
美 [lid]英 [liːd]
  • n.铅;领导;领先;导线
  • v.导致;领导;引导;牵
  • adj.领先的;最重要的
  • 网络铅条;引线脚;线索

复数:leads 现在分词:leading 过去式:led

lead life,take lead,follow lead,lead way,give lead
probably lead,possibly lead
narrow lead,lead gasoline,lead owner,slight lead,substantial lead


v. n.

带路show the way

1.[i][t]带路;领路;引领to go with or in front of a person or an animal to show the way or to make them go in the right direction

连接两事物connect two things

2.[i]~ from/to sth (to/from sth)(与…)相连,相通to connect one object or place to another

道路;小路;门of road/path/door

3.[i][t]通向;通往to go in a particular direction or to a particular place


4.[i]~ to sth导致,造成(后果)to have sth as a result

5.[t]使得出(观点);引导(某人)to be the reason why sb does or thinks sth


6.[t]~ sth过(某种生活)to have a particular type of life

属最佳╱第一be best/first

7.[t][i]最擅长于;处于首位;处于领先地位to be the best at sth; to be in first place

控制be in control

8.[t][i]~ (sth)控制;掌管;领导;率领to be in control of sth; to be the leader of sth

纸牌游戏in card games

9.[i][t]开牌;率先出牌to play first; to play sth as your first card


lead sb by the nose

牵着某人的鼻子走;完全操纵(或控制)某人to make sb do everything you want; to control sb completely

lead sb a (merry) dance

给某人造成许多麻烦(或忧虑)to cause sb a lot of trouble or worry

lead from the front

带头;带动;引导to take an active part in what you are telling or persuading others to do

lead (sb) nowhere

毫无成果to have no successful result for sb

lead sb up/down the garden path

给某人误导的信息(或提示);误导某人to make sb believe sth which is not true


中英汽车词汇(十二) ... 倒空 turned letter 铅条 leads 水线 rule ...


汽车部件的英文说法_爱问知识人 ... 15.变速箱 gearbox 16.导线 leads 18.冷却器 radiator ...


国产MKA14103常开干簧管 ... Test Coil 测试线圈 Leads 引线脚 Safety 安全认证 ...




如果无法有效管理销售线索leads),销售的效率就会大打折扣,营销成本也会直线上涨;销售与营销间的鸿沟将日渐加大, …


《Friends》词汇表A ... discussion n. 讨论 leads vt. 领导, 引导, 致使 spyhole spyholen. 窥视孔 ...




* 客户管理:全面管理现有客户和潜在客户Leads)信息。具备完善的用户档案库(姓名/地址/电话等)、接触和业务记录。

The lobby features a large staircase made of teak that leads to an upper level, where the front desk is located. 大堂里,一座气势恢宏的柚木楼梯通向上一层,服务台就设在这一层。
Poor Mike, his wife leads him a dog's life with her incessant nagging. 可怜的迈克,他妻子唠叨不休,使他过着不安宁的日子。
This tends to cut down on language misunderstandings and leads to better friendships and happier customers! 这有利于减少语言上的误解,带来更好的友谊和更愉快的客户关系!
A cheap drug used to treat bowel cancer should also be prescribed to patients with a condition that leads to sight loss, say UK researchers. 英国研究人员称,一种用于治疗肠癌的廉价药物可用于易导致失明状况的患者。
It is at this moment that the neighbor's dog jumps up and bites Karl in the arm, which leads to the police being able to approach him. 正是在这个时刻,在邻居的狗咬伤跳跃和卡尔在手臂,从而导致警察无法接近他。
A road with beautifully laid asphalt is seen behind the barrier. It leads to a nice house on the valley and a helicopter ground next to it. 在路障的后面可以看到一条铺设着漂亮沥青的公路。它通向一幢坐落于山谷里的豪宅,旁边有一个直升机场。
Someone you know may give you a tip that leads you to a stunning opportunity. 这个人会给你一些建议,让你得到一个极好的机会。
Tamas suggests that giving oneself up to either one leads to a distortion of reality through either too much responsibility or not enough. 陶马什认为,给自己的行动一方导致歪曲事实或者通过太多的责任,或没有足够的。
But just as Johns new life begins, the truth about his past leads to a tragedy he would never escape. 但正当约翰的新生活即将展开,与他过去有关的真相却要把他拉进无处可逃的不幸中。
It also leads him to get rid of useless prejudices and barriers that have no reason to be for the one that knows. 这也引导他摆脱无用的偏见和障碍,他知道这些都是没有理由的。
This leads me to believe that the range of effectiveness range of situations seems to be a bit wider on Mac OS X. 这让我不由地相信在MacOSX上有效性的范围比其他系统更广泛。
While trying to rent out his properties, he found he had to list them on many different sites to get the number of leads he wanted. 他在出租房产时发现他不得不在很多网站上登记才能得到他想要的信息。
Sometimes a mother fails to be aware of their deeply-beloved children's fault, which leads to a consequence that the children do that again. 做母亲的有时候不能察觉她们所深爱的孩子们的过错.这样做的结果会使孩子们再次犯错。
If the PPP leads the next government, a peace pact with the generals is possible but the military men are bound to be nervous. 如果PPP领导了下一届政府,与将军们的一份和平协议是可能的,但军人们肯定会神经紧张。
"Propulsion, " the nine-year-old says as he leads his dad through the gates of the U. S. Space and Rocket Center in Huntsville, Alabama. “推进,”九岁的小男孩一边说,一边带着父亲穿过阿拉巴马亨茨维尔太空火箭中心的大门。
I've been looking forward to this reception for weeks. I can't wait to get some of my own leads. You know, start making new connections. 我已经期待这次招待会好长时间了,等不及要去见识一下了,以后可以多些关系。
For a user, seeing data frequently leads immediately to additional questions, or to the desire to take some action. 对于用户而言,查看数据通常会立即引发更多的问题,或者引起采取某种操作的需要。
As early as delivered in day before yesterday evening me she returned to the school time specially leads her to recognize the train station. 早在前天晚上我就送她回学校的时候特意带她去认火车站。
Oversleeping seems to be the major problem that leads to premature derailment for almost everyone who tries adapting to polyphasic sleep. 其实看起来在多相睡眠中睡过头对绝大多数人来说是一个主要问题。
Which, alas, leads me to the final strategy for dealing with the shudder and blip: keep your head down and get on with your job. 终于到了对付新老板上任波动与颤栗期的最后一个策略了,那就是继续埋头工作。
This sense of service is what America is all about. It is what leads Americans to enter the military. 这种为国家服务的意识是美国整个国家所有的内涵。
It leads to an outlay of means that should be expended in bringing the light of truth to souls that are perishing out of Christ. 它会导致耗用一笔款项,而这些款项本应用在传达真理的光给那些因没有基督而行将沦亡的生灵。
They redirect the dog onto a task that leads to a reward and then allows you to stop your training and put your dog away on a positive note. 它转而给狗一个简单的任务,完成后最终可以领到奖励,然后允许你停止训练,给狗留下一个正面的记忆。
But it was an error, both for him and for the company that he leads. 但对他自身、对他领导的公司而言,这都是一个错误。
All this leads some to argue that the Japanese system is not all that different from the American system. 这一切使得某些人争辩说,日本的这种制度实际上与美国的制度无甚差异。
As I said in certain circumstances this can be very useful but in general it leads to complete imbalance! 如我之前所说,在某些情况下这非常有用,但绝大多数时候,我会完全失去平衡。
I believe that this view is mistaken and that it leads to a host of entirely unnecessary difficulties. 我相信这种看法是错误的,而且它导致一大堆完全不必要的困难。
This is some of what forensic artists can do to help aid in finding leads that might have been glossed over by the public eye. 这是一些什么法医艺术家能够帮助寻求援助导致可能已经掩盖了公众的视线。
In the course of an unexpected return visit, working on a film, she meets a woman who leads her to re-examine how much she has lost. 在一次意料之外的故地重游中,由于她工作的那部电影,她遇到了一个女人并在她的引领下再次检验了她失去的究竟有多少。
But it may be the case that the depth of that emotional connection leads the way for a more physical expression of love. 但同时从案例上看,女同性恋倾向也是情感深处的联系引导,更多的则是她们表达自身爱的方式。