
美 [əˈsɔlt]英 [əˈsɔːlt]
  • n.攻击;袭击;突击;侵犯他人身体(罪)
  • v.袭击;使(感官)难受
  • 网络殴打;突袭;猛袭

复数:assaults 现在分词:assaulting 过去式:assaulted

sexual assault,military assault,direct assault,violent assault,physical assault
make assault,conduct assault


n. v.

1.[u][c]侵犯他人身体(罪);侵犯人身罪the crime of attacking sb physically

2.[c]~ (on/upon/against sb/sth)攻击;突击;袭击the act of attacking a building, an area, etc. in order to take control of it

3.[c]~ (on/upon sth)(向困难或危险事物发起的)冲击the act of trying to achieve sth that is difficult or dangerous

4.[c]抨击an act of criticizing sb/sth severely


词根联想记忆法词汇教程(一)|联想记忆法背单词 ... assassinate v. 暗杀,行刺 assault v. 袭击;n.攻击 assemble v. 聚集 ...


词根联想记忆法词汇教程(一)|联想记忆法背单词 ... assassinate v. 暗杀,行刺 assault v. 袭击;n.攻击 assemble v. 聚集 ...


轶字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 同本义。引申为超越〖 excel〗 突击〖 makeasuddenviolentattack;assault〗 通“溢”。水满出〖 ov…


六级核心高频词汇_百度文库 ... ascribe vt. 把…归于 16, assault vt. 袭击;殴打 n.攻击 17, assert vt. 断言,宣称;维护 18, ...


龙腾世纪2_百度百科 ... 8.Pummel 连击 9.Assault 突袭 10.Battery 殴打 ...


自考英语词汇表 - 豆丁网 ... aspect n. 方面;外表,面 貌 assault n. 攻击,袭击;(军) 冲击,突击,强击 assemble vt. 集合;装 …


【最新】GRE单词(红宝书)TXT完全版 - 豆丁网 ... assail v. 抨击;猛攻 assault n. 突然袭击;猛袭 assay v./n. 试 验,测定 ...


英语词根词缀记忆大全 ... arrive 到达 assault 进攻 assiduous 勤奋的 ...

Later, terrorist groups unaffiliated with any national liberation movement would also find it relatively easy to acquire the assault rifle. 后来,和任何国家解放运动都无联系的恐怖组织也发现得到这种突击步枪相对容易。
As he drove the armored car around the arena in preparation for the assault on the President, Buck McCoy was having second thoughts. 当他驾着装甲车在活动场所周围准备对总统发起攻击时,巴克。麦科伊正想他的心事。
The next time you beat your keyboard in frustration, think of a day where it may be able to sue you for assault. 下次你狂击键盘时,不妨想想,有朝一日,电脑可能会告你虐待。
And you can see that this looks a bit like a chef's hat, but actually that's an assault, the one in blue. 大家能看到这个图标,看上去像一个厨师的帽子,但实际上这个蓝色的图标表示一个人身侵犯案件。
Rape takes something of value from a woman. It's theft. It's assault. 强奸是从女人身上攫取有价值的东西,这是一种盗窃和袭击。
Meanwhile, the German plans for a direct assault on Norway and a lightning occupation of Denmark also were advancing. 与此同时,德国企图直接进攻挪威并且以闪电战方式占领丹麦的计划也正在进行之中。
I had been teaching my seventh-graders about World War II, and a test question was, "What was the largest amphibious assault of all time? " 那时,我给七年级的学生讲有关二战的课程,有一道测验题问,“史上最大规模的两栖攻击是什么?”
Her own passport had been confiscated by an American court after she failed to attend a hearing into a previous assault against her husband. 她没有出席一个关于她的丈夫之前被侵犯人身的听证会。之后,她自己的护照被一家美国法院没收了。
when you finally do enter utgarde keep , we want you to feel as if that assault is the logical conclusion to the events that led you there. 当你最终踏入乌特加德要塞时,我们希望你觉得“理所当然”应该来到这里。
A young man had walked up to the crowded street corner and started firing a handgun in what police believe was a gang assault. 一个年轻男子在拥挤的街头用手枪开枪,警察透露是帮会争端。
What's more, SQL injection is one of many common avenues of assault that allows attackers to take complete control of a relational database. 更严重的是,SQL注入是攻击者能够完全控制关系型数据库的攻击手段之一。
As he regained his strength and was patched back up by the denizens of the plane, he prepared for his assault on Azeroth. 而今他取回了自己的力量并重新被地元素位面的居民打满了全身补丁,他为对艾泽拉斯发动新一轮攻击做好了准备。
The stories of battle and victory have always been told, and in the past, it was up to the leaders of each assault to document the past. 战斗和胜利的故事总是被不断传述,过去,由每次袭击的领导者来记录过去的事。
"I felt like a victim of assault, amid convulsions, as if I were inside a high-speed train, " she writes. “我感觉自己成了一个靶子,全身抽搐,就好像站在一辆高速列车上,”她写道。
The ship was designed to provide medical treatment for military personnel in the war zone, in particular in an amphibious assault operation. 船被设计在战争区域中为军事人员提供治疗,尤其在水陆两栖攻击军事行动中。
He said the decision to kill bin Laden was made on the ground, by members of the assault team. 卡尼说,打死本•拉登的决定是突击队队员现场做出的。
But most seem to think the best defence against a legal assault is to produce a relatively timid redistricting plan in the first place. 但大多数共和党成员都认为要防止被起诉,最好还是起初就提出较公正的选区计划。
The sexual assault charges throw the IMF into turmoil just as it is trying to ease an escalating euro zone debt crisis. 国际货币基金组织正试图缓解日益加剧的欧元区债务危机,而这起性侵犯案件则使其陷入混乱。
Every police district is obliged to have at least one officer trained to deal with domestic violence, including sexual assault. 每个警察局至少有一位官员接受培训,懂得处理家庭暴力,包括性暴力。
The assault followed the storming a week earlier of the country's central bank, leaving at least 18 dead. 一周前中央银行的袭击事件已使至少18人丧生。
Loyalists in Sirte, the last big city in his hands, were given an ultimatum to surrender by September 3rd or face an all-out assault. (反对派)向卡扎菲手中的最后一座城市中的卡扎菲支持者发出了9月3日投降的最后通牒,否则将面临全面攻击。
Rocket attacks have been rare since Israel's massive three-week assault on Gaza a year and a half ago. 自一年半之前以色列对加沙地带进行了为期三周的大规模袭击以来,火箭弹袭击已经非常少见。
There has never been a concerted and massive spiritual assault on Islam in its 1, 400-year history. 在伊斯兰教1400年的历史上还从来没有过一个针对其宗教上的一致行动的大规模的进攻。
Robert Gates the Secretary of Defense was one of the most outspoken opponents of a helicopter assault. 国防部长RobertGates是用直升机袭击的最坦率反对意见之一。
Nobody was planning an assault of any kind, nor was anyone powerful enough to pose a threat with enough strength to justify such a fortress. 没有人计划任何形式的攻击,也没有任何人强大到足以造成有足够威力的威胁来证明这样的堡垒是必要的。
I said: " there is nothing weaker than water, and the assault fortified positions to win the mo. " 老子说:“天下莫柔弱于水,而攻坚强者莫之能胜。”
Tests later found a ligament in her shoulder had been damaged, her lawyer has said. "Cause of injuries: Assault. " 后来发现她的肩膀韧带的测试受到了损害,她的律师说。
But for "sexual assault case" itself, he said, do not know the truth, so do not stand and judge. 不过对于“性侵案”本身,他也表示,不知道真相,因此没有立场和判断。
Many a time have I been moved to pity and yet been unable to restrain impatient hands itching for the assault. 有许多次,我已心生怜悯,可又控制不住那狂躁不安的手,直痒痒地想再下手。
When Diallo reached the point of her alleged assault inthe Sofitel, however, her account was vivid and compelling. 然而,当Diallo谈到在索菲亚酒店受到的性侵犯,她的描述却是非常详细生动、让人信服。