lead to

  • na.通向
  • 网络导致;引起;通往

第三人称单数:leads to 现在分词:leading to 过去式:led to

lead tolead to

lead to


21世纪大学英语读写教程单词表(一) - 豆丁网 ... go through 从头至尾看;遍查 lead to 导致;引起 a couple of (两)个;两三(个) ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... lay up 贮存,储蓄;暂停使用 lead to 通向,导致;引起 lead up to 把…一直带领到;导致 ...


介词(主要是to)的用法_爱问知识人 ... hold to 紧握, lead to 通向, listen to 听, ...


字典中 通 字的解释 ... (2) 同本义[ open;through;unimpeded] (4) 通往[ lead to] (6) 传递;传达[ pass on;communicate] ...


大学英语三级词汇 - 豆丁网 ... lay out 布置,安排,设计;摆出,展开 lead to 通向;导致,引起 learn by heart 记住,背诵 ...


高中英语必修1至5词汇大全【人教版】 - 豆丁网 ... build up 逐渐增强;建立;开发 lead to 导致;造成(后果) focus n. 焦点; …


高一英语单词表 - 豆丁网 ... lead vt 领导;率领;致使 lead to 导致某种结果 jungle n 热带丛林 ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... lay up 贮存,储蓄;暂停使用 lead to 通向,导致;引起 lead up to 把…一直带领到;导致 ...

Anyway, one thing lead to another, and. Oh. Before you know it, we were kissing. I mean, how angry do you think Joey is gonna be? 不管怎么样,事情一件接一件,而且……呃……在你知道以前,我们接吻了。我的意思是,你以为Joey会多生气?
At the same time, it was that there was no regular sleep, can lead to increased time watching television. 与此同时,也有人认为没有规律的睡眠,可导致观看电视的时间增加。
Don't help until he's at least made a good attempt to clean it up -- even though it'll probably lead to lots of crying and whining. 在他没有做出要自己收拾的举动之前,我是不会过去帮他的——尽管这极有可能让他哭上好半天。
It seems to be sending all the wrong messages to everybody . . . It is likely to lead to more UN sanctions rather than less. 这像是给所有人发出了错误的信号…很可能导致联合国更多的制裁,而不是更少。
As everyone knows, this view is often possible to develop a passive BB bad habits, may also lead to BB hungry. 孰不知,这种观点往往可能使BB养成被动的坏习惯,也可能导致BB饿肚子。
Both sides agreed that this incident should not lead to intensification of the contradictions between the two peoples. 双方一致认为,此次事件不应导致两国国民之间的矛盾激化。
'Let's just give it a try. You know what they say, all roads lead to Rome. ' 咱们就试看看吧。你也知道的,所有道路都汇聚到罗马的。
It said the company's "deceit thus would, naturally and inevitably, lead to significant injury or death. " 判决认为,由于“该公司的欺骗,自然而然地、不可避免地导致了重大伤害或死亡。”
However, Bailey says there is no sign that this, or any other factor, will lead to a peak in the super-prime market. 然而,贝利表示,目前没有迹象表明,这或者其它因素将导致超级豪宅市场触顶。
That could lead to a resumption of the profitless growth that China is trying to leave behind. 这可能会导致中国一直在努力摆脱的“无利润增长”重现。
All I said was that, I think, given the experience of veterans, the conversational lead to conflicts would have been a lot more realistic. 重点则是,考虑到军人们有丰富的相关经验,他们在处理可能导致,争端的谈话时会更加的倾向于现实。
He said the plan would lead to higher consumer spending and increased business investment this year. 他说该计划将导致今年消费更高和商业投资增加。
The Q&A is a bit of an experiment which can hopefully lead to more interactions! ! Thanks for all the suggestions and support. 这次的Q&A是一项小尝试,希望它能带来更多的交流互动!!感谢所有的建议和支持。
That action, he said, would be a way for her to both improve her results and lead to higher personal satisfaction. 这种做法对她而言,不仅能提高她的成就,还能给她带来更高的个人满足,汤姆说。
How much do financial traumas lead to economic slowdowns? 金融创伤多大程度上导致经济低迷?
CDB recently received government approval to set up a stockholding company, which could lead to an eventual listing of the bank's shares. 国家开发银行最近收到政府批准成立一个控股公司,这可能导致最终上市银行的股份。
This can lead to massive pay out, as is often the case in the United States. 这种做法可以导致巨额的支付,美国经常就是这种情况。
Misleading someone in love is an unforgivable crime; as, if it is found out, it can lead to distrust, misgivings and a broken relationship. 不诚实地诱骗某人与你相爱是一件不可饶恕的罪行,一旦被发现,它会造成两个人之间的不信任、疑虑和关系破裂。
Those assumptions are generous, since the cuts in spending, coupled with a strong euro, would probably lead to much slower economic growth. 这两个假设都很乐观,因为缩减支出和欧元坚挺可能会导致经济增速更加放缓。
It is only a commercial banking crisis that poses a systemic risk and can lead to the sort of mess we face today. 最重要的原因简单明了:只有商业银行危机才会构成系统性风险,并进而引发我们如今面临的这种乱局。
Likewise, a pair of cozy coevolutionary symbionts embracing each other can only seem to lead to stagnant solipsism. 同样地,一对温馨相处的共同进化的共生生物看来只能演变为停滞的唯我主义[9]。
A. he gave little thought to whatsoever of the fact that this act could lead to his conviction if he was tracked down by the cops. 如果被警察抓住,这种行为是可以构成犯罪的,可他不再多想了。
This could potentially lead to a debate about whether Hood existed or not, but I am of the opinion that he did not. 关于罗宾汉是否真实存在可能引起争议,不过我认为他并非现实存在。
It is unlikely, however, that this fragmentation will lead to the disappearance of English as a language understood around the world. 然而,这种分化不大可能导致作为全世界都理解的语言——英语的消失。
And the sudden change in air pressure would lead to a nasty case of the bends, as if you were scuba diving and came up too fast. 而气压的突然改变也会引起严重的减压病,就好像你在戴着水肺潜水而上来的太快一样。
As the reception lead to fetal hypoxia, the effects of fetal brain development, and this damage is often irreversible . 由于酒会导致胎儿缺氧,影响胎儿脑部发育,而且这种损害往往是不可挽回的。
The authors are confident that their methods will lead to a sales quarter that would be the pride of any company. 作者深信他们所提出的销售方法能打造出所有企业都会引以为自豪的销售旺季。
QA is a remarkable bit of research that could lead to any number of new and useful computer programs, a la Google. 和谷歌一样,QA是一个杰出的研究成果,它可能会导致出现不知多少和谷歌一样新式、有用的计算机程序。
It could lead to a dramatic liberalisation of Europe's railways, akin to that of its airlines. 这个可能导致欧洲铁路业一次显著的自由化,类似于其航空业的做法。
If fat is wrapped around the heart, liver or other organs it could lead to life-threatening conditions. 如果这些身体脂肪包裹在了心脏、肝脏或者替他器官的周围,这将导致危及生命的健康危险。