
  • abbr.(=low explosive)低级炸药
  • n.【女名】女子名
  • 网络乐;逻辑区域(logical extent)



乐洋 分(le)洋与乐(yue)洋 你是那个读音? 乐洋leyangv1 4-12 乐洋 leyangv1 乐洋 在网上有很多人叫这个名字 也有很多人用 l…

逻辑区域(logical extent)

LElogical extent):逻辑卷也被划分为被称为LE(Logical Extents) 的可被寻址的基本单位。在同一个卷组中,LE的大小和PE …

Le Point of France: Mr. Prime Minister, North Africa has been experiencing tremendous changes since the beginning of the year. 法国《观点周刊》记者:温总理你好。我们看到,今年年初以来,在北非的一些国家经历了很大的变化。
He said Le had broken bones and that her underwear had been disarranged. 他说,乐有骨折,她的内衣已被弄乱。
"I don't know him, but if he is at Arsenal he must be good. I will be wary of him, " Valdes told Le Parisien. 我不知道他,但如果他是阿森纳球员那他肯定挺棒的,我将对他留神一点。
For almost a year now he had been staying at Le Havre, going through the money that he had accumulated during his bootlegging days. 他在勒阿弗尔呆了差不多一年,滥花从前走私时积蓄下的钱财。
The result of this incident was that le gates too rode in a carriage, whereas previously they used to go on foot. 此事的结果就是尽管副将们以前曾惯于步行今后都改乘轿子了。
le conte was right , and so are you , mr . eden , at least to an extent - how much i do not know . 勒孔特说得不错,你也不错,伊登先生,至少在一定程度上不错我有许多东西都不知道。
Seeing it in such a close distance, we were all amazed by the large scale of the ferris wheel on Yong Le bridge. 近距离的仰望永乐桥上这座规模巨大的摩天轮,我们都感到很震撼。
By turns funny and caustic, with a fine sense of oratory, Ms Le Pen's skill is to defend her ideas with principles that all voters share. 能言善辩的勒庞以风趣而讽刺的方式妥善辩护了她的主张,并且她的原则与选民的共同意愿相符。
It consists of a narrow strip along the coast at the bottom of the foothills of the Alps and its highest point is "Le Rocher" at 140m. 摩纳哥由阿尔卑斯山脚下狭长的丘陵状海岸线组成,其最高点是“LeRocher”,海拔140米。
Tesla said he had fully developed his Dynamic Theory of Gravity and "worked it out in all the details" . 特斯拉说他已经充分发展le他旳引力动态理论,并且“计算出全部旳细节”。
If I get a honey here, I be to expect he to be the kind of man, which's loving, biking or glad which le the time. 假如我有个刚出生的宝宝的话,我期望他成了那种有爱心、懂得关怀、永远愉快的人。
Le Meridien Singapore. Proving popular now that it has become even more ideal for a stay on Orchard Road in the heart of Singapore. 新加坡麦加殿,人气之旺,众口皆碑,现已成为新加坡市中心区果园路上最理想的歇息场所。
A few days ago some memory came into my eyes just like yesterday when I saw the TV show 'Kong Xi Lai Le'. 几天前看着康熙来了一些记忆浮现眼前如同昨日。
I'd driven out to her house one night and his Le Mans was parked in her driveway, her Christmas-tree lights blinking over his hood. 那天晚上我开车去了她家,他的那辆勒芒牌跑车就停在她的车道上,引擎盖上闪烁着她家圣诞树的灯光。
Le stressed how much China benefitted from the existing order, and that while reforms might be needed, a wholesale change was not needed. 乐强调了中国从现有秩序中获益甚多,但仍然需要改革,大规模的改革没有必要的。
After the meeting, we be to which le adjwen to the Rose Room of the hotel to a buffet dinner. 开完会后,咱们将休会,到本饭店玫瑰厅的自助餐厅用晚餐。
His portrait is all over the weeklies; Le Figaro magazine's cover story runs to 33 pages. 这一形象已遍布各大周刊,《费加罗报》以其作为封面故事,讲述篇幅长达33页。
Sebastien le Prestre de Vauban, the great French military engineer in Louis XIV's time, was a man with a bizarre sense of humour. 赛巴斯蒂昂.勒普雷斯特.德沃邦是法国路易十四时代出色的军事工程师,性情古怪幽默。
Le Cabuc took his gun and aimed at the porter; but as he was below, and as it was very dark, the porter did not see him. 勒·卡布克端起步枪,瞄准了门房,但是由于他立在下面,天又非常黑,门房一点也看不见他。
" Bah ! " said the Bishop. "Let us announce our Te Deum from the pulpit, nevertheless, Monsieur le Cure. Things will arrange themselves. " “没有关系!”主教说。“神甫先生,我们不妨把要做大弥撤那件事在下次礼拜时,向大众宣告一下,会有办法的。”
Wang Le: How much to rent a bicycle? 王乐:租一辆车多少钱?
Thai Le's father, an economist, lost his job and his mother, a vet, failed to find work after the birth of her third child. 陈太乐的父亲是经济学家,失去了工作,母亲是兽医,生下第三个孩子后也没能找到工作。
Some hold the point these the beautiful appearance is of away storing importance, which is visible to which le. 有的人以为相貌上的美是最很重要、最直观的美;
In 1970's "Le Genou de Claire" ( "Claire's Knee" ), a diplomat is overwhelmed by his desire to stroke the knee of a teenage girl he meets. 1970年的“克莱尔之膝”中,一个外交家在邂逅一位少女(克莱尔)后,不可自拔的产生了想要抚摸她的膝盖的欲望。
In an interview with Le Parisien newspaper he said that whatever he accomplished in life, "my legitimacy will always be on trial" . 在接受《巴黎人报》(LeParisien)的采访时,他说,不管他这辈子取得什么样的成就,“我的合法性将总会受到质疑。”
To be glad dawn a woman, you have to love her a lot or not try to understor her at which le. 要想与一个女孩子开心地生存,你必需尽量多爱她,而绝不能试图去理解她。
An unnamed senior minister told Le Journal du Dimanche there was no comment to make on the subject . 一位不具名的高级部长告诉《星期日报》,对此事他不予置评。
"For years she was a huge support. She protected me from the conflicts at home as I prepared for the Gymnasium, " says Thai Le. “多年来,她提供了大量支持。在我准备文理综合学校考试时,她保护我免受家庭冲突的干扰,”太乐说。
The arrest came four days after police found the body of Ms. Le, 24, stuffed into a wall cavity in a basement lab where she and Mr. 周日,警方发现AnnieLe的尸体被塞在了一个地下实验室墙壁的洞中,她和克拉克都在这里工作。
Saint Laurent from the beginning - he made the first "Le Smoking" tuxedo jacket. 他从一开始就为圣洛朗效力,曾制作首款“吸烟装”。