lock on

  • na.用雷达波束自动跟踪(目标)
  • 网络锁定;锁定目标;瞄准锁定

lock onlock on

lock on


同问求一部锁定Lock on)或是?#92;鲨的宣传片。(求高清版) 我来帮他解答 回答 共1条 2011-09-29 18:03 提问者: USAF…


《红之海2》图文全功略(PS2)-八杯酒娱乐世界 ... △ BLADE 剑 R1 LOCK ON锁定目标 L1 SHIFT : 更换目标 ...


恋爱就是作战 盯上你三秒以后 目标【瞄准锁定】(lock on)战斗一直持续 一旦放弃就会 立即【死亡出局】(game over)失 …


如果你想感受真实的a-10航炮,可以去玩锁定皇牌空战Lock on)。那才是最真实的a-10航炮。


鬼泣3中文按键设置 - 已解决 -... ... CHANGGE DEVIL ARMS= 切换武器(近战武器) LOCK ON= 目标锁定 MELEE ARRACK= …

The next day, he found there was one more lock on several neighbors' doors. 第二天,他发现有好几户邻居的门上上了双把锁。
Ignition lock: Faulty ignition lock on several cars led to a Peugeot recall, check that this has been done. 点火锁:锁定点火故障导致了标致召回,检查这已经做了几车。
Its guidance software enables it to lock on to and follow a rapidly moving target, even if that target is trying to evade its attention. 它的导航软件可使其锁定并跟踪快速移动的目标,即使目标试图摆脱它的跟踪。
There's no lock on the front door from when police or whoever kicked in the door. 前门上没有锁,所以警察什么的一脚就能把门踢开。
A special case of the session locking pattern, mentioned above, is the need for a single lock on a set of tables. 如前面所提到的,会话锁定模式中的一个特例是需要对表集合施加单一的锁。
The janitor could reasonably respond by saying, "Well, the lock on the door was changed, and I couldn't get a key. " 而看门人可以很有理由的说:“门锁换了,我没有钥匙。”作为看门人,他可以有合理的借口。
Perhaps once the heart arrhythmia cinnabar mole security lock on the slow songs into the memory of other field house, the yard deep. 也许曾经的床前明月光,心口朱砂痣保不齐就慢慢锁进了记忆的曲院别栏,庭院深深。
I did ask to add another lock on the door or at least re-key the lock when I moved in but obviously there's no action taken. 我搬进来的时候就要求过,我要加锁,至少也要换锁,但是很显然的你们都没在办这件事情。
For a well optimized bulk insert, the CPU cost of obtaining and later freeing an X lock on every row can be significant. 对于经过良好优化的批量插入,由获得每一行之上的一个X锁以及后来释放该锁引起的CPU开销是比较可观的。
One reason is that the US has not yet given up on the old bargain, which gives it a permanent lock on the presidency of the World Bank. 一个原因是,美国尚未摒弃旧协议,这一协议令美国人永久性锁定了世界银行(WorldBank)行长一职。
A value of 99 is a special case that indicates a lock on one of the system pages used to record the allocation of pages in a database . 值为99时是一种特殊情况,表示用于记录数据库中页分配的其中一个系统页的锁。
The UI thread can block when the render thread acquires a lock on the back buffer to copy it forward to the front buffer. 当呈现线程获得后台缓冲区的一个锁以将其向前复制到前台缓冲区时,UI线程会予以阻止。
Attempt to acquire a lock on the primitive . In this situation , the problem manifests itself as a deadlock. 在这种情况下,该问题会将其自身显示为死锁。
A The property of this protection lock is, you can only add a protection lock on the File Server to enable protection. 这种保护锁的特性就是只要在档案服务器FileServer上加装一个保护锁便可达到网络保护的目的。
It is also the only current AAM capable of conducting lock-on before-launch engagements from inside the JSF's internal weapons bay. 它也是当前唯一可以从JSF的内部武器舱进行发射前锁定的空对空导弹。
Tracks when a transaction has requested a lock on a resource already locked by another transaction, resulting in a deadlock. 事件类的信息,该事件类用于跟踪某个事务请求锁定已经被另一个事务锁定的资源因而导致死锁的时间。
Will use recursion to acquire the lock on each bucket and rehash the elements from each bucket into a new, larger hash table. 就使用递归获取每个bucket上的锁并重排每个bucket中的元素到一个新的、更大的hash表中。
Then a request for the read-only session information does not result in an exclusive lock on the session data. 则对只读会话信息的请求不会导致对会话数据的独占锁定。
Put a TSA-approved lock on your checked bag to reduce the chances that an unscrupulous baggage handler will steal your laptop. 在检查过的包上加一把TSA-授权锁,来减少无道德行李处理人员偷走你的笔记本的可能性。
It holds a lock on the queue manager data to ensure that there is only one active instance of the queue manager. 它可以锁定队列管理器数据,确保队列管理器中只有一个活动实例。
We have changed the lock on the door to prevent the former md from get into the building. 为防止前任总经理进入大楼,我们已换了所有门上的锁。
If the lock_name is NULL, then the row contains information about two types of lock: a schema lock, and a lock on rows. 如果lock_name为NULL,则该行包含有关两类锁的信息:模式锁和行锁。
Do you know what it feels like loving someone Do you know what it feels like to be the last one to know the lock on the door has changed? 你是否知道当你成为最后一个得知门锁已经换掉的人,这种感觉像什么?
Method again after a half-second interval to attempt to retrieve the session-item information and obtain a lock on the data. 方法,以尝试检索会话项信息并获取数据的锁定。
A. It is unnecessary to put another lock on the door. 不必在门上再加装一把锁。
This is not just a matter of the Bush-Clinton lock on the presidency. It is also a matter of the way people feel about the institution. 这种说法不仅与布什-克林顿家族独占总统宝座有关,也反映了人们对该制度的看法。
Making sure that these have been completed, especially the replacement of the ignition lock on some models, is essential. 确保已全面竣工,特别是在一些型号更换点火锁,是至关重要的。
Hit Caps Lock. If you don't want to see the edges of the brush you can switch to precise mode easily by having Caps lock on. 如果你不想在用笔刷时看到它的轮廓,按下大写锁就能轻松转将画笔的光标换到精确模式。
Imagine a lock on the copy machine for which only one worker can possess a key at a time. 假想给复印机上锁,任一时刻只有一个职员拥有钥匙。
These objects can nonetheless be accessed since the stopped thread has released its lock on the object. 由于停止的线程已释放它在此对象上的所有锁,所以这些对象无法再被访问。