
美 [lɔntʃ]英 [lɔːntʃ]
  • v.发射;发起;发行;使(船,尤指新船)下水
  • n.(航天器的)发射;(船的)下水;(产品的)上市;(事件的)发起
  • 网络发动;开办;使下水

第三人称单数:launches 现在分词:launching 过去式:launched

launch campaign,launch product,launch attack,launch satellite,launch project


v. n.

1.~ sth开始从事,发起,发动(尤指有组织的活动)to start an activity, especially an organized one

2.~ sth(首次)上市,发行to make a product available to the public for the first time

3.~ sth使(船,尤指新船)下水to put a ship or boat into the water, especially one that has just been built

4.~ sth发射;把(航天器、武器等)发射上天;水中发射to send sth such as a spacecraft , weapon, etc. into space, into the sky or through water

5.~ yourself at, from, etc. sth.~ yourself forwards, etc.猛扑向前to jump forwards with a lot of force

6.~ sth启动(计算机程序)to start a computer program


英语托业考试词汇大全(WORD版)_百度文库 ... out-tray 已处理文件盒 11. launch 发射;开始 13. postage 邮费 13. ...


发字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 发电机〖 electricgenerator〗 发动〖 start;launch〗 使机器运转〖 arouse;mobilize〗 ...


个人简历英文翻译词汇大全_百度文库 ... justified 经证明的;合法化的 launch 开办(新企业) lead 领导 ...


托业词汇本领书_百度文库 ... franchise 经销权;加盟权 12. launch 开办;展开;发起;开始 13. monopoly 垄断;独占;专卖 1…


自考英语二词汇表 - 豆丁网 ... neutron n. [物]中子 launch vt. 发射;使(船)下水 n.发射,(船)下水 dwarf n. 矮子;[天]矮星 ...


英语托业考试词汇大全(WORD版)_百度文库 ... out-tray 已处理文件盒 11. launch 发射;开始 13. postage 邮费 13. ...


1.11版的隐藏BOSS怎么去打啊_爱问知识人 ... [EXTRA][ 额外] [LAUNCH][ 启动] [GENERAL][ 总设置] ...

Although these kind of degrees are popular in Europe, Fuqua is one of the few business schools in the US to launch such a programme. 虽然此类项目在欧洲很流行,但福库商学院是仅有的几家在美国推出此类教学项目的商学院之一。
And on this count at least, even if the missile launch was another spectacular failure, it has achieved its end. 最终如果从这点出发,即使这次发射是一次壮观的失败,它也达到了它的目标。
The new museum building looks like a balloon lying on its side ready to launch. Outside is a real balloon ready to take visitors for a ride. 新的博物馆看上去象是一个气球卧着准备发射。外面是一个真的气球好像准备带游客去飞行。
He said he wants to launch a dialogue not just with them, but with the wider Muslim world. 奥巴马说,他希望不仅仅只是和这些青年交流,还要和穆斯林世界进行更为广泛的对话。
Mr Obama set out his vision of a world free of nuclear weapons hours after being woken in the night to be told of the launch. 在半夜里被传来的韩国发射导弹的消息惊醒后,奥巴马开始着手他的观点:在世界范围内摒除使用核武器。
The company also pointed out that hackers have been using some of these vulnerabilities to launch attacks to the user's machine. 该公司还指出,已经有黑客在利用上述部分安全漏洞向用户机器发起攻击。
A sumo into a hand-guns, to determine whether he is fit, and then aim at the direction of the fire to determine the launch. 将一个相扑手塞到一门大炮里,确定他是否合身,然后瞄准方向,确定发射火力。开炮!
Newcomers from vineyards in a dozen countries trying to launch their finest wines on the world market come to London first for validation. 来自十几个国家葡萄园的新酒商,要想把他们最顶级的葡萄酒推向世界市场,都会先到伦敦获取交易认证。
Crucially, it also maintains a 'memory' so the body can launch a more ferocious defense the next time the same invader attacks. 最重要的是,后天免疫系统还能够保持“记忆”,因此下次当同样的入侵者攻击人体时,体内能组织起效果更强的防线。
Spotify is now in eight markets, with Ek admitting that the U. S. launch took up the vast majority of the company's recent efforts. Spotify现在已经在8个国家生根发芽。埃克也承认,公司最近把大多数精力都放在了开拓美国市场上。
After more than a year of quiet work, Microsoft is expected to launch a test version of its first Internet search engine later this week. 经过1年多的准备之后,微软公司将在11月11日发布其互联网搜索引擎。
Opera's launch a week before Firefox was like any other launch, unlike Firefox's much publicized world record attempt. Opera的发布比Firefox早了一个星期,和之前几次发布一样,平平常常,而不像Firefox大张旗鼓的组织破记录尝试。
So, if I had to guess, I would bet that we'll see some sort of Chrome OS beta launch in December. 所以,如果非要让我猜的话,我打赌我们会在十二月份多多少少见到一些ChromeOS的测试版本。
NOT since the launch of Windows 95 more than a decade ago has your correspondent seen such a fuss over a new piece of software. 自从Windows95发售后的十几年,记者还没有见过一款新软件销售如此火爆。
If Sea Launch went into bankruptcy, in my opinion, it had nothing to do with the global slowdown. 如果SeaLaunch破产,在我看来,这与全球放缓无关。
Aoyama Gakuin says that this is just a soft launch and plans to make full use of the system this autumn when the new semester starts. 青山大学说这仅仅是小范围测试,他们计划在今年秋季新学期开始时全面应用该系统。
He might get a head start while they searched the cavern. But, with the launch, they'd make it up in no time. 他的确可以趁他们在搜索洞窟的时候甩开他们,但是凭借汽艇,敌人可以轻松地追上他。
We do not know when he is going to launch a missile. 我们不知道他什么时候会发射一枚导弹。
Pro-Gadhafi forces continued to launch airstrikes on Ras Lanuf, with at least four more strikes reported on Tuesday, according to witnesses. 据目击者说,支持卡扎菲的队部继续对拉斯拉努夫发起空袭,据报导周二至少又进行了四次空袭。
The carmaker is almost ready to launch out a new model in September. 汽车制造商将于九月投产新型汽车。
Starkiller seemed neither pleased nor displeased. "PROXY, " he instructed the droid, "get the Rogue Shadow ready to launch. " 对于这个回答,星际杀手显得既不满意也不是不满意。“代理,”他指示到,“让游荡阴影好做号起飞的准备。”
Let's take a look at a few scenarios and examine how attackers launch their attacks and how they might be stopped or prevented. 让我们研究一些方案,分析攻击者如何发起攻击以及如何停止或预防他们。
On the walls of two real-time broadcast of the launch of a huge electronic screen scene, was an instant red and yellow smoke filled. 墙面上两块实时直播发射场景的巨大电子显示屏,瞬间被红黄色的烟雾填满。
But believe it or not, there have been stranger things to pop up in NASA? s launch history. 不过信不信由你,NASA的航天器发射史上还发生过许多更加令人匪夷所思的事件。
U. S. officials said the launch, under whatever guise, violated the Security Council resolution. The U. 美国官员说,无论以任何借口作为掩护,这次发射都违反了安理会决议。
Samsung in Beijing said that it was no longer clear whether the launch would take place and redirected requests for comment to China Unicom. 三星在北京表示,不清楚手机发布仪式是否还会举行,并建议记者联系中国联通,请其置评。
1920s: Manufacturers and retail jewelers try to launch the concept of men's engagement rings, which sinks like a lead balloon. 1920年:制造商和零售珠宝商尝试制造男式订婚戒指,但是这个想法却像灌了铅的气球一样很快销声匿迹。
His administration did not warn Pakistan that it was about to launch an attack deep inside its territory, as if there was no trust there. 美国政府深入巴基斯坦领土发起进攻却连警告都没有,似乎是缺少了基本的信任。
Being able to build satellites quickly in a conflict is no good if your launch pads have been destroyed, however. 军事冲突中,即使能快速制造卫星,但若发射台被摧毁了,也没辙。
A year is a short period to judge such a movement: Vaclav Havel and his friends were outcasts for two decades after Charter 77's launch. 要为这样一个运动下结论,一年的时间太短了:发表《七七宪章》后,瓦茨拉夫•哈维尔(VaclavHavel)和他的朋友们做了十多年的社会弃儿。