is lost once the immune system is no longer exposed to the allergen daily, " Wood says. “一旦免疫系统不每天接触过敏原,这种耐受性可以会消失。”Wood说。