as it seems

  • 网络看上去像;从表面上看来

as it seemsas it seems

as it seems



as的用法 ... as it may 虽然这样,虽然,无论如何 as it seems 似乎,好像,从表面上看来 as it seems good to 随便,随意;如 …

The question, then is whether the IMF's new facility is as good in practice as it seems to be in theory. 那么问题就是IMF的新工具在实际应用中是否如其理论看上去的那样好。
These examples should help you see that, as paradoxical as it seems, stress can be a sanctuary. 这些例子应该有助于你认识到也许看上去是矛盾的,可是压力成为了一个避难所。
To admit all this is, as it seems to me, to enter into the realms of miracle, and to leave those of science. 依我看来,承认这一切,是已经走进了神秘的领域,不再属于科学的领域了。
Just as it seems to have got hold of it - it suddenly runs away and starts cleaning itself frantically. 蚂蚁好像已经抓住了对方,但是又突然跑开了,并拼命地清理自己的身体。
The normal routine of the countryside has gone out of the window, as it seems to have developed the habit of doing in recent years. 乡村行的常规路线已经被抛在车窗外,似乎已发展成最近几年的习惯。
And I still don't understand why, if this is all as obvious as it seems to me, equities aren't down 20% now, rather than 2% or 3%. 如果所有的都如我看来那般明显,我现在仍然不明白为什么现在债券跌了20%,而不是2%或3%。
astonishing as it seems , this whole series of actions takes place in a tiny fraction of a second. 所有这一系列动作尽管看来令人吃惊,然而却发生在几分之一秒钟的瞬间里。
Impossible as it seems , I must uphold my ideals, for perhaps the time will come when I shall be able to carry them out. 尽管这看起来是不可能的,我仍然必须坚持自己的理想,因为我能实现理想的时刻或许会到来。
It may be a self-protection strategy, as it seems to be among other primates that show signs of sadness. 从其他灵长类动物来看,表现出悲伤可能是一种自我保护的策略。
This factor, intangible as it seems, is written into the formal standards for promotion at my own institution, Harvard Business School. 这个因素,就好像无形资产在哈佛商学院被写入了晋升的正式标准中。
and speak as it seems to thee most just, only let it be with a good disposition and with modesty and without hypocrisy. 说你看来是最恰当的话,只是要以一种好的气质、以谦虚和毫不虚伪的态度说出来。
However, there is no need to fret over your meanness, as it seems to be the norm. 但是,没有必要为你的吝啬而感到烦恼,因为这似乎是惯例。
You were pleasantly surprised to see, blazoned across the screen at Dave Patrick's lecture on Francis Bacon, "Nothing is as it seems" . 你曾经被愉快的震惊并且明白,在屏幕上描绘出的戴夫。帕特里克有关弗朗西斯。培根的演讲,【没有什么事情是它表面看的那样】。
Never Let Me Go might technically be sci-fi, as it seems to be set in the future, but really there's not much sci-fi about it. 《别让我走》可能在技巧上有些科幻,因为故事场景设定在未来,但实际上整个故事并没有科幻色彩。
As hard as it seems to do, NOW is the time for powerful self-reflection, stillness and patience. 随着日子越来越难过,就到了该好好反思、平抚内心、保持耐心的时候了。
I could hardly believe this story, as it seems to have fit what happened to me perfectly. 我不敢相信这个故事,因为这和发生在我身上的事完全吻合。
The idea that Mr Obama is applying proper standards of justice to terrorists is as abhorrent to al-Qaeda as it seems to be to Mr Cheney. 奥巴马将恰当的司法准则应用在恐怖分子身上,不但切尼看不顺眼,在基地组织看来也甚为可恶。
Once the electorate shifts in favour of a candidate, as it seems to have done over the last few weeks, it seldom moves again, they said. 他们说,一旦全体选民转而支持一个候选人,就好象前几周发生的那样,那么他们就很少再变了。
Yet the matter is not as cut and dried as it seems, mostly because of the sheer size of the funds. 不过,这件事并不像看上去的那样板上钉钉,主要原因在于这些基金的绝对规模。
It was that anyone noticed, for Mr Buffett's assertion that the rich should pay more is hardly as bold as it seems. 其不同寻常之处在于有人注意到这件事,因为巴菲特宣称富人应缴更多税的论断远不如表面看起来的那样勇敢。
Insuperable difficulties, as it seems to me, prevent from coming to any just conclusion on this head. 可是依我的意见,似乎尚有不可克服的困难,足以阻碍我们对于这个问题作出任何恰当的结论。
but, as it seems to me, to a quite other and unattainable sphere. 在我看来,美所呈现的是一个迥然不同而无法企及的领域。
It has taken the best of our technology to create this virtual world and real life will never be as utopian as it seems onscreen. 我们用最好的技术来建设这个虚拟的世界,真实的生活永远不会像屏幕上看起来那样美好。
But he said every little bit helps, and that adding an extra few hours of activity daily might not be as hard as it seems. 但是他说,这对于每个人来说还是有帮助的,每天增加几个小时时间进行运动,这并没有看起来的那么难。
But closer look at the overall classification of phases and disciplines shows that this mapping is not as direct as it seems. 但是进一步观察阶段和规程的整个分类,会发现该映射不是那样直接的。
It is a good thing that life is not as serious as it seems to a waiter. 人生还不至于像侍应生看得那么严肃,是一件好事情。
If the worst were to happen, and you were to lose your job today, would it be as bad as it seems? 如果最坏的可能发生了,你现在失业了,事情是不是真的像它看上去的那么糟糕呢?
Indeed, the world is not so wide as it seems to be. 实在,世界并不像看上去那么大。
Which explains why the Mavs and Suns are looking for any edge they can find, early as it seems to be talking about playoff matchups. 那些解释为什么小牛和太阳在寻找任何他们能够找到的优势的话,看起来象讨论关于季后赛一样早。
As inconceivable as it seems, Laurel shot that footage on September 11. Watching it, I knew I was witnessing the work of a real artist. 看着这段视频,我知道我正在目睹一个真正的艺术家的作品。