
美 [ˈwikˌend]英 [ˌwiːkˈend]
  • n.周末;星期六和星期日;星期六和星期日(或略长一点的)休息时间
  • v.度周末
  • adj.周末的

复数:weekends 现在分词:weekending 过去式:weekended

spend weekend,work weekend,take weekend,come weekend,meet weekend
long weekend,good weekend,past weekend,busy weekend,final weekend


n. v.

1.星期六和星期日;周末Saturday and Sunday

2.星期六和星期日(或略长一点的)休息时间Saturday and Sunday, or a slightly longer period, as a holiday/vacation

He said he had something important to do this weekend. 他说他这个周末有重要的事情要做。
Sometimes I could be working all day, every evening, all weekend, but I wouldn't do it if I didn't enjoy it. 有时我们需要整天工作,每天晚上,所有的周末都要工作,如果我不喜欢也不会这样做。
Melissa and I will have two classes each weekend. She told me that count in me, she has found three language partners. Good for her. 梅丽莎和我每周末上两节课。她说,算上我,她现在找到三个语伴了。这真是太好了。
Karl Rove, who last week announced that he is quitting as George Bush's chief adviser, was all over the political talk shows last weekend. 上周请辞布什总统首席顾问的卡尔•罗夫在周末参加了各大政论节目的讨论。
That very same weekend I rented a truck, brought two friends to help me, and was out of the apartment before the sun set on Sunday. 就在那个周末,我租了辆卡车,叫上两个朋友来帮忙,在周日赶在太阳下山之前搬出了那个家。
The excavation team revealed over the weekend that it had found a crypt after a two-week search at an abandoned convent in Florence. 挖掘队伍上周末公布,经过近半月的搜寻,他们发现了葬在废弃的佛罗伦萨修道院内这具骸骨。
From multi-billion dollar corporate endeavors to weekend homeowner projects, were ready to help with quality equipment top-level service. 从价值数十亿美元的公司服务到造船及钻井开采领域,我们随时为您提供各类高质量设备和顶级服务。
My friends thought I was the "bee's knees" for having a "Saturday Dave" and a "Sunday Dave" both lined up in a single weekend. 我的朋友认为我简直就是个“采花大圣”,因为我可以在一个周末里连续碰到“周六大卫”和“周日大卫”。
I'll love to hear if it helps you to get more visitors this weekend. 我很希望听到你通过这些方法在周末获得了更多访客和流量的消息。
"If I were her, " he said of Ms. Drew, "I would not be celebrating over the Thanksgiving weekend. " “假如我是她(德鲁女士),这个感恩节周末可没什么值得庆祝的。”阿克曼说。
Yeah, it's great to just get out with your friends and relax over the weekend. 是的,能和你的朋友出去并且周末得到放松多好啊。
Southern Weekend reported that the case had drawn more attention than any other since the launch of the one-child policy. 《南方周末》报道说这个事件比计划生育政策开始执行时吸引了更多关注。
He was asked if the tough talk over the weekend by Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad might be enough to put diplomacy on hold. 他在被问到伊朗总统艾哈迈迪内贾德周末的强硬言论是否足以将外交手段暂时搁置起来时说:
During ski season in particular, if I get a chance to go golfing for a weekend or going skiing for a weekend, I'll always opt to go skiing. 特别是在滑雪季节,如果我有机会在周末去打高尔夫或者去滑雪,我总是倾向于滑雪。
Back at our desks come Tuesday, sunburned and a bit disoriented, we flash a cunning grin when a co-worker asks, "How was your weekend? " 星期二回到我们的工作台,太阳晒得黑黑的,并且有点在工作上抓不着头脑,当我们的工友问我们“周末过得好吗?”时,我们就会狡猾的咧齿一笑。
2 weeks of training after that first time I ran with my dad, I invited him on another run with me on a weekend afternoon. 那天第一次和爸爸一起赛跑之后,我训练了两个星期。在一个周末的下午,我邀请爸爸再跑一次。
It will be very difficult for him to play on Saturday. The doctor will continue to help him, but maybe it' s too early for this weekend. 星期六参加比赛对他来说还是有点困难。医生会继续帮助他恢复,但是本周就上场可能有点操之过急了。
The reunion comes after Miss Fanning skipped out on the "Twilight" convention over the weekend to take a college admissions test. 此前,该团聚芬妮小姐跳过了上周末的“黄昏”公约采取的大学入学考试。
In a speech at the Asia Society in New York, last weekend, she said Washington has a very broad agenda when it comes to China. 上周末,她在纽约亚洲协会致辞时表示此次来中国华盛顿有一个非常广泛的议程。
Bill: It's about time! I've been waiting for my first paycheck and now it's finally here. I'm ready to party this weekend! Whoa! 总算发饷了!我一直等着我的第一份工资,现在终于拿到了。我准备周末去参加宴会!哎呀!
Up until the weekend, it had been widely assumed that he would partner Fernando Alonso, the Renault driver, at Maranello next year. 在这周末以前,就有很多的传言说雷诺车手阿隆索将在下赛季成为他的新搭档。
My this weekend goes to these two bicycles the exclusive agency to have a look, which individuality price is higher than, I buy that! 我这个周末去这两个自行车的专卖店看看,哪个性价比高,我就买那个!
She had a brief relationship with another bird, but left him to go back to this guy this past weekend. 虽然她与其他的鸟儿有过短暂的交往,可最终在上周末她还是回到了她至爱的船上。
Margaret is in my weekend "healthy eating" class and I've noticed quite a change in her confidence over the past 2 weeks. Margaret在我周末教授的“健康饮食”班上。我注意到在过去的两周她的自信有了转变。
My five-year-old grandson refused to put his Torres shirt on over the weekend because even he was disgusted with him. 我五岁的孙子周末拒绝穿上有他的球号的球衣因为连他也很不爽这种行为。
Diego is currently out with a slight thigh strain that he picked up against Lazio last weekend, but he's hoping to be back very soon. 迭戈在上周末尤文同拉齐奥的比赛中右大腿肌肉轻微拉伤,但他有希望在不久后重返赛场。
I kind of just want to give up with everything I said that day and go back this weekend to see you all, but I can't do that. 我有点想放弃的一切,我说了一天,回到本周末和大家见面,但我不能这样做。
Gordon Brown wept in public last weekend when he spoke of facing up to the possible premature death of his son Fraser. 上周末,当英国首相戈登·布朗谈到自己可能早逝的儿子弗雷泽时,不禁当众拭泪。
But we will get to see him this weekend, so you need to tell him how much you love him. 这周我们要去看望爷爷,所以你要告诉他你有多么的爱他。
But over the weekend, as they pored through Citigroup's books, it became clear to top officials that the company needed government help. 不过在周末期间,随着他们对花旗财务状况的深入研究,高级官员开始认识到该公司需要政府的帮助。