what if

  • v.应如何
  • 网络如果;如果…将会怎样;如果…将会怎么样

what ifwhat if

what if


人教版九年级英语课本单词表 - 豆丁网 ... worry 烦恼 what if 如果. . . 将会怎么样 pimple 丘疹 ...


21世纪大学英语读写教程单词表(一) - 豆丁网 ... keep up 保持良好状态;不落后;跟上 What if 如果…将会怎样? set in 到来, …


九年级英语单词MP3下载 人教版_百度知道 ... worry 烦恼;忧虑 what if 如果……将会怎么样 pimple 小脓疱;丘疹 ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... up to 多达;直到;胜任;取决于 what if 切合目前情况的 what about 怎么样 ...


Unit 4 What would you do - 九年级英语 ... 8. medical research 医学研究 9. what if 如果…怎么办 10. be late for 迟到… ...


翻译讲座 ... to the point 切中要害,切题 what if 如果……将会怎样,即使……又有什么要紧 without question 毫无疑问 ...


常用英语词组._百度知道 ... watch out 注意;当心 what if 倘使…将会怎样;即使..又有什么要紧 wipe out 擦洗……的内部;去除 ...


九年级... ... 3. be late for 迟到 如: 7. what if + 从句 如果…怎么办 , 要是… 又怎么样 如: 8. add sth. to sth. 添加…到… 如: ...

What if, by the time I finally decided if I wanted one of these tests, I couldn't buy one anymore? 如果我在政策落实之际最终决定自己需要进行此类检测,但我又无法再购买此类产品了该怎么办?
What if you were asked to develop a visual identity for a merger of two French insurance companies, in the time of financial crisis? 如果在金融危机下,有人要你为两个兼并后的法国保险公司开发一个视觉识别符,你会怎么做?
But now, he was going to have a gunfight, with a woman. A crazy woman, but not crazy in the way he thought. What if he lost? 但现在,他就要跟一个女人进行枪战。她完全是个疯子,但不是他所想像的那种疯狂。如果他失败了,结果会怎样?
What if you do not happy, I wish to tell, I am willing to share with you. 如果你们有什么不开心的事,不妨向我诉说,我愿意和你们一起分担。
And basically to ask the questions, What if art was aware that we were looking at it? 作品的概念基本上是提出这样的问题,如果艺术品本身可以意识到我们在看它,又会怎样?
Similarly, an egosurfer is one who surfs the Internet for his own name, to see what, if any, articles appear about himself. 以此类推,网络自搜者(egosurfer)就是在网上搜索自己的名字,看会不会有跟自己相关的文章出现的人。
You might have added their address to your whitelist, but what if the spam sender has spoofed (faked) e-mail address of your friend? 您可能已经将他们的地址添加到了您的白名单中,但是如果垃圾邮件发送者盗用(伪造)了您朋友的电子邮件地址,那么情况又会如何呢?
You're obviously anxious about this, but let's not get into a string of "yes but" or "what if" follow-up questions. 我知道你对此感到焦虑,但是请别重复“是的,但是…”或“如果…”之类的跟帖。
What if they cut back only a portion of the native trees, let the rest mature, and planted crops between them? 如果只砍伐部分本土树木,让其余的生长,在树间套种粮食作物呢?
I searched for loopholes. What if I'd rather sleep with an attractive member of the opposite sex than an ugly member of my own? 我拼命给自己寻找出路:假如我更喜欢跟一个漂亮的女孩上床而不是和一个丑陋的同性睡觉,那我就是异性恋了吧?
Taylor: What if I need the money for an emergency before the certificate matures? Can I get it out , then ? 泰勒:假如在存款到期之前,我为应付紧急情况,需要用那笔钱该怎么办?那时能不能把款取出来?
I had tonsillitis and I was contagious! What if I had given her some of my germs? She was in heels! 我又扁桃体发炎,而且会传染,如果细菌病毒过给妈妈怎么办?
You've heard that old adage, "It's not what you know, but who you know. " But what if you don't know anybody, then what? 你应该听过那句谚语,“重要的不是你知道什么,而是你认识谁。”谁都不认识怎么办呢?
What if he entered some text, edited it, and then decided to Undo the entry of that text but not Undo the editing of it? 如果用户想输入一些文本,编辑文本,接着决定撤销文本的输入。但不撤销对它的编辑,会怎么样?
What if I make a little bicycle out of clay and write a note that she could trade the clay model in for a real bike? 我要是用胶泥做一辆小自行车,附上个纸条,就说她可以用这个泥模型换辆真车,怎么样。
KATE Ashley, your father and I had an idea. What if you had a party with your friends. You know, kind of as a going away party. 亚瑟利,你父亲和我有一个主意。你可以和你的朋友举行一个聚会,你知道,就是那种分手的聚会。
As I drove to her house, I actually had a case of predate jitters! What would we talk about? What if she didn't like the restaurant I chose? 我开车驶往母亲住所,竟感到约会前的紧张不安。我们将谈些什么呢?如果她不喜欢我选的餐馆怎么办?
What if I got a new form of energy, what type of energy are they consuming today? 如果我搞出了一种新能源,他们现在又在用什么能源呢?
might be enough to raise anyone's blood pressure. But what if your car could let you know by just how much? 交通堵塞很容易使一个人的血压升高,但是如果你的汽车能够让你知道血压升高了多少会怎么样呢?
but what if it gave you money one out of every hundred times? 但如果你每投一百次它才会吐出一次呢
What if there was a way for any user to be notified when a new document is uploaded to a specific category? 当一个新文档被上传到一个特定类别时,如果有一种方式来通知用户,那么会怎样呢?
Pierre : Well, how much influence you have depends on how much you own. What if we up your ante to 40%? 皮瑞尔::好吧,你要知道你所拥有的影响力取决于你所占的份额,你的分担金威40%怎么样?
It makes a square on the screen just as you asked it to, but what if all your squares are not the same size? 它按照你的要求在屏幕上画正方形,但是怎样才能让你的正方形边长不相等呢?
What if I told you that you could write that free ebook in just one week, spending no more than two hours per day on it? 那么如果我告诉你,你可以在一周内写完一本免费电子书,并且每天在这上面只要花不超过两个小时呢?
What if I'm planning a long run or bike ride that's going to keep me out for a few hours? Should I eat more? 如果我要计划一次长跑,或者让我在户外呆数个小时的骑车行呢?我应该多吃点吗?
What if your friend is always too busy to get together but always seems to have a good excuse? 如果你的朋友总是看起来忙得无法和你见面,又总是看起来有很好的理由怎么办?。
What if I took one small step towards a goal that I know I can do yet seem to be procrastinating on? 如果我有一个目标,明知自己能完成,但看似已经拖了很久,那我向它迈进一小步,那会怎样?
KING: What if he took his concerns to the next step and threatened you? So shouldn't you be concerned about him? You, Iran? 金:如果他将他的担心晋升到另一个档次,对你发出威胁呢?你岂非不担心他吗?你,伊朗?
D: Me? No! What if something went wrong? What if it had the opposite effect? Absolutely not! 我?不!如果有差错怎么办?如果产生副作用怎么办?绝对不行!
Dan has asked me to go to a party with him. What if my boyfriend finds out? I don't know if I should go. 丹要我和他一起参加一个聚会。如果我的男朋友发现了怎么办?我不知道我该不该去。