no no no

  • 网络不不不;不要;不会的

no no nono no no

no no no


_旋律秋千荡_百度空间 ... Get it over with 做个了结 A murderer,no no no 一个杀手,不不不 Rihanna - Unfaithful 蕾哈娜 - 不忠 ...


Rain的全部歌曲 - 一听音乐网 ... 为你 To You 不要 No No No 然而我爱你 But I Love You ...


Don t you forget... ... i would't forget about you 我都不会忘记你 no no no 不会,不会,不会的... wherever you go 无论何时 ...


许嵩唯美歌词 ... Kent (影子): no no no 没什么参不透 I LOVE YOU, 这句话我放在心底 ...


日落大道_百度百科 ... 日落大道永不打烊 with dying young 没有你 no no no 发行:派拉蒙影业公司( Paramount Pictures) ...


Jim... ... But I'm not an ordinary man 但我不是一个普通的人 No No No 无无无 What are you doing here? 你在这里做什么? ...

No, no, no I wasn't optimistic I had just never lost faith that I would turn this into a defining event when I got out of this. 不不,他说,我可不乐观,我只是没有丧失信念,相信出去之后这段经历会改变我的人生。
She said she usually gives in to avoid tantrums. "But this time, I told him, no, no, no. " 她说通常为了避免孩子发脾气她会让步,但是这次“我告诉他,不行,不行,不行”。
We need to see what public opinion thinks about those that always say 'no, no, no, you've got to leave financial transactions alone'. 而且我们需要知道公众对于那些反对者们的意见是什么,我们已经把金融交易单独出来了。
I even don't get a say in it, then I don't accept it. Anyway, then my sister just looked at me and she said no, no, no. 既然意见也不让我提,那我就不接受。不管它。后来我姐就看着我说:“不,不,不!”
They want on my face besmear makes the greasepaint, let me also don't recognize myself, I said, "no, no, no. " 他们要在我的脸上涂油彩,让我自己也认不出自己,我说:“不,不,不。”
SKINNER: (knowing a trap is being laid) No, no. No, that's not what I said. I said he felt the X -Files were threatened by budget cutting. 斯金纳:(知道这里被设了个套)不,不,不,我没有那么说。我说他认为X档案受到预算减少的威胁。
No-no-no, it's just a bit sudden. (Listens) No, it's great. Okay? . I'm totally on board I love you too, all righty . 不,不,不,只是来了太突然一些了。不,我认为那个很好。我在出差。我也爱你。可以。
Did you see what he did? I threw the ball and he brought it back with a fetch. No, no, no. You keep the ball. 你看到了吗?我扔出球,它跑过去捡了回来。不,不,不,你咬着球。
No no no, don't misunderstand me, I said I'll take a picture for you if you want. 不不不,别误会,我是说,如果你想拍照的话,我会帮你拍的。
They want to kill my personality, grinding flat I impossibly, let me become sleek, I said, "no, no, no. " 他们要扼杀我的个性,磨平我的棱角,让我变得圆滑,我说:“不,不,不。”
"No, no, no. . . " She stumbled backwards down the front steps, falling as her bare foot slipped on the slick dew-drenched grass. “不,不,不要…”她磕磕绊绊地向台阶下退,脚踩在露水打湿的草地上,立刻滑了个跟斗。
"No, no, no! " said the man. "I want to know how he got into the house without waking my wife. I've been trying to do that for years! " 男子说:“不不不!我十分想知道他是怎么进入我的房子而没有惊醒我的妻子,我已经为此努力了数年了!”
No, no, no. I saw something, sort of a blurry thing. 不,不,不,我看到了些东西,模糊不清的东西
No. No, no guy actually wants to get married. And if they do, all they're really thinking about? All the women they're gonna miss out on. 是的。是的,没有男人真的想要结婚。如果他们要结婚,他们真的想清楚了吗?他们会错过全天下的女人。
M: No, no, no! I did not break anything. Here broke means to have no money. 噢,你没有摔断骨头,把我吓一跳。Broke在这里的意思是没有钱。上回我
Even takes that I thought were wonderful she'd say 'No, No, No' and than the next one would be much better. 即使我认为某个镜头已经很棒了,她也会说:“不,不,不”接着下一个就真的是更好了。
'You've got to say No, No, No and when you say No you piss off people. ' 你必须得说不、不、不,但当你说‘不’的时候,你就会惹人生气。
We're trying to sneak in without letting them know anything is wrong, so no, no, NO fires! 我们要在他们毫无知觉的情况下偷偷溜进去,所以不要,不要,[不要]放火!
Ross: (interrupts) No, no, no I don't want to know, don't want to know. Ok, you know, I should probably, I should probably just go. (打断)不,不,我现在不想知道,不想知道。好吧,你们说,我是不是该走了,我还是走吧。
We wasted 2 hours to talk with the manager about this thing . That rude women just keep saying " NO NO NO NO NO" . 我们浪费了两个小时与经理讨论此事,而那位粗暴的女士只是坚持说“不行,不行,不行,不行”。
Gabriella: No, no, no, I was just looking at all the bulletin boards. Lots going on at this school, Wow. Nice penmanship. 不是不是,我只是到处看看公告栏而已。学校活动真多啊,哇哦。字写得不错。
No, no, no. They are all handmade, girl. You know, the ancient Chinese women were supposed to be good at needlework. 不,不,不。它们都是手工制作的,小姑娘。知道吗,中国古代女子都得做针线活。
No, no, no, there are two men with guns trying to break in! 不不两个带枪的人想闯进来!
No, no, no, no, I'm not married. I'm single. As a matter of fact, you can call me a bachelorette. 不不不不,我还没有结婚。我单身。事实上,你可以叫我单身女士。
The can is in the cupboard on the bottom shelf. -Here? -No, no, no. The other shelf. 罐头在橱柜最底下那抽屉里。-这吗?-不,不,不。在另一个抽屉里。
No, no, no . . . - not one living soul and there is nothing (left) to say. 不,不不……——没有任何有生气的灵魂,我还剩什么可说呢。
No, no, no, I'm serious! Actually, I never lie. Uh. . . Why didn't you go out with her today? 不,不,不。我是认真的!事实上,我从来不撒谎。嗯……你今天怎么没有跟她一块儿出去?。
You think I'm neurotic? -No, no, no. Come on, I'm kidding. 你认为我神经质?-没有,这是个玩笑而已!
"No, no, no, " squeaked Dobby, shaking his head so hard his ears flapped. “不,不,”多比尖声说,用力摇着头,把耳朵甩得啪哒啪哒直响,
Saying so I raised the scissors for the sacrifice of the flowers, but she stopped me, crying no, no, no! 这么说着我便举起了剪刀要剪掉这些花,但是她制止了我,喊着不要、不要、不要。