what do you think

  • 网络你觉得怎么样;你觉得呢;你认为怎样

what do you thinkwhat do you think

what do you think


《日常口语英语》 ... 183. Is that okay? 这样可以吗? 184. What do you think? 你觉得怎么样? 187. What for? 作什么用? ...


ELEGY ... Really?|真的? What do you think?|你觉得呢? Go to the theater?|去剧院? ...


中华俏夕阳 老年才艺 ... You can’t miss it. 你不会错过的。 What do you think? 你认为怎样? What’s this? 这是什么? ...


121speak_新浪博客 ... Who told you that? 谁告诉你的? What do you think? 你怎么认为? You are a chicken. 你是个胆小鬼 …


词性转换 - 饿了的日志 - 网易博客 ... There will be... 将有 what do you think 你认为如何 That's fun 那很好 ...


英语口语练习... ... What time is it? 几点钟了? What do you think? 你认为怎么样? What do you mean? 你是啥意思? ...


think有哪些用法_百度知道 ... think to oneself 盘算;自思自忖 what do you think 你认为呢;你觉得如何 think so 如此想法 ...


Prison Break... ... So what's the next step?[ 那么接下来干什么?] What do you think?[ 你怎么想?] understand?[ 明白吗] ...

Woman: So with your management experience, you must be in good position to judge your own line manager. What do you think of her skills? 女:那么根据你的管理经验,你要在一个良好的职位去判断你的直属管理者。你对她的能力有什么看法?
We haven't heard from him for so long. What do you think is wrong with him? 我们这么久都没有收到他的邮件,你认为他出了什么事?
From the point of view of a student, what do you think is the greatest obstacle between the two countries? 从学生的角度看,你认为两国关系中最大的障碍是什么?
Chief, we found a through container stowed on this port's one. So it is necessary to re-stow it, what do you think? 大副,我们发现过境箱装在本港口箱的上面,所以需要捣一下,你认为怎样?
I tripped over the skates before I even put them on my feet. What do you think will happen if I try to move when I'm actually wearing them? 我在还没穿上溜冰鞋前就被它绊倒,如果我真的穿上它移动,你觉得会发生什麽事?
Aaron: What do you think of my new koala? I adopted him from the koala rescue center downtown. I'm going to call him Beckham. 亚伦:觉得我新养的无尾熊怎麽样?牠是我从市区的无尾熊收容中心领养来的,我要帮牠取名叫贝克汉。
What do you think the impact is going to be of those documents on the debate about Iran in the coming weeks and months? 你认为那些文件在以后数周及数月中对于有关伊朗的辩论会有何种影响?
After watching the movie for a half- hour, the husband turned to his wife. "Well, what do you think? " he asked. 这对夫妇看了半小时电影,丈夫转向妻子:“喂,你觉得这部电影怎么样?”他问。
Jason: Honey, just hypothetically speaking what do you think will happen if I said I don't really want to go with you this weekend? 杰森:亲爱的,让我做一个假设,如果这个周末我不想和你去,你认为会怎么样?
Q: Niki, what was the reason for your return and what do you think is Michael's? 问:尼基,是什么原因促使你选择复出呢?在你看来迈克尔又因何复出呢?
Ok. What do you think of how the performance of magic-like tonight? "Monster" caused Howard to you how much trouble? 好的。你觉得魔术今晚表现的怎么样?“魔兽”霍华德给你们造成了多大的麻烦?
You know many factories have to stop their production (shut down) during the Olympic games period, what do you think about it? 你知道有很多企业在奥运期间暂停生产,你怎么看这个问题?
You're a bit of a conspiracy nut. What do you think? 你是个阴谋论狂人。你怎么看?
Well, when I get out of here, how about I take you and my new liver out for a night on the town? What do you think? 当我从这里出去,我带着你和我的新肝脏在外面共度一夜怎么样?你觉得怎么样?
You were one of my favorites this season because you have such a strong look. What do you think was holding you back? 你是我本季最爱的选手,因为你的外貌很强势,是什么令你没有在先列上的?
What do you think of the word "friend" ? Different people have different ideas. Let us talk. 你觉得怎么样才算是朋友?不同的人应该有不同的想法,让我们畅所欲言!
What do you think? - You look fine. I'm trying to get you to. 你觉得呢?-你看起来很好我正要说。
Chaerephon called me and said: What do you think of him, Socrates? 凯勒丰对我说:“苏格拉底,你认为这位青年怎么样?他的相貌漂亮吗?”
It's hard to do business under the great competition from thousands of stone companies in Xiamen. What do you think of it? 厦门的石材企业有上千家,行业内竞争使得石材生意变得难做。体现在哪里?
If I were to ask your friends or family members to talk about you, what do you think they will say? 如果我向你的朋友或者家人询问对你的评价,你认为他们会怎样说?
Directed by our teacher, Yuanyuan and I eventually accomplished one. What do you think of it? 在师傅的指点下呀,我跟渊源也完成了一幅。您看看怎么样?
A: Sir, what do you think about this unit? It's used to be a glass retailer. 先生,你觉得这单位怎样?它原是一间玻璃公司的办公室。
A: You've been dating Jack for three months. What do you think of him? 你与杰克约会已有三个月了,你觉得他怎么样?
And this is just from my standpoint, but it seems to me that the problem is. . . What do you think? 且这只是从我的立场观点来说,但我觉得这其中的问题就是…你怎么想的?
What do you think of the money draw from "Plastic Bag Levy" should be used for? 你认为徵收的胶袋费用,应用在什麽用途?。
Do you find the course easy to follow? If not what do you think the problem is? 你能够快速跟上课程的学习吗?如果不能你认为是什么问题?
He reached into the bush, and what do you think, there lay a fiddle and a blowpipe, all ready, just as if they had been ordered. 他伸手到布什,你怎么看待,有奠定了小提琴和吹管,一切准备就绪,其情形就如同他们已经命令。
Beijing was voted as the host city of the Olympics in 2008. What do you think of it as a senior official. 北京已被选定为2008年奥运会的举办城市。你一位的高级官员,请问你有何看法?
Do you believe in reincarnation? If yes, what do you think you were in your last life? How about the next one? 是的。你相信有来世前生吗?如果有的话你认为你的前生是社么,你的来世又会怎样?
What do you think of him? He's funny, right? 你觉得他怎么样?他挺搞笑的,不是么?