no other

  • 网络再也没有像你这样的人;再也没有你这样的人;再没有像你这样的人

no otherno other

no other


再也没有像你这样的人 (No Other) SBS人气歌谣现场版 10/07/04-- Super Junior MV评论 艺人其他MV 聚焦 MV 悦单 饭团 专题


再也没有你这样的人(no other)(super junior)NU ABO(NU 예삐오)(f(x))星星星(少时)LOVE U(徐仁国)爱爱爱(love lo…


谁有再没有像你这样的人no other)》的mp3格式的。跪求有的好请发到chunpooh@126.com更多相关问题>> 更多等待您来 …


一道八年级英语题_百度知道 ... other 指别的,其他的,另外的,后面一般接复数名词; no other 没有别的,不是固定搭配 other…


02 没有人能够再像你No Other) 너 같은 사람 또 없어03 Shake It Up! 摇起来!


no other_百度百科 ... 100723 KBS 音乐银行 2. 没有人能够再像你 No Other 4. 真心 All My Heart ...


再没有像你一样的人了 (No Other) 韩中字幕 mvby Cynni Cho 22,482 views 4:18 对我说谎试试 姜至奂 尹恩惠 강지환 내게거짓…

A responsibility of a class describes the services that this class will provide in our system, and that no other class will provide. 类的职责描述了这个类在系统中所提供的服务,而且其它类不会重复提供这些服务。
Really, I said that if Liverpool did not want me, I would be forced to sign for someone else because I would have no other option. 我确实说过如果利物浦不需要我了,我就要去和其他球队签约了,因为我别无选择。
There is no other investment tools that allow me to have control of my wealth in my own hands other than the JFL FOREX strategies. 除了JFL外汇投资策略外,没有一个投资工具能让我掌控我自己的财富!
They had no other means of getting the truth out of the young man but by torturing and threatening. 除了折磨和威胁,他们再没有其它的办法让这名青年说出真相。
If no other messages are ready to be sent, Service Broker returns a dedicated acknowledgement message. 如果没有其他准备要发送的消息,则ServiceBroker返回一个专用确认消息。
Finally, on the fifth day, Aron realized he had no other choice: to free himself, he would have to cut off his own hand. 最后,在第五天,阿隆意识到他已经没有其他的选择:是解脱了自己,他就会切断自己的手。
No other information technology (IT) company could boast such a collection and also claim to have built each of the items on display. 没有任何一家信息技术(IT)公司可以拥有这样的收藏并声称制造了其中任何一件展览中的物品。
By the next day, the pain was much worse and she was running a low-grade fever, but there was no other sign of infection. 到了第二天,疼痛越来越厉害并且她开始发低烧了,但是没有其它的传染病的症状。
We've been production-ready for well over a year, and no other alternative implementation has reached that milestone yet. 我们一年前就有了商业产品,没有其他的实现能达到这个里程碑。
No other man could be the occasion of such delightful aerial building as she had been enjoying for the last six month. 六个月以来她所享受的欢乐只是海市蜃楼,已一去不复返,任何别的男子都不能代替它。
Morgan did manage to get a few of his men over the wall and in to the city, something which no other American achieved. 摩根最终还是设法带着少数人翻过了城墙进入了城市——完成了其他美国人只可望其项背的壮举。
but it had no other effect upon Dora tha to depress her spirits, and make her always nervous with the dread that it would be her turn next. 但它在朵拉身上,除了让她精神沮丧,总是因害怕下一个就轮到她而紧张之外,没有别的效果。
Has he got no other business but to watch everybody, follow everybody? Seems to be the supreme-most detective! 难道他除了监督每一个人,跟踪每一个人之外没其他事可做了么?他倒更像是一个超级侦探。
A apologizes for his carelessness but B is a little angry as she has no other dress for the party. 一为他的粗心道歉但是当她没有其他的刨光作为队的时候,B稍微生气。
The distance between two points is just thoughts, there is no other, as if at your fingertips, but out of reach. 两点之间的距离仅仅是思念,别无其他,仿佛触手可及,却遥不可及。
Each planet traces an orbit around the sun as if no other planets were present. 每一个行星绕着太阳作轨道运行,就像不存在其它行星那样。
No other state is quite like this: in the electorate as a whole, the white working class adds up to perhaps 40% of the voters. 没有其他的州像这个样子:在全体选民之中,白人蓝领阶层几乎占了选票的40%。
As Roy points out, HTTP is our API, so maybe a bald statement would be to say that there should be no other standard api built using it. 就像Roy指出的,HTTP是我们的API,所以也许一个直白的说法是,除了使用它,就不应该有其他标准api的存在。
He was an old man now, alone and longed for the comfort that he knew no other person would ever be able to give to him again. 他现在是个老人了,孤单一人,渴望得到慰藉,而他清楚这慰藉是没有别的什么人能够再给予他的。
Of all the spokespersons, Jiang lan is the only one who has no other administrative duties. 姜澜是所有发言人中,唯一没有其他行政职务的人。
Liu would not withdraw unless the pain was intolerable and there was no other way out. 不到万不得已的情况下,刘翔是不会退赛的。
She must see if she really wants you, wants to keep you and to have no other man all her life. 她必须确定是否真正需要你,和你白头偕老,终身不再找别的男人。
His mind shrinks away if he hears only the echoes of his own thoughts and finds no other inspiration. 如果他仅仅听见自己思想的回声而不发现另外的灵感,他的头脑回收缩。
He did not want to swing, but he continued to sit there because he had no other place to go. 他不想挥杆,但他继续坐在那里,因为他没有其他地方可去。
It is not easy to get a date for a operation like this so there was no other selection possible. 像这样得到一个做手术的日期很不容易,所以没有其他的选择。
What could I possibly say to her? Pretend it was alright. No way in hell. So there was no other option really. 我能怎么可能对她说?假装它是好的。没有在地狱的方式。所以没有其他选择真的。
You know that no other camera other than a Hasselblad gains as much instant respect among the cognoscenti as a Leica. 你知道除了哈苏以外,没有哪个相机像徕卡那样能瞬间赢得行家的尊敬。
She's like no other. And I'm just trying to make you see. 我正想让你知道她不象其他人。
This has been a strange season for Formula One; but for Massa it has been a year like no other. 这是一个奇怪的F1赛季;但对马萨来说与以往并无两样。
B: Since there is no other alternative. I think I'll have to agree with you. And what about the term of validity? 既然没有选择的余地,我还是同意你。那么,有效期如何?