at last

美 [ætlæst]
  • na.终于
  • 网络最后;最终;终於

at lastat last

at last


初中英语介词有哪些_爱问知识人 ... )at once 立刻 )at last 最后 )at first 起先,首先 ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... at large 完全地;详尽地 at last 最终,终于 at the latest 最迟,至迟 ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... at large 完全地;详尽地 at last 最终,终于 at the latest 最迟,至迟 ...


susen - susen - 网易博客 ... pattern n. 图案 at last 最后,终於 railway station 火车站 ...


表达“去死”,英语怎么说呢?_百度知道 ... Awful![ 好可怕!] At last![ 终于好了] Baloney![ 荒谬!] ...


高中英语常用词组归纳(珍藏版) - 豆丁网 ... at home 在家 at last 最后,终于 2 at least 至少 ...


第七期《 中国好声音—— The Voice of China 》袁娅维(At Last)vs刘悦(Feeling Good)by renman love 1,299 views 14:48 《中 …


A new day has come_百度百科 ... 9. I Surrender 我投降 10. at Last 在最后 11.Super Love 超爱 ...

'It is all I have left of my husband, ' she said at last. 'Though it is proof he betrayed me, I could not leave it in the ditch to die. ' “这个孩子是我丈夫唯一留下的,”她又说道,“虽然它是他背判我的证据,但我不能让它留在沟里等死。”
The former she hoped at last might have been accidental, and the latter she could only attribute to her own stupidity. 对于前者,她最终希望或许是偶然现象,对于后者,她只能归咎于她自己太愚钝。
At last he found a road which led him in what he knew to be the right direction. 最后他终于找到了一条路,找到一条他认为方向正确的路。
It would be a tragedy if it were to turn its back on the world when the rest of humanity is at last turning towards it. 如果在其他人最终转向自己的时候,西方却转身背对这个世界,那么这将成为一出悲剧。
For a time the news delighted labour MPs and trade union stalwarts: the city, at last, ws getting a taste of its own nasty medicine. 这条消息使工党的议员们和工会的忠贞分子高兴了好一阵:伦敦商业区终于快要得到同样苦涩的报应。
Dyke, at last alone and driving his team out of the town, turned the business confusedly over in his mind from end to end. 后来,戴克独个儿驾着大车出城,把这番事糊里糊涂地在脑子里翻来复去、从头到尾地思量。
It's taken a while for me to make an impression but I'm glad to have done so at last. 让我打动教练确实花了一些时间,不过我很高兴我最好还是做到了。
He got up at last scaled the low rock-cliff, and made his way down into a sheltered cove. 最后,他站起来,爬上低矮的石壁,往下走进一个隐蔽的海角。
The terrible motor-car drew slowly nearer and nearer, till at last he heard it stop just short of him. 那辆可怕的汽车慢慢驶近了,最后,他听到它就在身边停了下来。
And at last, Clare felt nothing but love for this passionate, loving wife of his. He kissed her again and again, and held her hand. 到最后,克莱尔除了对他热情、忠诚的妻子满怀爱意之外,已感觉不到其他了,他对她吻了又吻,抓起了她的手。
At last he opens the front door but time has run out on him. 最后他打开前门,可他已经没时间了。
Although everybody tried to catch the first bus to reach the company, they were all late at last. 虽然大家设法捉住第一辆公共汽车到达公司,他们是晚了全部在为时。
But nearly three years after declaring the system a failure, officials are at last getting ready to unveil a plan to fix it. 在宣布医改失败三年之后,中国政府终于开始准备实施新的方案来救治中国的卫生保健系统。
Even before I had finished I began to experience a great feeling of freedom and relief. At last I had said what I felt! 话还没说完,我就已经感到无比轻松和自由,我终于说出了我的感受。
Yet, at last, senior people say that Brown has acknowledged the problem, and that he accepts that it begins with him. 最近,资深人士终于称布朗已经认识到了问题,并且承认他是问题的根源。
Pinocchio is at last a real boy, earning the love of his mother. 皮诺曹最终变成了一个真正的男孩,获得了他母亲爱。
This year it looked as if labourmight at last regain some of its old bargaining power, at least in themetal industries. 但今年,劳动力一方似乎有望重获一些当年的谈判筹码,至少金属行业是如此。
The enemy infantry at last began to throw down their arms and flee the field. 敌人的步兵终于开始丢掉武器,逃离战场。
It was as if the wind and rain had lulled at last, after a long and fearful storm. 这时好象在长久而可怖的狂风暴雨之后终于得到了宁静似的。
He lost all the lands that his father had left him, and was at last shut up in prison, where he was kept until he died. 他丢掉了父亲遗留给他的全部领地,最后被关进监狱,一直到死。
By then, tears were streaming down my face, and Grandpa, not looking at me, would at last clear his throat and shuffle his feet. 这时,我的泪水流过脸颊。外公没有看我,最后清了清嗓子,拖着脚走了。
"Well, " he said to his father at last, "I will put a tail on it and make it a monkey. " 哦,最后他对他爸爸说,我要在画像上添加一个尾巴,就画成了猴子啦。
Now, at last, she was really in it. She had come up the imposing steps, guarded by the large and portly doorman. 现在,她自己也终于真的来到了这里。她真的走上了由那个身强力壮的看门人守护的堂皇的台阶。
To him, home was just like a hell. So he began to play truant and then at last he left his home. 对他来说,家就像地狱一般。于是这个孩子开始逃学然后索性离家出走。
"The captain at last relented, and told him that he might make himself at home" (Herman Melville). “最后,船长缓和下来,告诉他随便些”(荷曼?麦尔维尔)。
You sure to see other face of one in over one day, and my hands, stretch to the air at last , , But there is no whereabouts. 你一定会在某天来看看另外一个人的脸,而我的手,最后终于要伸向空气,,却没有了下落。
The men did not want to interfere, but at last the ladies forced the Baptist minister-Miss Emily's people were Episcopal-to call upon her. 男子汉不想干涉,但妇女们终于迫使浸礼会牧师——爱米丽小姐一家人都是属于圣公会的——去拜访她。
By this time I had recovered myself a little, and I said, "God will at last punish him severely. " 这时我已经略微克服了我的慌乱,我说:“上帝将来一定要重重地惩罚他。”
Does continental Europe, becalmed for so long, at last have the wind in its sails? 那么这是否意味着欧洲大陆的经济在沉寂数年之后,终于苏醒了呢?
He was touched, I suppose, because he took it at last and tied it quickly round his waist under the jacket, on his bare skin. 我想他是被感动了,终于收了下来,而且迅速地把它贴身缠在腰间。